Now, like in DTI 2020, opening an outfit will go straight to the editor.
I'm not 100% on whether this is actually like. the superior behavior?
But I think it's good enough, and it's what the wardrobe-2020 code
expects, so let's just roll with it for now!
Oops, this was causing the page to render in a weird zoomed-out way on mobile!
Note that, for most of the site, we intentionally haven't added this tag yet because most of our pages aren't especially responsively-designed; so we _want_ the device's best attempt to work with that, rather than trying to enforce something.
We add jsbuilding-rails to get esbuild running in the app, and then we copy-paste the files we need from impress-2020 into here!
I stopped at the point where it was building successfully, but it's not running correctly: it's not sure about `process.env` in `next`, and I think the right next step is to delete the NextJS deps altogether and use React Router instead.
A lot of rough edges here (e.g. no styles on the flash messages), but it's working and that's good!!
I tested this by temporarily switching to the production database and logging in as matchu!
Still missing a lot of big features too, like registration, password resets, settings page, etc.
We've already swapped out the backend for this stuff to Impress 2020, so the resque task and the broken image report UI aren't actually relevant anymore. Delete them!
This helps us delete Resque soon too.