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require "async"
require "async/barrier"
class Item < ApplicationRecord
include PrettyParam
include Item::Dyeworks
2013-01-11 14:20:06 -08:00
# We use the `type` column to mean something other than what Rails means!
self.inheritance_column = nil
SwfAssetType = 'object'
2011-07-12 16:37:16 -07:00
has_many :closet_hangers
has_one :contribution, :as => :contributed, :inverse_of => :contributed
has_one :nc_mall_record
has_many :parent_swf_asset_relationships, :as => :parent
has_many :swf_assets, :through => :parent_swf_asset_relationships
belongs_to :dyeworks_base_item, class_name: "Item",
default: -> { inferred_dyeworks_base_item }, optional: true
has_many :dyeworks_variants, class_name: "Item",
inverse_of: :dyeworks_base_item
attr_writer :current_body_id, :owned, :wanted
2010-09-08 19:49:39 -07:00
NCRarities = [0, 500]
PAINTBRUSH_SET_DESCRIPTION = 'This item is part of a deluxe paint brush set!'
scope :newest, -> {
order(arel_table[:created_at].desc) if arel_table[:created_at]
2011-08-04 07:01:44 -07:00
scope :sitemap, -> { order([:id]).limit(49999) }
2011-05-20 17:49:48 -07:00
scope :name_includes, ->(value) {
Item.where("name LIKE ?", "%" + sanitize_sql_like(value) + "%")
scope :name_excludes, ->(value) {
Item.where("name NOT LIKE ?", "%" + sanitize_sql_like(value) + "%")
scope :is_nc, -> {
i = Item.arel_table
scope :is_not_nc, -> {
i = Item.arel_table
scope :is_np, -> {
scope :is_not_np, -> {
self.merge Item.is_nc.or(Item.is_pb)
2023-07-26 11:51:52 -07:00
scope :is_pb, -> {
where('description LIKE ?',
'%' + sanitize_sql_like(PAINTBRUSH_SET_DESCRIPTION) + '%')
2023-07-26 11:51:52 -07:00
scope :is_not_pb, -> {
where('description NOT LIKE ?',
'%' + sanitize_sql_like(PAINTBRUSH_SET_DESCRIPTION) + '%')
2023-07-26 11:51:52 -07:00
scope :occupies, ->(zone_label) {
zone_ids = Zone.matching_label(zone_label).map(&:id)
# NOTE: In searches, this query performs much better using a subquery
# instead of joins! This is because, in the joins case, filtering by an
# `swf_assets` field but sorting by an `items` field causes the query
# planner to only be able to use an index for *one* of them. In this case,
# MySQL can use the `swf_assets`.`zone_id` index to get the item IDs for
# the subquery, then use the `items`.`name` index to sort them.
i = arel_table
psa = ParentSwfAssetRelationship.arel_table
sa = SwfAsset.arel_table
scope :not_occupies, ->(zone_label) {
zone_ids = Zone.matching_label(zone_label).map(&:id)
i = Item.arel_table
sa = SwfAsset.arel_table
# Querying for "has NO swf_assets matching these zone IDs" is trickier than
# the positive case! To do it, we GROUP_CONCAT the zone_ids together for
# each item, then use FIND_IN_SET to search the result for each zone ID,
# and assert that it must not find a match. (This is uhh, not exactly fast,
# so it helps to have other tighter conditions applied first!)
# TODO: I feel like this could also be solved with a LEFT JOIN, idk if that
# performs any better? In Rails 5+ `left_outer_joins` is built in so!
condition = zone_ids.map { 'FIND_IN_SET(?, GROUP_CONCAT(zone_id)) = 0' }.join(' AND ')
joins(:swf_assets).group(i[:id]).having(condition, *zone_ids).distinct
scope :restricts, ->(zone_label) {
zone_ids = Zone.matching_label(zone_label).map(&:id)
condition = zone_ids.map { '(SUBSTR(items.zones_restrict, ?, 1) = "1")' }.join(' OR ')
where(condition, *zone_ids)
scope :not_restricts, ->(zone_label) {
zone_ids = Zone.matching_label(zone_label).map(&:id)
condition = zone_ids.map { '(SUBSTR(items.zones_restrict, ?, 1) = "1")' }.join(' OR ')
where("NOT (#{condition})", *zone_ids)
scope :fits, ->(body_id) {
joins(:swf_assets).where(swf_assets: {body_id: [body_id, 0]}).distinct
scope :not_fits, ->(body_id) {
i = Item.arel_table
sa = SwfAsset.arel_table
# Querying for "has NO swf_assets matching these body IDs" is trickier than
# the positive case! To do it, we GROUP_CONCAT the body_ids together for
# each item, then use FIND_IN_SET to search the result for the body ID,
# and assert that it must not find a match. (This is uhh, not exactly fast,
# so it helps to have other tighter conditions applied first!)
# TODO: I feel like this could also be solved with a LEFT JOIN, idk if that
# performs any better? In Rails 5+ `left_outer_joins` is built in so!
# NOTE: The `fits` and `not_fits` counts don't perfectly add up to the
# total number of items, 5 items aren't accounted for? I'm not going to
# bother looking into this, but one thing I notice is items with no assets
# somehow would not match either scope in this impl (but LEFT JOIN would!)
"FIND_IN_SET(?, GROUP_CONCAT(body_id)) = 0 AND " +
"FIND_IN_SET(0, GROUP_CONCAT(body_id)) = 0",
def nc_trade_value
return nil unless nc?
