Fork 0

Normalize names for Waka, and log mismatches

By printing out this logging data, of item names we have that Waka doesn't, vs item names Waka has that we don't, I was able to solve a lot of them with new code in `normalizeItemName`!

Here's the mismatches that are left at time of writing:

[Item: Y, Waka: N] No Waka value for NC DTI item "goldenlulumedallion" (43034)
[Item: Y, Waka: N] No Waka value for NC DTI item "faelliebirthdaybagsurprise" (51350)
[Item: Y, Waka: N] No Waka value for NC DTI item "neopets11thbirthdaycommemorativemysterycapsule" (53448)
[Item: Y, Waka: N] No Waka value for NC DTI item "dyeworksblue:iscawig-blue" (70896)
[Item: Y, Waka: N] No Waka value for NC DTI item "mysteriousdoorwithlocks" (75601)
[Item: Y, Waka: N] No Waka value for NC DTI item "grapefruitnecklace" (77779)
[Item: Y, Waka: N] No Waka value for NC DTI item "discofeverbackground" (79250)
[Item: Y, Waka: N] No Waka value for NC DTI item "featherflaredshoes" (80047)
[Item: Y, Waka: N] No Waka value for NC DTI item "dyeworksredradioactivemutantmarkings" (80441)
[Item: N, Waka: Y] No NC DTI data for Waka item "7thbirthdaycakeslice#1"
[Item: N, Waka: Y] No NC DTI data for Waka item "7thbirthdaycakeslice#2"
[Item: N, Waka: Y] No NC DTI data for Waka item "7thbirthdaycakeslice#3"
[Item: N, Waka: Y] No NC DTI data for Waka item "8thbirthdayrainbowcupcake"
[Item: N, Waka: Y] No NC DTI data for Waka item "8thbirthdaysparklercupcake"
[Item: N, Waka: Y] No NC DTI data for Waka item "8thbirthdaytiedwithabowcupcake"
[Item: N, Waka: Y] No NC DTI data for Waka item "babyspringdress"
[Item: N, Waka: Y] No NC DTI data for Waka item "butterflydress(fromfaeriefestivalevent)"
[Item: N, Waka: Y] No NC DTI data for Waka item "discofever"
[Item: N, Waka: Y] No NC DTI data for Waka item "dyeworksblue:iscawig"
[Item: N, Waka: Y] No NC DTI data for Waka item "dyeworksred:radioactivemutantmarkings"
[Item: N, Waka: Y] No NC DTI data for Waka item "featherflairedshoes"
[Item: N, Waka: Y] No NC DTI data for Waka item "festivebooktree"
[Item: N, Waka: Y] No NC DTI data for Waka item "floralblackcardigan"
[Item: N, Waka: Y] No NC DTI data for Waka item "grapefruitneckace"
[Item: N, Waka: Y] No NC DTI data for Waka item "mysteriousdoorwithlocksbackground"
[Item: N, Waka: Y] No NC DTI data for Waka item "valiantchampionwings"
[Item: N, Waka: Y] No NC DTI data for Waka item "waxcrayonwig"
[Item: N, Waka: Y] No NC DTI data for Waka item "youngsophiesdress"
This commit is contained in:
Emi Matchu 2021-04-07 17:25:58 -07:00
parent be816d89c9
commit 61e7a38b33

View file

@ -30,6 +30,23 @@ async function handle(req, res) {
for (const { name, id } of allNcItemNamesAndIds) {
if (name in itemValuesByName) {
itemValues[id] = itemValuesByName[name];
} else {
`[Item: Y, Waka: N] No Waka value for NC DTI item ${JSON.stringify(
)} (${id})`
const allNcItemNames = new Set(allNcItemNamesAndIds.map(({ name }) => name));
for (const name of Object.keys(itemValuesByName)) {
if (!allNcItemNames.has(name)) {
`[Item: N, Waka: Y] No NC DTI data for Waka item ${JSON.stringify(
@ -56,7 +73,7 @@ async function loadAllNcItemNamesAndIds() {
AND item_translations.locale = "en"
return rows;
return rows.map(({ id, name }) => ({ id, name: normalizeItemName(name) }));
async function loadWakaValuesByName() {
@ -96,12 +113,27 @@ async function loadWakaValuesByName() {
// That's why we set `""` as the default `value`.
const itemValuesByName = {};
for (const [itemName, value = ""] of rows) {
itemValuesByName[itemName] = { value };
const normalizedItemName = normalizeItemName(itemName);
itemValuesByName[normalizedItemName] = { value };
return itemValuesByName;
function normalizeItemName(name) {
return (
// Remove all spaces, they're a common source of inconsistency
.replace(/\s+/g, "")
// Lower case, because capitalization is another common source
// Remove diacritics: https://stackoverflow.com/a/37511463/107415
// Waka has some stray ones in item names, not sure why!
.replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, "")
export default async (req, res) => {
beeline.withTrace({ name: "allWakaValues" }, () => handle(req, res));