Fork 0
forked from OpenNeo/impress
Matchu 6bc0c55000 Use our hanger loading spinner for the new item page previews
It's back, wowie! Also written up in a bit of a component-y way. Cute!
2024-07-07 19:05:48 -07:00

47 lines
1.9 KiB

- title @item.name
- canonical_path @item
= render partial: "item_header",
locals: {item: @item, trades: @trades, current_subpage: "preview",
current_user_lists: @current_user_lists,
current_user_quantities: @current_user_quantities}
- if @item.name.include? "Baby Body Paint"
The Baby Body Paint items seem to have new zone restriction rules that our
system doesn't support yet, whuh oh! This might require major changes to
how we handle zones. Until then, these items will be <em>very</em> buggy,
= turbo_frame_tag "item-preview" do
= render partial: "outfit_viewer", locals: {outfit: @preview_outfit}
= form_for item_path(@item), method: :get, class: "species-color-picker",
data: {"is-valid": @preview_error.nil?} do |f|
- if @preview_error == :pet_type_does_not_exist
%span.error-icon{title: "We haven't seen this kind of pet before."} ⚠️
- elsif @preview_error == :no_item_data
%span.error-icon{title: "We haven't seen this item on this pet before."} ⚠️
= select_tag "preview[color_id]",
"id", "human_name", @selected_preview_pet_type.color_id)
= select_tag "preview[species_id]",
"id", "human_name", @selected_preview_pet_type.species_id)
= submit_tag "Go", name: nil
- unless @contributors_with_counts.empty?
%header #{t '.contributors.header'}:
- @contributors_with_counts.each do |contributor, count|
%li= link_to(contributor.name, user_contributions_path(contributor)) + format_contribution_count(count)
%footer= t '.contributors.footer'
- content_for :stylesheets do
= stylesheet_link_tag "application/hanger-spinner"
- content_for :javascripts do
= javascript_include_tag "lib/idiomorph", async: true
= javascript_include_tag "outfit-viewer", async: true