Oh oops, I added an optional `subtitle` argument for the item table
list row template, but didn't realize that it would crash in cases when
not provided! Now, we add an initializer to set it to `nil` if
Note that there's a known performance issue here: we should try to
fetch all the OWLS values at once, instead of doing them in sequence
while rendering the page!
Now, for colors like Mutant or Magma where there's no paint brush
image to show, we use a sample pet image instead, to help it have equal
visual weight and clarity as the cases with the paint brushes.
We do some cleverness in here to make sure to always show the relevant
species, if possible!
Ohh yeah, this helps communicate the process much better, especially
for what the Shops/Trades links mean.
I think I'm gonna also go get the paint brush thumbnail images and add
them to the database too, to help better communicate that this is a
paint brush item situation.
Clearer focus states, row changes bg color on hover/focus to help you
track where you are, remove the redundant image thumbnail link from the
tab order (it's the same as the item name link!)
As part of this, I added a new `search_icon` helper, and a new
`button_link_to` helper, which both styles the link as a button and
accepts an `icon` parameter to make it easier to pass in an icon!
This helps us be more efficient with our use of space, keep the CTAs well
aligned, show a clear total, and set up how we might do CTAs for more complex
cases like all the potential Neopoint CTAs like Wiz/Trades/Auction/etc!
Now that we have this helper, we no longer need these stylesheets to
include a `body.controller-action` wrapper to scope all the styles!
Someday we should convert more of our stylesheets to this format,
instead of slamming them all into `application.sass` like we do now.
Ah, well!
NC prices, some CSS, and also a new application-level helper that adds
a feature I've long wanted and been working around for Turbo: the
ability to specific that a stylesheet is specific to the current page,
and should be unloaded when removed!
I use this to write `sources.sass` without the usual
`body.items-sources` scoping that we've historically used to control
what pages a stylesheet applies to. (In the long past, this was because
a lot of stylesheets were—and still are–routed through the
`application.sass` stylesheet! But even for more recent standalone page
stylesheets, I've done the scoping, to avoid issues with styles leaking
beyond the page they're meant for when Turbo does a navigation.)
This'll affect the recommended acquisition method by a lot!
NC Mall info like current price isn't surfaced anywhere else in the app
right now. It'd probably be good to add to the item page, and maybe
some other places too!
TNT requested that we figure out ways to connect the dots between
people's intentions on DTI to their purchases in the NC Mall.
But rather than just slam ad links everywhere, our plan is to design an
actually useful feature about it: the "Item Getting Guide". It'll break
down items by how you can actually get them (NP economy, NC Mall,
retired NC, Dyeworks, etc), and we're planning some cute actions you
can take, like shortcuts for getting them onto trade wishlists or into
your NC Mall cart.
This is just a little demo version of the page, just breaking down
items specified in the URL into NC/NP/PB! Later we'll do more granular
breakdown than this, with more info and actions—and we'll also like,
link to it at all, which isn't the case yet! (The main way we expect
people to get here is by a "Get these items" button we'll add to the
outfit editor, but there might be other paths, too.)
I refresh the image and UI color here to draw attention to the change!
I also delete the `neopass-thumbnail.png` image, since it's no longer
used anywhere anymore, but I would not be surprised if we want it back
someday and need to revive it from history!
Just a lil blurb to make sure it's clear that NC sales and stuff are
forbidden! I imagine the people doing it know this, but I want to make
sure we're being explicit, in case there's any element of
In particular, we got feedback that it was surprising to not get to
check which NeoPass you wanted to use, and that the permissions were
never prompted again. I figure let's err on the side of ample clarity!
As part of this, I've added the new `external_link_icon` global helper,
which embeds an SVG from Chakra UI. That's just the convenient place I
know to grab that icon, and I did it this way instead of an `img` tag
because that enables the `currentColor` thing to work instead of coming
out black!
Not getting a lot of takers, I think it was wise to start small just in
case, but there doesn't seem to be a floodgate problem, so let's remove
the limitations and increase the ask! (But still not a full launch yet,
because I want to funnel people through the feedback process first.)
Got the icon and background style from Neopets.com! I didn't quite copy
the whole button style, both because getting it to play nice with our
existing styles didn't *immediately* work, but also because I think
this works out as a really good compromise between our two styles
Ahh okay tricky lil thing: if you show the settings page with a partial
change to `AuthUser` that didn't get saved, it can throw off the state
of some stuff. For example, if you don't have a password yet, then
enter a new password but leave the confirmation box blank, then you'll
correctly see "Password confirmation can't be blank", but you'll *also*
then be prompted for your "Current password", even though you don't
have one yet, because `@auth_user.uses_password?` is true now.
In this change, we extend the Settings form to use two copies of the
`AuthUser`. One is the copy with changes on it, and the other is the
"persisted" copy, which we check for parts of the UI that care about
what's actually saved, vs form state.
