2024-05-29 18:36:30 -07:00
require "addressable/template"
2024-01-24 03:25:23 -08:00
class AltStyle < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :species
belongs_to :color
2024-10-18 17:06:13 -07:00
has_many :parent_swf_asset_relationships, as: :parent, dependent: :destroy
2024-01-24 03:25:23 -08:00
has_many :swf_assets, through: :parent_swf_asset_relationships
2024-01-24 03:54:43 -08:00
has_many :contributions, as: :contributed, inverse_of: :contributed
2024-05-29 18:42:41 -07:00
validates :body_id, presence: true
2024-09-30 17:21:45 -07:00
validates :series_name, presence: true, allow_nil: true
validates :thumbnail_url, presence: true
2024-05-29 18:42:41 -07:00
2024-10-18 17:04:26 -07:00
before_validation :infer_thumbnail_url, unless: :thumbnail_url?
2024-05-29 18:46:17 -07:00
2024-02-27 15:33:08 -08:00
scope :matching_name, ->(series_name, color_name, species_name) {
color = Color.find_by_name!(color_name)
species = Species.find_by_name!(species_name)
where(series_name:, color_id: color.id, species_id: species.id)
2024-09-30 17:35:18 -07:00
scope :by_creation_date, -> {
Fix bug sorting pet styles by creation date
Before this change, the sort order when searching for
"Prismatic Pine: Nostalgic" showed:
- [Added Dec 18, 2024] Prismatic Pine: Nostalgic Christmas Flotsam
- [Added Dec 19, 2024] Prismatic Pine: Nostalgic Christmas Gelert
- [Added Dec 18, 2024] Prismatic Pine: Nostalgic Christmas Bruce
- [Added Dec 17, 2024] Prismatic Pine: Nostalgic Christmas Scorchio
- <more>
This is because the Gelert was created at 11:37 NST on Dec 19, whereas
the Flotsam was created at 18:11 NST on Dec 18—but in UTC, which is how
timestamps are stored in the database, these are both Dec 19, so the
Flotsam was sorting first alphabetically.
In this change, we do a hacky transform from UTC to NST-ish. I didn't
want to set up the deploy process to pull named time zones into MySQL,
and then have this as a potential gotcha for the dev environment
later—so instead, I pretend `-08:00` is a good-enough specification of
This will sometimes create slightly incorrect sort ordering when it
*is* Daylight Savings, and a record was created around midnight. I'm
okay with that!
2024-12-29 16:11:00 -08:00
# HACK: Setting up named time zones in MySQL takes effort, so we assume
# it's not Daylight Savings. This will produce slightly incorrect
# sorting when it *is* Daylight Savings, and records happen to be
# created around midnight.
order(Arel.sql("DATE(CONVERT_TZ(created_at, '+00:00', '-08:00')) DESC"))
2024-09-30 17:35:18 -07:00
2025-01-12 11:57:43 -08:00
scope :by_series_main_name, -> {
# The main part of the series name, like "Nostalgic".
order(Arel.sql("SUBSTRING_INDEX(series_name, ': ', -1)"))
scope :by_series_variant_name, -> {
# The variant part of the series name, like "Prismatic Cyan".
order(Arel.sql("SUBSTRING_INDEX(series_name, ': ', 1)"))
