By printing out this logging data, of item names we have that Waka doesn't, vs item names Waka has that we don't, I was able to solve a lot of them with new code in `normalizeItemName`!
Here's the mismatches that are left at time of writing:
[Item: Y, Waka: N] No Waka value for NC DTI item "goldenlulumedallion" (43034)
[Item: Y, Waka: N] No Waka value for NC DTI item "faelliebirthdaybagsurprise" (51350)
[Item: Y, Waka: N] No Waka value for NC DTI item "neopets11thbirthdaycommemorativemysterycapsule" (53448)
[Item: Y, Waka: N] No Waka value for NC DTI item "dyeworksblue:iscawig-blue" (70896)
[Item: Y, Waka: N] No Waka value for NC DTI item "mysteriousdoorwithlocks" (75601)
[Item: Y, Waka: N] No Waka value for NC DTI item "grapefruitnecklace" (77779)
[Item: Y, Waka: N] No Waka value for NC DTI item "discofeverbackground" (79250)
[Item: Y, Waka: N] No Waka value for NC DTI item "featherflaredshoes" (80047)
[Item: Y, Waka: N] No Waka value for NC DTI item "dyeworksredradioactivemutantmarkings" (80441)
[Item: N, Waka: Y] No NC DTI data for Waka item "7thbirthdaycakeslice#1"
[Item: N, Waka: Y] No NC DTI data for Waka item "7thbirthdaycakeslice#2"
[Item: N, Waka: Y] No NC DTI data for Waka item "7thbirthdaycakeslice#3"
[Item: N, Waka: Y] No NC DTI data for Waka item "8thbirthdayrainbowcupcake"
[Item: N, Waka: Y] No NC DTI data for Waka item "8thbirthdaysparklercupcake"
[Item: N, Waka: Y] No NC DTI data for Waka item "8thbirthdaytiedwithabowcupcake"
[Item: N, Waka: Y] No NC DTI data for Waka item "babyspringdress"
[Item: N, Waka: Y] No NC DTI data for Waka item "butterflydress(fromfaeriefestivalevent)"
[Item: N, Waka: Y] No NC DTI data for Waka item "discofever"
[Item: N, Waka: Y] No NC DTI data for Waka item "dyeworksblue:iscawig"
[Item: N, Waka: Y] No NC DTI data for Waka item "dyeworksred:radioactivemutantmarkings"
[Item: N, Waka: Y] No NC DTI data for Waka item "featherflairedshoes"
[Item: N, Waka: Y] No NC DTI data for Waka item "festivebooktree"
[Item: N, Waka: Y] No NC DTI data for Waka item "floralblackcardigan"
[Item: N, Waka: Y] No NC DTI data for Waka item "grapefruitneckace"
[Item: N, Waka: Y] No NC DTI data for Waka item "mysteriousdoorwithlocksbackground"
[Item: N, Waka: Y] No NC DTI data for Waka item "valiantchampionwings"
[Item: N, Waka: Y] No NC DTI data for Waka item "waxcrayonwig"
[Item: N, Waka: Y] No NC DTI data for Waka item "youngsophiesdress"