Simplified this a bit into a helper. It's kinda odd to me, but
convenient for this moment, that Rails allows views to read `params`! I
guess it's for escape hatches exactly like this! lol
including validation logic to make sure it's not already connected to
another one!
The `intent` param on the NeoPass form is part of the key! Thanks
OmniAuth for making it easy to pass that data through!
I'm getting ready to add handling for "what if you don't *have* a
current password*??", so it seems like the right way to do that is to
just eject the controller and start customizing!
This is more consistent with the `uses_omniauth?` we already have, and
it also will help for the next change, where I want a `uses_password?`
method (and using the name `password?` breaks some of Devise's
validation code).
Ahh right, in development `User` and `AuthUser` will have the same ID,
but that got messed up early on for us in production DTI 😅
Here, we switch the form to reference the `User` instead of the
`AuthUser` (to get the ID right), then we also change how we compare
the IDs, because `User#to_param` appends extra text onto the ID after
the number!
Motivation is that I wanna add NeoPass stuff to here! But also like,
it's looked bad for a long time, let's clean it up!! (I just used the
Devise default without any styling at all lol)
In this change, we wire up a new NeoPass OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth,
and hook up the "Log in with NeoPass" button to use it!
The authentication currently fails with `invalid_credentials`, and
shows the `owo` response we hardcoded into the NeoPass server's token
response. We need to finally follow up on the little `TODO` written in
If you pass `?neopass=1` (or a secret value in production), you can see
the "Log in with NeoPass" button, which currently takes you to
OmniAuth's "developer" login page, where you can specify a name and
email and be redirected back. (All placeholder UI!)
We're gonna strip the whole developer strategy out pretty fast and
replace it with one that uses our NeoPass test server. This is just me
checking my understanding of the wiring!
I noticed an issue where Turbo-loading between the Your Items page and
the homepage would clobber each other's copy of jQuery, breaking things
sometimes. e.g. go to Your Items, then go to home, then go to Your
Items, and the page's JS fails because `$.fn.live` isn't defined.
I briefly tested the homepage and it didn't seem to actually depend on
any features from the later version of jQuery? At least not that I
noticed! So I'll just downgrade for consistency. (I also tried
upgrading the Your Items page, but there's too much usage of
`$.fn.live`, which is replaced with a notably different syntax in
jQuery 2.0+.)
First one, Turbo reasonably yelled at us in the JS console that we
should put its script tag in the `head` rather than the `body`, because
it re-executes scripts in the `body` and we don't want to spin up Turbo
multiple times!
I also removed some scripts that aren't relevant anymore, fixed a bug
in `outfits/new.js` where failing to load a donation pet would cause
the preview thing to not work when you type (I think this might've
already been an issue?), reworked `item_header.js` to just run once in
the `head`, and split scripts into `:javascripts` (run once in `head`)
vs `:javascripts_body` (run every page load in `body`).
Got some questions in Discord about account unlinking, and seeing
people look ahead to other potential integrations. Want to clarify that
unlinking will work here (barring any surprises!), and that there's no
data sharing _just_ yet!
Someone requested this in Discord, and I figured why not! I'm still
planning to move stuff away from Impress 2020 over time, I just figure
may as well have them more linked while this is still The Reality
This doesn't really matter, I just didn't realize the `.html` part was
optional, and I guess I omitted it here without realizing? But let's
add it for consistency.
Oh right, we don't have Rails UJS going on anymore, which is what
handled the confirmation prompts for deleting lists. Turbo is the more
standard modern solution to that, and should speed up certain
pageloads, so let's do it!
Here I install the `turbo-rails` gem, then run `rails turbo:install` to
install the `@hotwired/turbo-rails` npm package. Then I move
`application.js` that's run all on pages but the outfit editor into our
section of JS that gets run through the bundler, and add Turbo to it.
I had to fix a couple tricky things:
1. The outfit editor page doesn't play nice with being swapped into the
document, so I make it require a full page reload instead.
2. Prefetching the Sign In link can cause the wrong `return_to` address
to be written to the `session`. (It's a GET request that does, ever
so slightly, take its own actions, oops!) As a simple hacky answer,
we disallow prefetching on that link.
Haven't fixed up the UJS stuff for confirm prompts to use Turbo yet,
that's next!
I think this is the more canonical place for stuff like this these days!
It's nice to be able to just say the short name when calling `render`.
Here's the answer I looked up about it: https://stackoverflow.com/a/9892081/107415
My immediate motivation is that I'm looking at creating more About
pages, and thinking about where to put them; I think maybe we trash the
`StaticController`, move these partials out to here, and move terms
into a new `AboutController`?
I *think* what I'm observing is that:
1. The zone restrictions are different between these items.
2. The zone restrictions *change* when reloading the page sometimes. (I
assume from remodeling?)
