Matchu 5ba711a413 Delete outfits/show page, point to the editor instead
Now, like in DTI 2020, opening an outfit will go straight to the editor.

I'm not 100% on whether this is actually like. the superior behavior?
But I think it's good enough, and it's what the wardrobe-2020 code
expects, so let's just roll with it for now!
2023-10-24 18:02:18 -07:00

22 lines
663 B

- title( || t('.default_outfit_name'))
- if @outfit
- open_graph type: 'openneo-impress:outfit', title: yield(:title),
url: outfit_url(@outfit)
- if @outfit.image?
- open_graph image: absolute_url(@outfit.image.url)
!!! 5
%meta{charset: 'utf-8'}
%meta{name: 'viewport', content: 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1'}
- if content_for? :title
= yield :title
| #{t 'app_name'}
%link{href: image_path('favicon.png'), rel: 'icon'}
= stylesheet_link_tag 'fonts'
= javascript_include_tag 'wardrobe-2020-page', defer: true
= open_graph_tags