Fork 0
forked from OpenNeo/impress
Matchu 7b17f70635 show campaign on trade lists
Turns out ~22% of our users initially land on a trade list.
We like to keep the campaign off the pages where space is at a
premium, so we try to whitelist it to major landing pages in order
to avoid accidentally creating a bad experience on some page :)
2015-09-05 17:53:15 +00:00

133 lines
6.6 KiB

- content_for :before_title, advertise_campaign_progress(@campaign)
- unless public_perspective?
- title t('.title_for.you')
- add_body_class 'current-user'
- secondary_nav do
%span#toggle-help= t('.toggle_help')
= form_tag items_path, :method => :get, :id => 'closet-hangers-items-search', 'data-current-user-id' => current_user.id do
= text_field_tag :q, nil, :placeholder => t('.item_search_placeholder')
= submit_tag t('.item_search_submit'), :name => nil
- else
- title t('.title_for.another_user', :user_name => @user.name)
- secondary_nav do
%span#toggle-compare Compare with Your Items
- canonical_path user_closet_hangers_path(@user)
- content_for :before_flashes do
- if public_perspective?
- if @user.contact_neopets_username?
= link_to t('.send_neomail', neopets_username: @user.contact_neopets_username),
:class => 'neomail'
= link_to t('.lookup',
neopets_username: @user.contact_neopets_username),
:class => 'lookup'
- else
= form_for @user do |f|
= f.label :contact_neopets_connection_id
= f.collection_select :contact_neopets_connection_id, @user.neopets_connections, :id, :neopets_username, {include_blank: true}, 'data-new-text' => t('.neopets_username.new'), 'data-new-prompt' => t('.neopets_username.prompt')
= f.submit t('.neopets_username.submit')
- unless public_perspective?
Managing your items is a lot easier with Javascript. With Javascript
disabled, you'll have to click each item you want to manage, update the
quantities for each list on the item page, and refresh this page
manually once you want to see your changes. It still works, but consider
enabling Javascript to make your life easier.
= render :partial => 'help', :locals => {:user => @user}
%label{:for => 'closet-hangers-share-box'}= t '.public_url_label'
%input#closet-hangers-share-box{:type => 'text',
:value => user_closet_hangers_url(@user),
:readonly => true}
= link_to t('.import_from.closet'), new_neopets_page_import_task_path(page_type: 'closet', expected_index: 1)
= link_to t('.import_from.safety_deposit'), new_neopets_page_import_task_path(page_type: 'safety_deposit', expected_index: 1)
= link_to t('.import_from.gallery'), new_neopets_page_import_task_path(page_type: 'gallery', expected_index: 1)
= link_to t('.import_from.neopets_user'), new_neopets_user_path
= link_to t('.export_to.petpage'), petpage_user_closet_hangers_path(@user)
#closet-hangers{:class => public_perspective? ? nil : 'current-user'}
- [true, false].each do |owned|
.closet-hangers-group{'data-owned' => owned.to_s, :id => "closet-hangers-group-#{owned}"}
%h3= closet_lists_group_name(closet_hangers_subject(@user), owned)
%span.toggle.show= t '.toggle_group.show'
%span.toggle.hide= t '.toggle_group.hide'
- unless public_perspective?
= link_to_add_closet_list t('.add_list'), :owned => owned, :class => 'add-closet-list'
= render_closet_lists(@closet_lists_by_owned[owned])
- if !public_perspective? || unlisted_hangers_count(owned) > 0
.closet-list.unlisted{'data-hangers-count' => unlisted_hangers_count(owned)}
- unless public_perspective?
= form_for @user, :html => {:class => 'visibility-form'} do |f|
= f.select hangers_group_visibility_field_name(owned),
= f.submit t('.unlisted.submit')
= closet_visibility_descriptions
= form_tag user_closet_hangers_path(@user), method: :delete do
= hidden_field_tag :list_id, owned
= submit_tag t('.remove_all.submit'), confirm: t('.remove_all.confirm')
- if has_lists?(owned)
%h4= t '.unlisted.header'
- if !@public_perspective
= render partial: 'closet_lists/trading_neomail_warning', locals: {list: @user.null_closet_list(owned), user: @user}
= render_unlisted_closet_hangers(owned)
%span.empty-list= t '.unlisted.empty'
- if user_signed_in?
- localized_cache action_suffix: 'tmpls' do
%script#autocomplete-item-tmpl{type: 'text/x-jquery-tmpl'}
= t '.autocomplete.add_item_html', item_name: '${item_name}'
%script#autocomplete-add-to-list-tmpl{type: 'text/x-jquery-tmpl'}
= t '.autocomplete.add_to_list_html', list_name: '${list_name}'
%script#autocomplete-add-to-group-tmpl{type: 'text/x-jquery-tmpl'}
= t '.autocomplete.add_to_group_html', group_name: '${group_name}'
%script#autocomplete-already-in-collection-tmpl{type: 'text/x-jquery-tmpl'}
= t '.autocomplete.already_in_collection_html',
collection_name: '${collection_name}'
-# Gotta do this weird subbing in the path, since the braces will be
-# escaped if they themselves are inserted. Probably deserves a more legit
-# method, especially if we ever need it again.
- templated_hanger_path = user_closet_hanger_path(user_id: '$0', id: '$1').sub('$0', '${user_id}').sub('$1', '${closet_hanger_id}')
%script#closet-hanger-update-tmpl{type: 'text/x-jquery-tmpl'}
= form_tag templated_hanger_path, method: :put, authenticity_token: false, class: 'closet-hanger-update' do
= hidden_field_tag 'closet_hanger[list_id]', '${list_id}'
= hidden_field_tag 'closet_hanger[owned]', '${owned}'
= number_field_tag 'closet_hanger[quantity]', '${quantity}',
min: 0, required: true
%script#closet-hanger-destroy-tmpl{type: 'text/x-jquery-tmpl'}
= form_tag templated_hanger_path, method: :delete, authenticity_token: false, class: 'closet-hanger-destroy' do
= submit_tag t('closet_hangers.closet_hanger.delete')
- content_for :stylesheets do
= stylesheet_link_tag 'http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.9.0/themes/south-street/jquery-ui.css'
- content_for :javascripts do
= include_javascript_libraries :jquery, :jquery_tmpl
= javascript_include_tag 'ajax_auth', 'jquery.ui', 'jquery.jgrowl',
'placeholder', 'closet_hangers/index'