# Load the trade value, if we haven't already. Note that, because the trade
# value may be nil, we also save an explicit boolean for whether we've
# already looked it up, rather than checking if the saved value is empty.
return @nc_trade_value if @nc_trade_value_loaded
@nc_trade_value = begin
Rails.logger.debug "Item #{id} (#{name}) <lookup>"
rescue OwlsValueGuide::NotFound => error
Rails.logger.debug("No NC trade value listed for #{name} (#{id})")
rescue OwlsValueGuide::NetworkError => error
Rails.logger.error("Couldn't load nc_trade_value: #{error.full_message}")
@nc_trade_value_loaded = true
2011-07-12 22:21:48 -07:00
# Return an OrderedHash mapping users to the number of times they
# contributed to this item's assets, from most contributions to least.
def contributors_with_counts
# Get contributing users' IDs
swf_asset_ids = swf_assets.select(SwfAsset.arel_table[:id]).map(&:id)
swf_asset_contributions = Contribution.select('user_id').
where(:contributed_type => 'SwfAsset', :contributed_id => swf_asset_ids)
contributor_ids = swf_asset_contributions.map(&:user_id)
# Get the users, mapped by ID
contributors_by_id = {}
User.find(contributor_ids).each { |u| contributors_by_id[u.id] = u }
# Count each user's contributions
contributor_counts_by_id = Hash.new(0)
contributor_ids.each { |id| contributor_counts_by_id[id] += 1 }
# Build an OrderedHash mapping users to counts in descending order
contributors_with_counts = ActiveSupport::OrderedHash.new
contributor_counts_by_id.sort_by { |k, v| v }.reverse.each do |id, count|
contributor = contributors_by_id[id]
contributors_with_counts[contributor] = count
2010-09-08 19:49:39 -07:00
def nc?
is_manually_nc? || NCRarities.include?(rarity_index)
2010-09-08 19:49:39 -07:00
def pb?
2013-01-26 07:52:21 -08:00
I18n.with_locale(:en) { self.description == PAINTBRUSH_SET_DESCRIPTION }
def np?
!nc? && !pb?
def currently_in_mall?
def source
if dyeworks_buyable?
elsif currently_in_mall?
elsif nc?
elsif np?
elsif pb?
raise "Item has no matching source (should not happen?)"
def owned?
@owned || false
def wanted?
@wanted || false
def current_nc_price
Add more PB item info and links to Item Getting Guide I add some infrastructural support for inferring an item's paintbrush color (if any), and a field to the database to manually track an item's paint brush item name! This is both useful for tracking which colors are even *available* via paint brush, and also for working with colors with unusual paint brush names, like the "Get Off My Lawn Paint Brush" (for Elderly pets). Here's the script I ran to backfill this for current colors and their paint brushes! ```rb Color.find_by_name("Baby").update!(pb_item_name: "Baby Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Biscuit").update!(pb_item_name: "Biscuit Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Blue").update!(pb_item_name: "Blue Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Brown").update!(pb_item_name: "Brown Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Camouflage").update!(pb_item_name: "Camouflage Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Candy").update!(pb_item_name: "Candy Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Checkered").update!(pb_item_name: "Checkered Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Christmas").update!(pb_item_name: "Christmas Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Cloud").update!(pb_item_name: "Cloud Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Darigan").update!(pb_item_name: "Darigan Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Dimensional").update!(pb_item_name: "Dimensional Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Disco").update!(pb_item_name: "Disco Fever Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Electric").update!(pb_item_name: "Electric Blue Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Eventide").update!(pb_item_name: "Eventide Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Faerie").update!(pb_item_name: "Faerie Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Fire").update!(pb_item_name: "Fire, Fire, Your Pants On Fire Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Elderlyboy").update!(pb_item_name: "Get Off My Lawn Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Elderlygirl").update!(pb_item_name: "Get Off My Lawn Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Ghost").update!(pb_item_name: "Ghost Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Glowing").update!(pb_item_name: "Glowing Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Gold").update!(pb_item_name: "Golden Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Green").update!(pb_item_name: "Green Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Grey").update!(pb_item_name: "Grey Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Halloween").update!(pb_item_name: "Halloween Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Invisible").update!(pb_item_name: "Invisible Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Desert").update!(pb_item_name: "Lost Desert Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Maractite").update!(pb_item_name: "Maractite Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Maraquan").update!(pb_item_name: "Maraquan Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Marble").update!(pb_item_name: "Marble Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Island").update!(pb_item_name: "Mystery Island Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Oil Paint").update!(pb_item_name: "Oil Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Orange").update!(pb_item_name: "Orange Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Origami").update!(pb_item_name: "Origami Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Pastel").update!(pb_item_name: "Pastel Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Pink").update!(pb_item_name: "Pink Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Pirate").update!(pb_item_name: "Pirate Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Plushie").update!(pb_item_name: "Plushie Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Polka Dot").update!(pb_item_name: "Polka Dot Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Purple").update!(pb_item_name: "Purple Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Rainbow").update!(pb_item_name: "Rainbow Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Red").update!(pb_item_name: "Red Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Relic").update!(pb_item_name: "Relic Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Royalboy").update!(pb_item_name: "Royal Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Royalgirl").update!(pb_item_name: "Royal Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Sketch").update!(pb_item_name: "Scritchy Sketchy Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Shadow").update!(pb_item_name: "Shadow Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Silver").update!(pb_item_name: "Silver Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Skunk").update!(pb_item_name: "Skunk Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Snow").update!(pb_item_name: "Snow Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Speckled").update!(pb_item_name: "Speckled Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Split").update!(pb_item_name: "Split Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Spotted").update!(pb_item_name: "Spotted Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Starry").update!(pb_item_name: "Starry Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Stealthy").update!(pb_item_name: "Stealth Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Steampunk").update!(pb_item_name: "Steampunk Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Strawberry").update!(pb_item_name: "Strawberry Fields Forever Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Striped").update!(pb_item_name: "Striped Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Swamp Gas").update!(pb_item_name: "Swamp Gas Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Toy").update!(pb_item_name: "Toy Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Transparent").update!(pb_item_name: "Transparent Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Tyrannian").update!(pb_item_name: "Tyrannian Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Usuki Boy").update!(pb_item_name: "Usuki Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Usuki Girl").update!(pb_item_name: "Usuki Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Valentine").update!(pb_item_name: "Valentine Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Water").update!(pb_item_name: "Water Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("White").update!(pb_item_name: "White Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Woodland").update!(pb_item_name: "Woodland Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Wraith").update!(pb_item_name: "Wraith Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Yellow").update!(pb_item_name: "Yellow Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Zombie").update!(pb_item_name: "Zombie Paint Brush") ```
