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1127 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
513fcba1d6 Version the http_accept_languages gem
idk why we were pulling from git before, probably to get a feature that wasn't pushed to rubygems yet? But now the latest rubygems version matches the latest repo commit (both back in 2017 lol), so let's do that for greater stability and clarity!
2023-08-02 13:24:56 -07:00
c58dd5be86 Delete character_encodings gem used only in 1.8
We're not on Ruby 1.8 anymore, so this never happens anyway!
2023-08-02 13:22:34 -07:00
89b3282d4d Remove RightAWS gem
We're not connecting to AWS directly anymore, now that we deleted the SWF conversion stuff, so we can finally clear this out!
2023-08-02 13:20:22 -07:00
c44daea318 Delete Camo references & Addressable gem
At one point we piloted a "Camo" service to proxy HTTPS image urls for us, but it doesn't exist anymore.

We already have proxies and stuff for this, so I left `Image` as a placeholder for this, but it's not working yet!

This also deletes our final reference to the Addressable gem, so we can remove it!
2023-08-02 13:16:22 -07:00
7e3658d329 Remove mall spider cron jobs
I don't think these work anymore, and our volunteers get new items into the db fast anyway, Impress 2020 is doing better spidering these days. And then we get to remove the cron job `whenever` gem!
2023-08-02 13:11:51 -07:00
5ff10673d5 Uninstall Airbrake
Haven't checked it in forever, if we want an error reporting solution we'll create it fresh!
2023-08-02 13:08:58 -07:00
8ff3b2bc1e Uninstall mini_magick
I think this was probably part of the swf converters or something? Seems unused now though!
2023-08-02 13:07:57 -07:00
e11cfbf016 Remove OutfitImageUploader and Carrierwave
Ok right, missed this in the outfit image stuff deletion, get rid of the code and library we were using to push those images up to S3!
2023-08-02 13:07:29 -07:00
264ea37e1a Delete WardrobeTip model
lmao I have zero recollection of this, I've been generally trying to avoid too-far-off-the-path cleanup, but this one just seems silly, goodbye
2023-08-02 13:05:30 -07:00
b8559f33cb Clarify image path methods for SwfAsset
Using `s3_path` and stuff made it sound like we were still referencing the original Amazon S3 images - but actually our new asset proxy just uses the same path structure, and we didn't change anything about it.

Oh also I deleted an after_conversion method that isn't used anymore, forgot about that!
2023-08-02 13:00:44 -07:00
8a20c9be02 Uninstall resque
Yay, we've deleted all our background tasks!

We'll probably want to replace some of the basic functionality like certain caching? But we can deal with that as we run into it.

The direct motivation here was a seeming version conflict between Rails 4.2's rack dependency and latest Resque's rack dependency... but this is just nice complexity elimination regardless, we want this anyway :3
2023-08-02 12:53:56 -07:00
225f784732 Remove outfit image saving
This has already been moved to Impress 2020 too, so we can delete all the image generation and saving!
2023-08-02 12:51:10 -07:00
9de50deb3c Remove SWF conversion
We've already swapped out the backend for this stuff to Impress 2020, so the resque task and the broken image report UI aren't actually relevant anymore. Delete them!

This helps us delete Resque soon too.
2023-08-02 12:43:45 -07:00
ab67dc361e Remove rails-observers
We deleted all the observers, so now we can delete this too!
2023-08-02 12:30:05 -07:00
2de9e9f45a Stop caching trade users on item page
Idk this one might actually be a bit of a pain to load? But I'd want to optimize it differently anyway, and there's overhauls we're already planning to do here.
2023-08-02 12:29:34 -07:00
caa0859a2d Stop caching pet type images on item page
That's easy queries and easy templates!
2023-08-02 12:22:39 -07:00
99910aff6a Stop caching item page contributors
This lets us remove the contribution observer too!
2023-08-02 12:10:38 -07:00
f277ad9ffd Oops, remove item_observer from config 2023-08-02 12:08:48 -07:00
c9e00f1d7c Stop caching latest contribution
That's another tiny query that I'm okay with just removing the cache overhead complexity for right now!
2023-08-02 12:04:09 -07:00
596c2a1320 Remove unused "outfits#new newest_items" cache
Huh! This cache key seemed to only be referenced in checks and expirations, but was never actually used! So I guess we've been loading the modeling predictions every time for a while huh??

We'll get smarter about that someday, but anyway, that lets us delete our Item resque tasks and ItemObserver!
2023-08-02 12:02:19 -07:00
e9c16891c8 Remove newest_items caching from items page
Yeah I'm very unconvinced of the merit of saving us one items/translations query lmao
2023-08-02 11:47:03 -07:00
3ea22e6977 Remove as_json item caching
Again I'm just not convinced of the perf on this, and it enables us to delete some whole infra over it, we can improve it another time if it's useful to!
2023-08-02 11:41:19 -07:00
beb5c14d42 Simplify item page rendering
Just removing some caching and the expiration of it! There's still more superfluous(?) caching on the item page to audit, but these seem a bit more sensible about avoiding loading extra data.
2023-08-02 11:38:10 -07:00
263670a013 Simplify item_link rendering
In the interest of clearing out Resque, I'm just gonna remove a lot of our more complex caching stuff, and we can do a perf pass for things like big item list pages once everything's upgraded. (I'm hopeful that the upgrades themselves improve perf; and if not, that some improved sensibilities 10 years later can find simpler approaches.)
2023-08-02 11:34:27 -07:00
8c5335f018 Oops, remove some remaining references to Flex
We uninstalled Flex, our Elasticsearch gem, to replace item search with direct DB queries; but I forgot these calls, oops!