3. The items look very buggy on many pets, because many appearances
seem to expect different zone restrictions than the item actually
I think what this means is:
1. TNT has finally unbound restricted zones from the item level, and
allowed different appearances to have different restrictions. Neat!
2. The API still serves it the same way, as a field on the item.
So I think this means we need to update our schema to reflect the fact
that an item's `zones_restrict` field isn't *really* a property of the
item; it's a property of the combination of the item and the current
body ID.
My gut take here is that maybe this means it's time for the Large
Refactor that I've kinda been interested in for a while, but been
avoiding because of Impress 2020 compatibility issues: instead of a
`body_id` field on assets, and having them directly belong to items,
make an `ItemAppearance` record (closer to how 2020's GQL API modeled
it, I was looking ahead to this possibility!) that's keyed on item and
body ID, and assets belong to *that*.
Then, we could move the zones restriction field onto the
`ItemAppearance` record instead. And then it doesn't really matter to
us how TNT models it internally; whatever we saw is what we use.
(Again, I looked ahead to this in the 2020 app, and tried to use the
`restrictedZones` field on `ItemAppearance` when possible—even though
it secretly just reads directly from the `Item`!)
…but that's a pretty big departure from how things are modeled now, and
isn't something we can just throw together—especially coordinating it
across both apps. I was getting close to being able to shut off 2020
from a *front-facing* perspective (but still keeping a lot of the GQL
endpoints open for the wardrobe-2020 frontend), but I don't think we're
very close to being able to try to target turning off 2020's *backend*
as a prereq to this; or at least, if we do, we should expect that to
take a while. (Counting now, there's still 9 GQL queries—not as many as
I expected tbh, but still quite a few.)
So idk how to sequence this! But for now, let's put out a warning, and
start setting expectations.
Okay, so I still don't know why rendering is just so slow (though
migrating away from item translations did help!), but I can at least
cache entire closet lists as a basic measure.
That way, the first user to see the latest version of a closet list
will still need just as much time to load it… but *only* the ones that
have changed since last time (rather than always the full page), and
then subsequent users get to reuse it too!
Should help a lot for high-traffic lists, which incidentally are likely
to be the big ones belonging to highly active traders!
One big change we needed to make was to extract the `user-owns` and
`user-wants` classes (which we use for trade matches for *the user
viewing the list right now*) out of the cached HTML, and apply them
after with Javascript instead. I always dislike moving stuff to JS, but
the wins here seem. truly very very good, all things considered!
From an era when we didn't have that! Now we do!
(My motivation is that I'm trying to add new JS to this page and errors
in stickUp are crashing the page early, womp womp!)
Impress 2020 has had this for a while, I've wanted it for reference on
occasion, let's bring it in!
Very similar logic, and Ruby & Rails's date affordances are super
helpful for simplifying how to express it!
The homepage used to point to old projects that don't work anymore
anyway! This is the only project that stuck, so just redirect here!
We also remove the openneo.net link from the footer, because there's
nothing useful to say there anymore!
It hasn't been updated in a long time, let's just be rid of it!
It's possible I'll replace it with another blog sometime if we get the
chance to do more development work, it could be a useful way to improve
communication—but not yet!
Mostly this is just me testing out what it would look like to
modularize the app more… I've noticed that some concerns, like
fundraising, are just not relevant to most of the app, and being able
to lock them away inside subfolders feels like it'll help tidy up
long folder lists.
Notably, I haven't touched the models case yet, because I worry that
might be a bit more complex, whereas everything else seems pretty
well-isolated? We'll try it out!
A little architecture trick here! DTI 2020 authorizes support staff
requests by means of a secret token, instead of user account stuff. And
our support tools still all call DTI 2020 APIs.
So here, we bridge the gap: we copy DTI 2020's support secret to this
app's environment variables (I needed to update
`deploy/files/production.env` and run `bin/deploy:setup` for this!),
then users with the new `support_secret` flag have it added to their
HTML documents in the meta tags. Then, the JS reads the meta tag.
I also fixed an issue in the `deploy/setup.yml` playbook, where I had
temporarily commented some stuff out to skip steps one time, and forgot
to uncomment them after oops lol!
To activate this, I created a `.env.development` file in my project
root, with the following content:
Then, I started impress-2020 with `yarn dev --port=4000`.
Now, the app loads from there, hooray!! It even fixes that obnoxious
pet state ID bug that happens when you run against the production db lol
Using good ol'-fashioned cookies! The JS sets it, and then Rails reads
it on pageload. That way, there's no flash of content for it to load in
after JS loads.