2024-05-22 15:41:46 -07:00
# If this is a PB item, return the corresponding Color, inferred from the
# item name. If it's not a PB item, or we fail to infer a specific color,
# return nil. (This is expected to be nil for some PB items, like the "Aisha
# Collar", which belong to many colors. It can also be nil for PB items for
# new colors we haven't manually added to the database yet, or if a PB item
# is named strangely in the future.)
Add more PB item info and links to Item Getting Guide I add some infrastructural support for inferring an item's paintbrush color (if any), and a field to the database to manually track an item's paint brush item name! This is both useful for tracking which colors are even *available* via paint brush, and also for working with colors with unusual paint brush names, like the "Get Off My Lawn Paint Brush" (for Elderly pets). Here's the script I ran to backfill this for current colors and their paint brushes! ```rb Color.find_by_name("Baby").update!(pb_item_name: "Baby Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Biscuit").update!(pb_item_name: "Biscuit Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Blue").update!(pb_item_name: "Blue Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Brown").update!(pb_item_name: "Brown Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Camouflage").update!(pb_item_name: "Camouflage Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Candy").update!(pb_item_name: "Candy Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Checkered").update!(pb_item_name: "Checkered Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Christmas").update!(pb_item_name: "Christmas Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Cloud").update!(pb_item_name: "Cloud Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Darigan").update!(pb_item_name: "Darigan Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Dimensional").update!(pb_item_name: "Dimensional Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Disco").update!(pb_item_name: "Disco Fever Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Electric").update!(pb_item_name: "Electric Blue Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Eventide").update!(pb_item_name: "Eventide Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Faerie").update!(pb_item_name: "Faerie Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Fire").update!(pb_item_name: "Fire, Fire, Your Pants On Fire Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Elderlyboy").update!(pb_item_name: "Get Off My Lawn Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Elderlygirl").update!(pb_item_name: "Get Off My Lawn Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Ghost").update!(pb_item_name: "Ghost Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Glowing").update!(pb_item_name: "Glowing Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Gold").update!(pb_item_name: "Golden Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Green").update!(pb_item_name: "Green Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Grey").update!(pb_item_name: "Grey Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Halloween").update!(pb_item_name: "Halloween Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Invisible").update!(pb_item_name: "Invisible Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Desert").update!(pb_item_name: "Lost Desert Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Maractite").update!(pb_item_name: "Maractite Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Maraquan").update!(pb_item_name: "Maraquan Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Marble").update!(pb_item_name: "Marble Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Island").update!(pb_item_name: "Mystery Island Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Oil Paint").update!(pb_item_name: "Oil Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Orange").update!(pb_item_name: "Orange Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Origami").update!(pb_item_name: "Origami Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Pastel").update!(pb_item_name: "Pastel Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Pink").update!(pb_item_name: "Pink Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Pirate").update!(pb_item_name: "Pirate Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Plushie").update!(pb_item_name: "Plushie Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Polka Dot").update!(pb_item_name: "Polka Dot Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Purple").update!(pb_item_name: "Purple Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Rainbow").update!(pb_item_name: "Rainbow Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Red").update!(pb_item_name: "Red Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Relic").update!(pb_item_name: "Relic Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Royalboy").update!(pb_item_name: "Royal Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Royalgirl").update!(pb_item_name: "Royal Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Sketch").update!(pb_item_name: "Scritchy Sketchy Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Shadow").update!(pb_item_name: "Shadow Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Silver").update!(pb_item_name: "Silver Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Skunk").update!(pb_item_name: "Skunk Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Snow").update!(pb_item_name: "Snow Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Speckled").update!(pb_item_name: "Speckled Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Split").update!(pb_item_name: "Split Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Spotted").update!(pb_item_name: "Spotted Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Starry").update!(pb_item_name: "Starry Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Stealthy").update!(pb_item_name: "Stealth Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Steampunk").update!(pb_item_name: "Steampunk Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Strawberry").update!(pb_item_name: "Strawberry Fields Forever Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Striped").update!(pb_item_name: "Striped Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Swamp Gas").update!(pb_item_name: "Swamp Gas Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Toy").update!(pb_item_name: "Toy Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Transparent").update!(pb_item_name: "Transparent Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Tyrannian").update!(pb_item_name: "Tyrannian Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Usuki Boy").update!(pb_item_name: "Usuki Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Usuki Girl").update!(pb_item_name: "Usuki Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Valentine").update!(pb_item_name: "Valentine Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Water").update!(pb_item_name: "Water Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("White").update!(pb_item_name: "White Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Woodland").update!(pb_item_name: "Woodland Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Wraith").update!(pb_item_name: "Wraith Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Yellow").update!(pb_item_name: "Yellow Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Zombie").update!(pb_item_name: "Zombie Paint Brush") ```
2024-05-22 15:41:46 -07:00
def pb_color
return nil unless pb?