scope :by_color_name, -> {
scope :by_name_grouped, -> {
# Sort by the color name, then the main part of the series name, then the
# variant part of the series name. This way, all the, say, Christmas colors
# and their Prismatic variants will be together, including both Festive and
# Nostalgic cases.
2024-10-22 16:39:25 -07:00
scope :unlabeled, -> { where(series_name: nil) }
scope :newest, -> { order(created_at: :desc) }
2024-02-27 15:33:08 -08:00
2024-09-30 17:41:21 -07:00
def pet_name
2024-01-24 03:54:43 -08:00
I18n.translate('pet_types.human_name', color_human_name: color.human_name,
species_human_name: species.human_name)
2024-01-24 03:25:23 -08:00
2024-09-30 17:41:21 -07:00
alias_method :name, :pet_name
2024-02-27 15:48:28 -08:00
# If the series_name hasn't yet been set manually by support staff, show the
# string "<New?>" instead. But it won't be searchable by that string—that is,
# `fits:<New?>-faerie-draik` intentionally will not work, and the canonical
# filter name will be `fits:alt-style-IDNUMBER`, instead.
def series_name
2024-11-30 10:33:58 -08:00
real_series_name || AltStyle.placeholder_name
2024-10-18 17:13:16 -07:00
def real_series_name=(new_series_name)
self[:series_name] = new_series_name
def real_series_name
2024-02-27 15:48:28 -08:00
# You can use this to check whether `series_name` is returning the actual
# value or its placeholder value.
2024-10-18 17:13:16 -07:00
def real_series_name?
2024-02-27 15:48:28 -08:00
2025-01-12 12:02:52 -08:00
def series_main_name
series_name.split(': ').last
def series_variant_name
series_name.split(': ').first
2024-01-29 03:20:48 -08:00
def adjective_name
2024-01-30 05:54:20 -08:00
"#{series_name} #{color.human_name}"
2024-01-29 03:20:48 -08:00
2024-09-30 17:21:45 -07:00
def full_name
"#{series_name} #{name}"
2024-11-15 20:04:45 -08:00
2024-01-24 06:53:37 -08:00
def preview_image_url
2024-11-15 20:04:45 -08:00
# Use the image URL for the first asset. Or, fall back to an empty image.
swf_assets.first&.image_url || EMPTY_IMAGE_URL
2024-01-24 06:53:37 -08:00
2024-07-01 16:54:39 -07:00
# Given a list of items, return how they look on this alt style.
def appearances_for(items, ...)
Item.appearances_for(items, self, ...)
2024-02-27 16:11:06 -08:00
Make thumbnail_url a manually overridable field for Alt Styles
Oh jeez, okay, the latest batch of Alt Styles are using a different URL
format for the thumbnail image!
This isn't something we can import via modeling, so we're gonna have to
keep on top of it manually. For now, I'll keep inferring the previous
format in case they keep using it, but here's also a console script to
fix up the latest batch. (At time of writing, not all of these are in
our database, which is fine; when pasting it into the console, those
lines will error and the script will continue.)
def update_style(color_name, species_name, thumbnail_url)
update_style "Grey", "Blumaroo", "https://images.neopets.com/items/c0gk16fk.gif"
update_style "Grey", "Bori", "https://images.neopets.com/items/55qvx6mr.gif"
update_style "Grey", "Bruce", "https://images.neopets.com/items/6y6pyiuw.gif"
update_style "Grey", "Buzz", "https://images.neopets.com/items/7fh4avry.gif"
update_style "Grey", "Chia", "https://images.neopets.com/items/7b2jtn10.gif"
update_style "Grey", "Elephante", "https://images.neopets.com/items/0ne41rao.gif"
update_style "Grey", "Gnorbu", "https://images.neopets.com/items/75mwtqmh.gif"
update_style "Grey", "Hissi", "https://images.neopets.com/items/dxdi2mhm.gif"
update_style "Grey", "Kiko", "https://images.neopets.com/items/b9yiruxt.gif"
update_style "Grey", "Lenny", "https://images.neopets.com/items/c6cboc7e.gif"
update_style "Grey", "Lutari", "https://images.neopets.com/items/33fs4eqf.gif"
update_style "Grey", "Nimmo", "https://images.neopets.com/items/4karmgbl.gif"
update_style "Grey", "Ogrin", "https://images.neopets.com/items/dlw78fhk.gif"
update_style "Grey", "Quiggle", "https://images.neopets.com/items/0aipl0iw.gif"
update_style "Grey", "Ruki", "https://images.neopets.com/items/bjnjxsem.gif"
update_style "Grey", "Tuskaninny", "https://images.neopets.com/items/7rh57a0o.gif"
update_style "Grey", "Vandagyre", "https://images.neopets.com/items/6p8sgs69.gif"
update_style "Grey", "Xweetok", "https://images.neopets.com/items/bge9vp5e.gif"