I also kinda want to see about deleting the resque tasks altogether, since I'm not sure how to get Resque installed on latest rails bc there seems to be a conflict over the version of Rack? And it'd be nice to get rid of the complexity if we can.
2023-08-02 11:18:37 -07:00
47c7b6329f Reimplement Advanced Search
Oh I uhhh flat out forgot about this LMAO

well it's back now!! and was pleasantly easy to build, following the `from_text` example & abstractions
2023-07-29 13:14:23 -07:00
578c59ce04 Oops, fix ambiguous zones_restrict column
When combining occupies and restricts filters, this wouldn't be sure whether to apply to the items or the swf assets.
2023-07-29 13:11:53 -07:00
bc5241d087 Oops, add unowned & unwanted support to search!
Uhhh idk how I messed this up, but right, wanting is not the opposite of owning, LOL!
2023-07-29 13:10:18 -07:00
5a362d8048 Fix item data not loading
Oops, finder options were removed! That's fine, the `:select` on here isn't useful anyway, and I'd rather just load everything and be simpler lol
2023-07-29 12:18:22 -07:00
f3aef18e27 Convert has_many conditions to where block
Looks like `conditions` was removed in this version! This broke outfit saving. Now it's fixed!
2023-07-29 12:13:58 -07:00
69c98ec35e Use all instead of scoped
Back in the day, `all` would immediately load up a query into an array, but now I think it's an alias for what `scoped` used to be: a relation that contains everything.
2023-07-29 12:06:26 -07:00
3c567e0ba1 Set up development database in Vagrant
Just a lil bit of extra provisioning and config! We also added some more to the `seeds.rb` task, to set up records that the app expects to exist.
2023-07-29 11:58:24 -07:00
df629368d3 Rename ClosetList.public -> publicly_visible
This removes a conflict with a new Rails method `.public` on the model!
2023-07-29 11:55:26 -07:00
b0219ddfef Update gems to Rails 4.1 (crashes!)
Lookin' good on this end, but the server isn't starting up yet, got some fixes to make!
2023-07-29 11:33:39 -07:00
537a8f0dc7 Remove protected_attributes gem
We cleaned up all the `attr_accessible` calls, hooray! This was blocking us from upgrading to Rails 5, so now we can!
2023-07-29 11:27:23 -07:00
d1fbc1b178 Use strong parameters for ClosetHanger 2023-07-29 11:25:25 -07:00
a2bd538bb4 Use strong parameters for ClosetList 2023-07-29 11:22:15 -07:00
32b1608346 Drop NewsPosts model
We never ended up really using this lol, and it has an attr_accessible I want to be rid of so let's just fully trash it while we're at it!
2023-07-29 11:19:37 -07:00
59580ab47b Use strong parameters for User 2023-07-29 11:07:14 -07:00
4250e009d7 Use strong parameters for Outfit 2023-07-29 10:52:23 -07:00
1ffcb59f4a Auto log in as test user in development mode
I want to test some logged-in stuff, but the whole openneo_id app is a mess to integrate with (and I want to eliminate it down the line anyway), so here's a simple hacky thing that just gets you into a test user for development!
2023-07-29 10:39:07 -07:00
39a722600c Use strong parameters for Donation 2023-07-29 10:29:09 -07:00
abf08bb7e7 Delete attr_accessible from Campaign
idk what these were even doing here, I never built a UI to edit campaigns?
2023-07-29 10:18:42 -07:00
2816ca52dc Fix file reloading in a Vagrant environment
During this upgrade process, `rails server` hasn't been updating its logic when files changed, so every change had to be accompanied by a restart.

This turned out to be because Vagrant's networked filesystem to share between the host and guest systems doesn't support the filesystem update events Rails is listening for. So, we switch to a simpler file watcher that does more work but doesn't depend on the filesystem events!
2023-07-29 10:14:58 -07:00
fc84266523 Remove the development_async environment
It's unused, and I'm just double-checking that it's not somehow causing the issues with the rails dev server not reloading classes. (The `threadsafe!` option would do that, but I don't thiiiink this is the env we're running? But I'm wondering if the loader is getting confused by the prefixiness of the name or something. Unlikely!)
2023-07-29 10:05:36 -07:00
ca280e55ac Update the cache namespace
This is recommended by the Rails 4.0 upgrade guide:

> The caching method changed between Rails 3.x and 4.0. You should change the cache namespace and roll out with a cold cache.

I noticed too that old cache entries with old character encodings were a real problem, so yeah making sure we're working with a cold cache is smart!!
2023-07-28 15:49:24 -07:00
a0de57bed9 Backfill globalize's find_by_name method
This method was removed in globalize 4, which we upgraded to for compatibility with Rails 4! Let's add back in a similar thing for now!
2023-07-28 15:33:46 -07:00
24511e5cfe Oops, fix item search crash in wardrobe
Oh right, these aren't the weird item proxy thing anymore, stop calling these methods!
2023-07-28 15:16:06 -07:00
4b891b1a91 Improve zones.json performance
Idk I'm working on a mobile hotspot rn and not including the translations was making this slow, hey may as well fix while we're here right? lol
2023-07-28 15:08:54 -07:00
ca6a573c0a Add user:owns/wants back to item search
Not so bad, using a condition on `has_many` `through` was a cute trick!!
2023-07-28 15:06:33 -07:00