# NOTE: To handle colors like "Royalboy", where the items aren't consistent
# with the color name regarding whether or not there's spaces, we remove
# all spaces from the item name and color name when matching. We also
# hackily handle the fact that "Elderlyboy" color has items named "Elderly
# Male" (and same for Girl/Female) by replacing those words, too. These
# hacks could cause false matches in theory, but I'm not aware of any rn!
normalized_name = name.downcase.gsub("female", "girl").gsub("male", "boy").
gsub(/\s/, "")
# For each color, normalize its name, look for it in the item name, and
# return the matching color that appears earliest. (This is important for
# items that contain multiple color names, like the "Royal Girl Elephante
# Gold Bracelets".)
Color.all.to_h { |c| [c, c.name.downcase.gsub(/\s/, "")] }.
transform_values { |n| normalized_name.index(n) }.
filter { |c, n| n.present? }.
min_by { |c, i| i }&.first
Add more PB item info and links to Item Getting Guide I add some infrastructural support for inferring an item's paintbrush color (if any), and a field to the database to manually track an item's paint brush item name! This is both useful for tracking which colors are even *available* via paint brush, and also for working with colors with unusual paint brush names, like the "Get Off My Lawn Paint Brush" (for Elderly pets). Here's the script I ran to backfill this for current colors and their paint brushes! ```rb Color.find_by_name("Baby").update!(pb_item_name: "Baby Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Biscuit").update!(pb_item_name: "Biscuit Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Blue").update!(pb_item_name: "Blue Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Brown").update!(pb_item_name: "Brown Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Camouflage").update!(pb_item_name: "Camouflage Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Candy").update!(pb_item_name: "Candy Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Checkered").update!(pb_item_name: "Checkered Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Christmas").update!(pb_item_name: "Christmas Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Cloud").update!(pb_item_name: "Cloud Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Darigan").update!(pb_item_name: "Darigan Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Dimensional").update!(pb_item_name: "Dimensional Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Disco").update!(pb_item_name: "Disco Fever Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Electric").update!(pb_item_name: "Electric Blue Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Eventide").update!(pb_item_name: "Eventide Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Faerie").update!(pb_item_name: "Faerie Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Fire").update!(pb_item_name: "Fire, Fire, Your Pants On Fire Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Elderlyboy").update!(pb_item_name: "Get Off My Lawn Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Elderlygirl").update!(pb_item_name: "Get Off My Lawn Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Ghost").update!(pb_item_name: "Ghost Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Glowing").update!(pb_item_name: "Glowing Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Gold").update!(pb_item_name: "Golden Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Green").update!(pb_item_name: "Green Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Grey").update!(pb_item_name: "Grey Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Halloween").update!(pb_item_name: "Halloween Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Invisible").update!(pb_item_name: "Invisible Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Desert").update!(pb_item_name: "Lost Desert Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Maractite").update!(pb_item_name: "Maractite Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Maraquan").update!(pb_item_name: "Maraquan Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Marble").update!(pb_item_name: "Marble Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Island").update!(pb_item_name: "Mystery Island Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Oil Paint").update!(pb_item_name: "Oil Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Orange").update!(pb_item_name: "Orange Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Origami").update!(pb_item_name: "Origami Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Pastel").update!(pb_item_name: "Pastel Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Pink").update!(pb_item_name: "Pink Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Pirate").update!(pb_item_name: "Pirate Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Plushie").update!(pb_item_name: "Plushie Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Polka Dot").update!(pb_item_name: "Polka Dot Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Purple").update!(pb_item_name: "Purple Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Rainbow").update!(pb_item_name: "Rainbow Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Red").update!(pb_item_name: "Red Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Relic").update!(pb_item_name: "Relic Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Royalboy").update!(pb_item_name: "Royal Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Royalgirl").update!(pb_item_name: "Royal Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Sketch").update!(pb_item_name: "Scritchy Sketchy Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Shadow").update!(pb_item_name: "Shadow Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Silver").update!(pb_item_name: "Silver Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Skunk").update!(pb_item_name: "Skunk Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Snow").update!(pb_item_name: "Snow Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Speckled").update!(pb_item_name: "Speckled Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Split").update!(pb_item_name: "Split Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Spotted").update!(pb_item_name: "Spotted Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Starry").update!(pb_item_name: "Starry Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Stealthy").update!(pb_item_name: "Stealth Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Steampunk").update!(pb_item_name: "Steampunk Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Strawberry").update!(pb_item_name: "Strawberry Fields Forever Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Striped").update!(pb_item_name: "Striped Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Swamp Gas").update!(pb_item_name: "Swamp Gas Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Toy").update!(pb_item_name: "Toy Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Transparent").update!(pb_item_name: "Transparent Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Tyrannian").update!(pb_item_name: "Tyrannian Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Usuki Boy").update!(pb_item_name: "Usuki Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Usuki Girl").update!(pb_item_name: "Usuki Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Valentine").update!(pb_item_name: "Valentine Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Water").update!(pb_item_name: "Water Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("White").update!(pb_item_name: "White Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Woodland").update!(pb_item_name: "Woodland Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Wraith").update!(pb_item_name: "Wraith Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Yellow").update!(pb_item_name: "Yellow Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Zombie").update!(pb_item_name: "Zombie Paint Brush") ```
