Oh, I made a typo that caused pm2 to be running our processes as `root` instead of `matchu`! Let's very fix that!! 😳
I noticed this because I'm trying Puppeteer, and it got upset about running in sandboxed mode as root, and I'm like "as root??"
So yeah, good, fixed, lol 😬
The motivation is that I want VERCEL_URL and local net requests outta here :p and we were doing some cutesiness with leveraging the CDN cache to back the GQL fields. No more of that, folks! lol
Previously we were using HTTP queries to keep individual function bundle sizes small, but that doesn't matter in a server where all the code is shared!
The immediate motivation is that I want /api/outfitImage requesting against the same server, not impress-2020.openneo.net. For other stuff I'm probably gonna fix this by replacing VERCEL_URL with something else, but here I figured this was a change worth making anyway.
Now that we're not on Vercel's AWS Lambda deployment, we can switch to something a bit more standard!
I also tweaked up our version of Playwright, because, hey, why not?
Getting the package list was a bit tricky, but we got there! Left a comment to explain where it's from.
I noticed this when Playwright was trying to draw cute ASCII art and it wasn't showing up right! Not a big deal, but it's a bit more correct to do this, so let's do it!
Oh right, like the SSH stuff, I did this the first time I set up, but didn't add it to the script! I like having things in the script :3 (I also had forgotten to check on the time zone last time, nice to have it with some rigor!)
I noticed that incoming port 3000 connections were being allowed, oops! Not a huge deal, but I don't want to allow connections without HTTPS, and I don't want surprise surface area even if I'm not currently aware of attacks on it. Close it out!
As an exercise, I've wiped the box clean, and I'm reinstalling from the scripts! :3
I added the SSH hardening rules to the playbook instead of doing them by hand this time.
I made a mistake with creating `/srv/impress-2020`, right, you need to *say* what it should be created *as* for the creation step to work!
I also guess my recent pm2 changes made it not actually be willing to start the app anymore, because `/srv/impress-2020/current` doesn't exist or have `node_modules` yet. I'm doing a cute thing where I create a placeholder app during setup, so there's always something to run, without introducing the complexities of a real deploy to the setup process.
And right, of course, we need to install nginx before running certbot! But we need to add certbot config *after* running certbot!
And then just some misc cleanups for consistency and correctness!
Okay so you know how in 3f07933f7a I switched the newline stuff here?
Yeah, right, I forgot, newlines are significant in bash :p I forgot this because I've never used them inside a `bash -c` invocation, but like, of course
Now, I'm still using `|` for clarity and reduced dependence on magic, but getting my lines right :p
I somehow had it in my head that `realpath` would crash if the file didn't exist, but that's super not true! It returns the tentative path for if you _were_ gonna create this!
I'm not doing this thoroughly enough for it to matter (e.g. the deployed rsynced versions aren't having the group permissions set).
I think doing this *right* (to be extensible to additional users) is too much complexity to be worth it, and doing it halfway is more confusing than helpful.
I did this because I was anticipating multi-users permissions to be a bit of an issue for like, granting the web server permission to access the source code. But it turns out, since we're running with pm2, it's all working just fine!
Okay well, we added monit to solve a problem that I coincidentally solved within an hour of getting monit working lol!
This also enables us to remove the pm2 pid file, which we were only using to allow monit to track the pm2 app.
Okay huh, while digging a bit into another issue, I found what was wrong with our config and pm2's built-in monitoring! You can't use `yarn start`, because the wrapper script breaks its ability to look inside and see what's happening.
I also removed the compiler flag thing from the `start` script in `package.json`, because I think it's redundant? There's no compilation to be done in a live server.
I think I might remove monit after this? It's nice extra resilience in a sense, but it feels like extra complexity when it's doing the job `pm2` is supposed to do. (And tbh I've almost never heard of nginx crashing, and if it does it's probably a scenario worth investigating by hand.)
Oops, I didn't understand the different multiline string formats in YAML! I was using one that chomped through newlines, and converted them to normal spaces.
I think that didn't matter in this context anyway? because indentation is an exception to this behavior. What a weird behavior!
Anyway, uhh, yeah, I'll use the simpler multiline string format now 😅 for consistency and clarity!
When I woke up this morning, the app had crashed because the mysql connection was closed!
I'm not sure, why that caused a _crash_? Or why pm2 didn't pick up on it, and said the process was still online? (Maybe the process was running, but the server had stopped?) Those could be good to investigate?…
…but better than diving too far into the details, is to just address the high-level problem: if the app goes down for unexpected reasons, I want it back up!! lol
In this change, we add `monit`, a solid system for monitoring processes (including checking for behavior, like responding to net requests), and configure it to watch the app process and the nginx process.
To test, you can run `pm2 stop impress-2020`, or `systemctl stop nginx`, to see that Monit brings them back up within seconds!
This does add some potential surprise if you're _trying_ to take the processes down. The easiest way is to send the stop command through monit, like `monit stop nginx`. This will disable monitoring until you start it again through monit, I think? (You can also disable/enable monitoring as a direct command, regardless of app state.)
You can see how, instead of the default experience where certbot edits your config for you, I've referenced the certificates in the config in the first place, and set up certbot to just generate them!
Also, I learned about certbot non-interactive mode! At first I wrote this with the Ansible `expect` module lol :p
I was copying over an old create-react-app build folder, and the app was crashing remotely because there was no build!
Anyway woo it looks like the app is at least running now, `curl localhost:3000` shows results! >:3
I was sorting by version name, which _was_ reliable until I changed my version name format, and then a deploy cleaned up the version it had just deployed because it no longer sorted to the end!
Rather than be dependent on a stable version name format, and set myself up for more surprises, I'm going to instead use the folder's modified time. While there could be surprising ways for folder timestamps to be updated, I expect it to be _more_ reliable overall.
Huh, I was previously using ISO timestamps, but it turns out Yarn doesn't handle binary paths very reliably when your folder names contain colons 😳 so `canvas` was failing with `node-gyp not found`
I've documented it here in this self-answered StackOverflow question, so hopefully the next future person searching will find my answer! https://stackoverflow.com/q/69819597/107415
Oh neat, when trying `yarn build && yarn start` locally, I got a message about installing Sharp for better image optimization performance in production.
It mentions that this isn't relevant for Vercel, where it's auto-added. But it's good to get on it now anyway!
I had stopped paying attention to `vercel.json`, because part of my intent is to perhaps move off Vercel, but right… we're still on there for now, and we still want our API functions to run!
There are some places where we use <img> tags where I think it's actually just the right thing to do.
`next/image` is good for image optimization, but I don't think it's worth the proxying for Neopets art images that don't actually always have a higher-res version to begin with.
Idk, maybe the species faces could be a decent choice, but right now we're solving it with `srcSet`, and that's fine. Doesn't seem worth migrating, let's just move on with our lives! 😅
I'm still leaving the lint rule on though, because I think it's a helpful reminder. (I don't think it catches `<Box as="img" />` though, which is a shame, because that would be our natural default in this app!)
Yeah, cool, now we use the `next/image` tag, and our images are showing up again!
There's still lint errors for using bare img tags in some places, but I'm not sure I really care…
This was a fun journey! Turns out Next 12 is using a new faster JS compiler called SWC, which had a compiler bug that triggered here!
The incorrect looping behavior caused `libraryUrl` to sometimes be `null` by the time the movie promise completes, because `layer` was set to whatever the `last` layer in the list had been. https://github.com/swc-project/swc/issues/2624
Anyway, turns out this code has been through a few refactors, and the `async` function wrapper is extraneous now! So I've just deleted it and inlined its code. Ta da! lol