2024-06-15 17:35:12 -07:00
# At time of writing, most batches of Alt Styles thumbnails used a simple
# pattern for the item thumbnail URL, but that's not always the case anymore.
# For now, let's keep using this format as the default value when creating a
# new Alt Style, but the database field can be manually overridden as needed!
THUMBNAIL_URL_TEMPLATE = Addressable::Template.new(
DEFAULT_THUMBNAIL_URL = "https://images.neopets.com/items/mall_bg_circle.gif"
def infer_thumbnail_url
2024-10-18 19:01:26 -07:00
if real_series_name?
Make thumbnail_url a manually overridable field for Alt Styles
Oh jeez, okay, the latest batch of Alt Styles are using a different URL
format for the thumbnail image!
This isn't something we can import via modeling, so we're gonna have to
keep on top of it manually. For now, I'll keep inferring the previous
format in case they keep using it, but here's also a console script to
fix up the latest batch. (At time of writing, not all of these are in
our database, which is fine; when pasting it into the console, those
lines will error and the script will continue.)
def update_style(color_name, species_name, thumbnail_url)
update_style "Grey", "Blumaroo", "https://images.neopets.com/items/c0gk16fk.gif"
update_style "Grey", "Bori", "https://images.neopets.com/items/55qvx6mr.gif"
update_style "Grey", "Bruce", "https://images.neopets.com/items/6y6pyiuw.gif"
update_style "Grey", "Buzz", "https://images.neopets.com/items/7fh4avry.gif"
update_style "Grey", "Chia", "https://images.neopets.com/items/7b2jtn10.gif"
update_style "Grey", "Elephante", "https://images.neopets.com/items/0ne41rao.gif"
update_style "Grey", "Gnorbu", "https://images.neopets.com/items/75mwtqmh.gif"
update_style "Grey", "Hissi", "https://images.neopets.com/items/dxdi2mhm.gif"
update_style "Grey", "Kiko", "https://images.neopets.com/items/b9yiruxt.gif"
update_style "Grey", "Lenny", "https://images.neopets.com/items/c6cboc7e.gif"
update_style "Grey", "Lutari", "https://images.neopets.com/items/33fs4eqf.gif"
update_style "Grey", "Nimmo", "https://images.neopets.com/items/4karmgbl.gif"
update_style "Grey", "Ogrin", "https://images.neopets.com/items/dlw78fhk.gif"
update_style "Grey", "Quiggle", "https://images.neopets.com/items/0aipl0iw.gif"
update_style "Grey", "Ruki", "https://images.neopets.com/items/bjnjxsem.gif"
update_style "Grey", "Tuskaninny", "https://images.neopets.com/items/7rh57a0o.gif"
update_style "Grey", "Vandagyre", "https://images.neopets.com/items/6p8sgs69.gif"
update_style "Grey", "Xweetok", "https://images.neopets.com/items/bge9vp5e.gif"
2024-06-15 17:35:12 -07:00
self.thumbnail_url = THUMBNAIL_URL_TEMPLATE.expand(
series: series_name.gsub(/\s+/, '').downcase,
color: color.name.gsub(/\s+/, '').downcase,
species: species.name.gsub(/\s+/, '').downcase,
self.thumbnail_url = DEFAULT_THUMBNAIL_URL
2024-11-14 19:03:44 -08:00
def real_thumbnail_url?
thumbnail_url != DEFAULT_THUMBNAIL_URL
2024-11-30 10:33:58 -08:00
def self.placeholder_name
2024-12-29 15:52:50 -08:00
def self.all_series_names
2025-01-12 11:57:43 -08:00
distinct.where.not(series_name: nil).
2024-12-29 15:52:50 -08:00
def self.all_supported_colors
def self.all_supported_species
2024-01-24 06:12:03 -08:00
# For convenience in the console!
def self.find_by_name(color_name, species_name)
color = Color.find_by_name(color_name)
species = Species.find_by_name(species_name)
where(color_id: color, species_id: species).first
2024-01-24 03:25:23 -08:00