2024-05-22 15:41:46 -07:00
# If this is a PB item, return the corresponding Species, inferred from the
# item name. If it's not a PB item, or we fail to infer a specific species,
# return nil. (This is not expected to be nil in general, but could be for PB
# items for new species we haven't manually added to the database yet, or if
# a PB item is named strangely in the future.)
def pb_species
return nil unless pb?
normalized_name = name.downcase
Species.order(:name).find { |s| normalized_name.include?(s.name.downcase) }
Add more PB item info and links to Item Getting Guide I add some infrastructural support for inferring an item's paintbrush color (if any), and a field to the database to manually track an item's paint brush item name! This is both useful for tracking which colors are even *available* via paint brush, and also for working with colors with unusual paint brush names, like the "Get Off My Lawn Paint Brush" (for Elderly pets). Here's the script I ran to backfill this for current colors and their paint brushes! ```rb Color.find_by_name("Baby").update!(pb_item_name: "Baby Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Biscuit").update!(pb_item_name: "Biscuit Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Blue").update!(pb_item_name: "Blue Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Brown").update!(pb_item_name: "Brown Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Camouflage").update!(pb_item_name: "Camouflage Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Candy").update!(pb_item_name: "Candy Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Checkered").update!(pb_item_name: "Checkered Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Christmas").update!(pb_item_name: "Christmas Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Cloud").update!(pb_item_name: "Cloud Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Darigan").update!(pb_item_name: "Darigan Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Dimensional").update!(pb_item_name: "Dimensional Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Disco").update!(pb_item_name: "Disco Fever Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Electric").update!(pb_item_name: "Electric Blue Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Eventide").update!(pb_item_name: "Eventide Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Faerie").update!(pb_item_name: "Faerie Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Fire").update!(pb_item_name: "Fire, Fire, Your Pants On Fire Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Elderlyboy").update!(pb_item_name: "Get Off My Lawn Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Elderlygirl").update!(pb_item_name: "Get Off My Lawn Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Ghost").update!(pb_item_name: "Ghost Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Glowing").update!(pb_item_name: "Glowing Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Gold").update!(pb_item_name: "Golden Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Green").update!(pb_item_name: "Green Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Grey").update!(pb_item_name: "Grey Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Halloween").update!(pb_item_name: "Halloween Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Invisible").update!(pb_item_name: "Invisible Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Desert").update!(pb_item_name: "Lost Desert Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Maractite").update!(pb_item_name: "Maractite Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Maraquan").update!(pb_item_name: "Maraquan Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Marble").update!(pb_item_name: "Marble Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Island").update!(pb_item_name: "Mystery Island Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Oil Paint").update!(pb_item_name: "Oil Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Orange").update!(pb_item_name: "Orange Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Origami").update!(pb_item_name: "Origami Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Pastel").update!(pb_item_name: "Pastel Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Pink").update!(pb_item_name: "Pink Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Pirate").update!(pb_item_name: "Pirate Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Plushie").update!(pb_item_name: "Plushie Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Polka Dot").update!(pb_item_name: "Polka Dot Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Purple").update!(pb_item_name: "Purple Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Rainbow").update!(pb_item_name: "Rainbow Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Red").update!(pb_item_name: "Red Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Relic").update!(pb_item_name: "Relic Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Royalboy").update!(pb_item_name: "Royal Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Royalgirl").update!(pb_item_name: "Royal Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Sketch").update!(pb_item_name: "Scritchy Sketchy Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Shadow").update!(pb_item_name: "Shadow Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Silver").update!(pb_item_name: "Silver Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Skunk").update!(pb_item_name: "Skunk Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Snow").update!(pb_item_name: "Snow Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Speckled").update!(pb_item_name: "Speckled Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Split").update!(pb_item_name: "Split Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Spotted").update!(pb_item_name: "Spotted Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Starry").update!