If your first wanted list was created before your first owned list,
then `false` would come before `true` in the keys of
I both fixed this to be more consistent at the model level, because who
likes unpredictable behavior? But also downstream at the view I
hardcoded that true should come before false, because that's a UI
concern that I want to be encoded in the view regardless of what's
It was a bit tricky to figure out the right API for this, since I'm
looking ahead to the possibility of splitting these across multiple
pages with more detail, like we do in DTI 2020.
What I like about this API is that the caller gets to apply, or not
apply, whatever scopes they want to the underlying hanger set (like
`includes` or `order`), without violating the usual syntax by e.g.
passing it as a parameter to a method.
I guess I deleted this a while ago without really noticing… I think I'd
at some point like to replace this with like, the DTI 2020 improved
table layout thing, but I figured this would be pretty quick to throw
in and make the page not feel like a pain to use lmao
Oh yeah, a long-standing limitation. Good thing we're better at stuff
This is also probably the real cause of the weird number of slight
discrepancies between main DTI and DTI 2020 when I eyeballed stuff lol
oh, well, that and the missing default-lists. A bit messy!
Self-hosted Plausible instance! I have need of usage numbers again,
after a good few years of just not using it; but I don't want to send
the data to Google, and I enjoy self-hosting things, so here we have it!
There was a static page explaining it, which we no longer link to; and
there was an unused field in the User model for who was a beta tester
for it. Goodbye!
There was a time when I used an old proxy server to try to fix mixed
content issues, and I eventually removed it but never took the tendrils
out from the code.
We probably _should_ figure out how to secure these URLs! But until
then, we may as well simplify the code.
This hasn't worked for a while, and I don't know an API off the top of
my head to drop in for it. Let's just delete it for now, and revisit it
later if we want to!
Just sharing this out to gather info, since this might be coming kinda
I also moved the announcement higher up in the template, because it
gets broken on the user lists page which uses floats quite a bit for
the site header—and tbh I feel like this is better anyway lol.
This came in a few parts!
1. Add meta tags to let us know we're logged in.
2. Install React Query, which has the data-loading sensibilities I like
about Apollo without the GraphQL that has honestly been a drag.
3. Replace the outfit-loading and outfit-saving calls with API calls to
the main app.
4. Update the main app's API calls to use our more flexible data
constructs like "pose".
Would've loved to do this more incrementally, but it's hard to! You
can't split out outfit-loading and outfit-saving, or auth from any of
that, or the state gets all out-of-sorts.
Still, this is a good nugget we've pulled out all-in-all, and one that
people have been asking for! Can maybe look to logged-in item search
soon too, for own/want data?
The URL anchors were getting like. double-encoded? The `closet[]` part
was encoding as `closet%255B%255D`. Maybe a thing in Rails, where you
need to mark them `html_safe` to insert them in a URL like that?
Well anyway, those URLs are redundant now, I just have it link straight
to the same outfit page as the big link!
Now, like in DTI 2020, opening an outfit will go straight to the editor.
I'm not 100% on whether this is actually like. the superior behavior?
But I think it's good enough, and it's what the wardrobe-2020 code
expects, so let's just roll with it for now!
I hope this doesn't cause problems! But yeah, with Puma doing threading, and maybe switching to Falcon someday to get even better concurrency properties, I feel like this will probably be fine?
And it makes the UX a loootttt better, to be back in the world where all these forms just work, whew.
Oops, this was causing the page to render in a weird zoomed-out way on mobile!
Note that, for most of the site, we intentionally haven't added this tag yet because most of our pages aren't especially responsively-designed; so we _want_ the device's best attempt to work with that, rather than trying to enforce something.
Eyyy tasty! There were some issues with conflicting styles with the main app, but I think we got it!
Scoping Chakra's CSS reset was a big deal to not accidentally overwrite the app's own styles lol, and we had to solve a specificity problem for that, thanks Aria for the :where tip!! <3
We add jsbuilding-rails to get esbuild running in the app, and then we copy-paste the files we need from impress-2020 into here!
I stopped at the point where it was building successfully, but it's not running correctly: it's not sure about `process.env` in `next`, and I think the right next step is to delete the NextJS deps altogether and use React Router instead.
In the login case, we save the `return_to` parameter in the session, because login can be a multi-step process.
In the logout case, we just read it directly from the form params.
Note that you *could* end up in a weird scenario where an old return_to value sticks around for a bit? But we have the sense to delete it when we use it on a successful sign-in, and most links to the login page come with a `return_to` param which should reset it. So, you'd have to 1) have started but not finished a sign-in, 2) during the same session, and 3) get to the login page by an unusual means.
Probably fine!
This is a bit more standard, and has the bonus of being compatible with Devise, which is using `flash[:notice]` and so its flashes were coming out unstyled, oops!
Hey nice!!
Note that I removed an account delete button from the settings page. You can still send a DELETE request to the right endpoint to do it, but it's not gonna delete all the associated records, and I wanna think a bit about how to handle that better before exposing that button.