require "addressable/template" class AltStyle < ApplicationRecord belongs_to :species belongs_to :color has_many :parent_swf_asset_relationships, as: :parent, dependent: :destroy has_many :swf_assets, through: :parent_swf_asset_relationships has_many :contributions, as: :contributed, inverse_of: :contributed validates :body_id, presence: true validates :series_name, presence: true, allow_nil: true validates :thumbnail_url, presence: true before_validation :infer_thumbnail_url, unless: :thumbnail_url? scope :matching_name, ->(series_name, color_name, species_name) { color = Color.find_by_name!(color_name) species = Species.find_by_name!(species_name) where(series_name:, color_id:, species_id: } scope :by_creation_date, -> { # HACK: Setting up named time zones in MySQL takes effort, so we assume # it's not Daylight Savings. This will produce slightly incorrect # sorting when it *is* Daylight Savings, and records happen to be # created around midnight. order(Arel.sql("DATE(CONVERT_TZ(created_at, '+00:00', '-08:00')) DESC")) } scope :by_series_main_name, -> { # The main part of the series name, like "Nostalgic". order(Arel.sql("SUBSTRING_INDEX(series_name, ': ', -1)")) } scope :by_series_variant_name, -> { # The variant part of the series name, like "Prismatic Cyan". order(Arel.sql("SUBSTRING_INDEX(series_name, ': ', 1)")) } scope :by_color_name, -> { joins(:color).order(Color.arel_table[:name]) } scope :by_name_grouped, -> { # Sort by the color name, then the main part of the series name, then the # variant part of the series name. This way, all the, say, Christmas colors # and their Prismatic variants will be together, including both Festive and # Nostalgic cases. by_color_name.by_series_main_name.by_series_variant_name } scope :unlabeled, -> { where(series_name: nil) } scope :newest, -> { order(created_at: :desc) } def pet_name I18n.translate('pet_types.human_name', color_human_name: color.human_name, species_human_name: species.human_name) end alias_method :name, :pet_name # If the series_name hasn't yet been set manually by support staff, show the # string "<New?>" instead. But it won't be searchable by that string—that is, # `fits:<New?>-faerie-draik` intentionally will not work, and the canonical # filter name will be `fits:alt-style-IDNUMBER`, instead. def series_name real_series_name || AltStyle.placeholder_name end def real_series_name=(new_series_name) self[:series_name] = new_series_name end def real_series_name self[:series_name] end # You can use this to check whether `series_name` is returning the actual # value or its placeholder value. def real_series_name? real_series_name.present? end def series_main_name series_name.split(': ').last end def series_variant_name series_name.split(': ').first end def adjective_name "#{series_name} #{color.human_name}" end def full_name "#{series_name} #{name}" end EMPTY_IMAGE_URL = "" def preview_image_url # Use the image URL for the first asset. Or, fall back to an empty image. swf_assets.first&.image_url || EMPTY_IMAGE_URL end # Given a list of items, return how they look on this alt style. def appearances_for(items, ...) Item.appearances_for(items, self, ...) end # At time of writing, most batches of Alt Styles thumbnails used a simple # pattern for the item thumbnail URL, but that's not always the case anymore. # For now, let's keep using this format as the default value when creating a # new Alt Style, but the database field can be manually overridden as needed! THUMBNAIL_URL_TEMPLATE = "{series}_{color}_{species}.gif" ) DEFAULT_THUMBNAIL_URL = "" def infer_thumbnail_url if real_series_name? self.thumbnail_url = THUMBNAIL_URL_TEMPLATE.expand( series: series_name.gsub(/\s+/, '').downcase, color:\s+/, '').downcase, species:\s+/, '').downcase, ).to_s else self.thumbnail_url = DEFAULT_THUMBNAIL_URL end end def real_thumbnail_url? thumbnail_url != DEFAULT_THUMBNAIL_URL end def self.placeholder_name "<New?>" end def self.all_series_names distinct.where.not(series_name: nil). by_series_main_name.by_series_variant_name. pluck(:series_name) end def self.all_supported_colors Color.find(distinct.pluck(:color_id)) end def self.all_supported_species Species.find(distinct.pluck(:species_id)) end # For convenience in the console! def self.find_by_name(color_name, species_name) color = Color.find_by_name(color_name) species = Species.find_by_name(species_name) where(color_id: color, species_id: species).first end end