(pb_item_name: "Starry Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Stealthy").update!(pb_item_name: "Stealth Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Steampunk").update!(pb_item_name: "Steampunk Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Strawberry").update!(pb_item_name: "Strawberry Fields Forever Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Striped").update!(pb_item_name: "Striped Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Swamp Gas").update!(pb_item_name: "Swamp Gas Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Toy").update!(pb_item_name: "Toy Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Transparent").update!(pb_item_name: "Transparent Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Tyrannian").update!(pb_item_name: "Tyrannian Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Usuki Boy").update!(pb_item_name: "Usuki Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Usuki Girl").update!(pb_item_name: "Usuki Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Valentine").update!(pb_item_name: "Valentine Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Water").update!(pb_item_name: "Water Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("White").update!(pb_item_name: "White Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Woodland").update!(pb_item_name: "Woodland Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Wraith").update!(pb_item_name: "Wraith Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Yellow").update!(pb_item_name: "Yellow Paint Brush") Color.find_by_name("Zombie").update!(pb_item_name: "Zombie Paint Brush") ```
2024-05-22 15:41:46 -07:00
def pb_item_name
2013-01-21 17:34:39 -08:00
def restricted_zones(options={})
options[:scope] ||= Zone.all
2013-01-21 17:34:39 -08:00
2010-09-08 19:49:39 -07:00
def restricted_zone_ids
2013-01-21 17:34:39 -08:00
unless @restricted_zone_ids
@restricted_zone_ids = []
zones_restrict.split(//).each_with_index do |switch, id|
@restricted_zone_ids << (id.to_i + 1) if switch == '1'
def occupied_zone_ids
def occupied_zones
zone_ids = swf_assets.map(&:zone_id).uniq
2010-09-08 19:49:39 -07:00
2011-01-27 13:35:46 -08:00
def affected_zones
restricted_zones + occupied_zones
def species_support_ids
2010-11-27 15:41:06 -08:00
@species_support_ids_array ||= read_attribute('species_support_ids').split(',').map(&:to_i) rescue nil
def species_support_ids=(replacement)
@species_support_ids_array = nil
replacement = replacement.join(',') if replacement.is_a?(Array)
write_attribute('species_support_ids', replacement)
2013-01-21 12:55:48 -08:00
def support_species?(species)
species_support_ids.blank? || species_support_ids.include?(species.id)
def modeled_body_ids
@modeled_body_ids ||= swf_assets.select('DISTINCT body_id').map(&:body_id)
def modeled_color_ids
# Might be empty if modeled_body_ids is 0. But it's currently not called
# in that scenario, so, whatever.
@modeled_color_ids ||= PetType.select('DISTINCT color_id').
where(body_id: modeled_body_ids).
def basic_body_ids
@basic_body_ids ||= begin
basic_color_ids ||= Color.select([:id]).basic.map(&:id)
PetType.select('DISTINCT body_id').
where(color_id: basic_color_ids).map(&:body_id)
def predicted_body_ids
@predicted_body_ids ||= if modeled_body_ids.include?(0)
# Oh, look, it's already known to fit everybody! Sweet. We're done. (This
# isn't folded into the case below, in case this item somehow got a
# body-specific and non-body-specific asset. In all the cases I've seen
# it, that indicates a glitched item, but this method chooses to reflect
# behavior elsewhere in the app by saying that we can put this item on
# anybody. (Heh. Any body.))
elsif modeled_body_ids.size == 1
# This might just be a species-specific item. Let's be conservative in
# our prediction, though we'll revise it if we see another body ID.
# If an item is worn by more than one body, then it must be wearable by
# all bodies of the same color. (To my knowledge, anyway. I'm not aware
# of any exceptions.) So, let's find those bodies by first finding those
# colors.
basic_modeled_body_ids, nonbasic_modeled_body_ids = modeled_body_ids.
partition { |bi| basic_body_ids.include?(bi) }
output = []
if basic_modeled_body_ids.present?
output += basic_body_ids
if nonbasic_modeled_body_ids.present?
nonbasic_modeled_color_ids = PetType.select('DISTINCT color_id').
where(body_id: nonbasic_modeled_body_ids).
output += PetType.select('DISTINCT body_id').
where(color_id: nonbasic_modeled_color_ids).
def predicted_missing_body_ids
@predicted_missing_body_ids ||= predicted_body_ids - modeled_body_ids
def predicted_missing_standard_body_ids_by_species_id
@predicted_missing_standard_body_ids_by_species_id ||=
PetType.select('DISTINCT body_id, species_id').
where(body_id: predicted_missing_body_ids,
colors: {standard: true}).
inject({}) { |h, pt| h[pt.species_id] = pt.body_id; h }
def predicted_missing_standard_body_ids_by_species
species = Species.where(id: predicted_missing_standard_body_ids_by_species_id.keys)
species_by_id = species.inject({}) { |h, s| h[s.id] = s; h }
predicted_missing_standard_body_ids_by_species_id.inject({}) { |h, (sid, bid)|
h[species_by_id[sid]] = bid; h }
def predicted_missing_nonstandard_body_pet_types
where(body_id: predicted_missing_body_ids - basic_body_ids,
colors: {standard: false})
def predicted_missing_nonstandard_body_ids_by_species_by_color
pet_types = predicted_missing_nonstandard_body_pet_types
species_by_id = {}
Species.find(pet_types.map(&:species_id)).each do |species|
species_by_id[species.id] = species
colors_by_id = {}
Color.find(pet_types.map(&:color_id)).each do |color|
colors_by_id[color.id] = color
body_ids_by_species_by_color = {}
pet_types.each do |pt|
color = colors_by_id[pt.color_id]
body_ids_by_species_by_color[color] ||= {}
body_ids_by_species_by_color[color][species_by_id[pt.species_id]] = pt.body_id
def predicted_fully_modeled?
def predicted_modeled_ratio
modeled_body_ids.size.to_f / predicted_body_ids.size
def as_json(options={})
only: [:id, :name, :description, :thumbnail_url, :rarity_index],
methods: [:zones_restrict],
2010-06-22 10:00:55 -07:00
def compatible_body_ids
def compatible_pet_types
return PetType.all if compatible_body_ids.include?(0)
PetType.where(body_id: compatible_body_ids)
2010-11-06 15:08:42 -07:00
def handle_assets!
if @parent_swf_asset_relationships_to_update && @current_body_id
new_swf_asset_ids = @parent_swf_asset_relationships_to_update.map(&:swf_asset_id)
rels = ParentSwfAssetRelationship.arel_table
swf_assets = SwfAsset.arel_table
# If a relationship used to bind an item and asset for this body type,
# but doesn't in this sample, the two have been unbound. Delete the
# relationship.
ids_to_delete = self.parent_swf_asset_relationships.
where(swf_assets[:body_id].in([@current_body_id, 0])).
unless ids_to_delete.empty?
ParentSwfAssetRelationship.where(:id => ids_to_delete).delete_all
2011-10-23 12:09:53 -07:00
@parent_swf_asset_relationships_to_update.each do |rel|
def body_specific?
# If there are species support IDs (it's not empty), the item is
# body-specific. If it's empty, it fits everyone the same.
explicitly_body_specific? || !species_support_ids.empty?
def add_origin_registry_info(info, locale)
# bear in mind that numbers from registries are floats
2013-12-08 20:59:36 -08:00
species_support_strs = info['species_support'] || []
self.species_support_ids = species_support_strs.map(&:to_i)
# NOTE: If some of these fields are missing, it could cause saving the item
# to fail, because many of these columns are non-nullable.
self.name = info['name']
self.description = info['description']
self.thumbnail_url = info['thumbnail_url']
self.category = info['category']
self.type = info['type']
self.rarity = info['rarity']
self.rarity_index = info['rarity_index'].to_i
self.price = info['price'].to_i
self.weight_lbs = info['weight_lbs'].to_i
self.zones_restrict = info['zones_restrict']
2010-11-06 15:08:42 -07:00
def pending_swf_assets
@parent_swf_asset_relationships_to_update.inject([]) do |all_swf_assets, relationship|
all_swf_assets << relationship.swf_asset
def parent_swf_asset_relationships_to_update=(rels)
@parent_swf_asset_relationships_to_update = rels
# NOTE: Adding the JSON serializer makes `as_json` treat this like a model
# instead of like a hash, so you can target its children with things like
# the `include` option. This feels clunky though, I wish I had something a
# bit more suited to it!
Appearance = Struct.new(:item, :body, :swf_assets) do
include ActiveModel::Serializers::JSON
delegate :present?, :empty?, to: :swf_assets
delegate :species, :fits?, :fits_all?, to: :body
def attributes
{item:, body:, swf_assets:}
2024-09-05 18:48:41 -07:00
def html5?
def occupied_zone_ids
def restricted_zone_ids
return [] if empty?
([item] + swf_assets).map(&:restricted_zone_ids).flatten.uniq.sort
Appearance::Body = Struct.new(:id, :species) do
include ActiveModel::Serializers::JSON
def attributes
{id:, species:}
def fits_all?
id == 0
def fits?(target)
fits_all? || target.body_id == id
def appearances
@appearances ||= build_appearances
def build_appearances
all_swf_assets = swf_assets.to_a
# If there are no assets yet, there are no appearances.
return [] if all_swf_assets.empty?
# Get all SWF assets, and separate the ones that fit everyone (body_id=0).
swf_assets_by_body_id = all_swf_assets.group_by(&:body_id)
swf_assets_for_all_bodies = swf_assets_by_body_id.delete(0) || []
# If there are no body-specific assets, return one appearance for them all.
if swf_assets_by_body_id.empty?
body = Appearance::Body.new(0, nil)
return [Appearance.new(self, body, swf_assets_for_all_bodies)]
# Otherwise, create an appearance for each real (nonzero) body ID. We don't
# generally expect body_id = 0 and body_id != 0 to mix, but if they do,
# uhh, let's merge the body_id = 0 ones in?
species_by_body_id = Species.with_body_ids(swf_assets_by_body_id.keys)
swf_assets_by_body_id.map do |body_id, body_specific_assets|
swf_assets_for_body = body_specific_assets + swf_assets_for_all_bodies
body = Appearance::Body.new(body_id, species_by_body_id[body_id])
Appearance.new(self, body, swf_assets_for_body)
def appearance_for(target, ...)
Item.appearances_for([self], target, ...)[id]
def appearances_by_occupied_zone_id
{}.tap do |h|
appearances.each do |appearance|
appearance.occupied_zone_ids.each do |zone_id|
h[zone_id] ||= []
h[zone_id] << appearance
def appearances_by_occupied_zone
zones_by_id = occupied_zones.to_h { |z| [z.id, z] }
appearances_by_occupied_zone_id.transform_keys { |zid| zones_by_id[zid] }
# Given a list of items, return how they look on the given target (either a
# pet type or an alt style).
def self.appearances_for(items, target, swf_asset_includes: [])
# First, load all the relationships for these items that also fit this
# body.
relationships = ParentSwfAssetRelationship.
includes(swf_asset: swf_asset_includes).
where(parent_type: "Item", parent_id: items.map(&:id)).
where(swf_asset: {body_id: [target.body_id, 0]})
pet_type_body = Appearance::Body.new(target.body_id, target.species)
all_pets_body = Appearance::Body.new(0, nil)
# Then, convert this into a hash from item ID to SWF assets.
assets_by_item_id = relationships.group_by(&:parent_id).
transform_values { |rels| rels.map(&:swf_asset) }
# Finally, for each item, return an appearance—even if it's empty!
items.to_h do |item|
assets = assets_by_item_id.fetch(item.id, [])
fits_all_pets = assets.present? && assets.all? { |a| a.body_id == 0 }
body = fits_all_pets ? all_pets_body : pet_type_body
[item.id, Appearance.new(item, body, assets)]
2010-11-06 08:52:58 -07:00
def self.all_by_ids_or_children(ids, swf_assets)
swf_asset_ids = []
swf_assets_by_id = {}
swf_assets_by_parent_id = {}
swf_assets.each do |swf_asset|
id = swf_asset.id
swf_assets_by_id[id] = swf_asset
swf_asset_ids << id
]).each do |row|
2010-11-06 08:52:58 -07:00
item_id = row.parent_id.to_i
swf_assets_by_parent_id[item_id] ||= []
swf_assets_by_parent_id[item_id] << swf_assets_by_id[row.id.to_i]
ids << item_id
find(ids).tap do |items|
items.each do |item|
swf_assets = swf_assets_by_parent_id[item.id]
if swf_assets
swf_assets.each do |swf_asset|
swf_asset.item = item
def self.preload_nc_trade_values(items)
# Only allow 10 trade values to be loaded at a time.
barrier = Async::Barrier.new
semaphore = Async::Semaphore.new(10, parent: barrier)
Sync do
# Load all the trade values in concurrent async tasks. (The
# `nc_trade_value` caches the value in the Item object.)
items.each do |item|
semaphore.async { item.nc_trade_value }
# Wait until all tasks are done.
barrier.stop # If something goes wrong, clean up all tasks.
def self.collection_from_pet_type_and_registries(pet_type, info_registry, asset_registry, scope=Item.all)
# bear in mind that registries are arrays with many nil elements,
# due to how the parser works
# Collect existing items
items = {}
item_ids = []
info_registry.each do |item_id, info|
if info && info[:is_compatible]
item_ids << item_id.to_i
# Collect existing relationships
existing_relationships_by_item_id_and_swf_asset_id = {}
existing_items = scope.where(id: item_ids).
2023-10-12 21:49:09 -07:00
existing_items.each do |item|
items[item.id] = item
relationships_by_swf_asset_id = {}
item.parent_swf_asset_relationships.each do |relationship|
relationships_by_swf_asset_id[relationship.swf_asset_id] = relationship
existing_relationships_by_item_id_and_swf_asset_id[item.id] =
# Collect existing assets
swf_asset_ids = []
asset_registry.each do |asset_id, asset_data|
swf_asset_ids << asset_id.to_i if asset_data
2013-01-28 00:19:37 -08:00
existing_swf_assets = SwfAsset.object_assets.includes(:zone).
where(remote_id: swf_asset_ids)
existing_swf_assets_by_remote_id = {}
existing_swf_assets.each do |swf_asset|
existing_swf_assets_by_remote_id[swf_asset.remote_id] = swf_asset
# With each asset in the registry,
relationships_by_item_id = {}
asset_registry.each do |asset_id, asset_data|
if asset_data
# Build and update the item
item_id = asset_data[:obj_info_id].to_i
next unless item_ids.include?(item_id) # skip incompatible (Uni Bug)
item = items[item_id]
unless item
item = Item.new
item.id = item_id
items[item_id] = item
item.add_origin_registry_info info_registry[item.id.to_s], I18n.default_locale
item.current_body_id = pet_type.body_id
# Build and update the SWF
swf_asset_remote_id = asset_data[:asset_id].to_i
swf_asset = existing_swf_assets_by_remote_id[swf_asset_remote_id]
unless swf_asset
swf_asset = SwfAsset.new
swf_asset.remote_id = swf_asset_remote_id
swf_asset.origin_object_data = asset_data
swf_asset.origin_pet_type = pet_type
2012-10-05 18:56:52 -07:00
swf_asset.item = item
# Build and update the relationship
2012-01-12 20:02:12 -08:00
relationship = existing_relationships_by_item_id_and_swf_asset_id[item.id][swf_asset.id] rescue nil
unless relationship
relationship = ParentSwfAssetRelationship.new
relationship.parent = item
relationship.swf_asset = swf_asset
relationships_by_item_id[item_id] ||= []
relationships_by_item_id[item_id] << relationship
# Set up the relationships to be updated on item save
relationships_by_item_id.each do |item_id, relationships|
items[item_id].parent_swf_asset_relationships_to_update = relationships
2010-05-14 15:41:40 -07:00