forked from OpenNeo/impress
Oh right, I was briefly planning to change the syntax for this stuff, then changed my mind, but forgot to change it back on this page!
99 lines
4.4 KiB
99 lines
4.4 KiB
- raise ArgumentError unless defined? item
- raise ArgumentError unless defined? trades
- raise ArgumentError unless defined? current_user_lists
- raise ArgumentError unless defined? current_user_quantities
- raise ArgumentError unless defined? current_subpage
= image_tag item.thumbnail_url, class: 'item-thumbnail'
- if
%abbr.item-kind{'data-type' => 'nc', title: t('')}
= t('')
- elsif item.pb?
%abbr.item-kind{'data-type' => 'pb', title: t('')}
= t('')
- else
%abbr.item-kind{'data-type' => 'np', title: t('')}
= t('')
- if item.created_at?
datetime: item.created_at.iso8601,
title: "First seen on #{item.created_at.to_date.to_fs(:long)}",
}= time_with_only_month_if_old item.created_at
= link_to t(''), jn_items_url_for(item)
= link_to t(''), impress_2020_url_for(item)
- if item.nc_trade_value
= link_to t('', value: item.nc_trade_value.value_text),
title: nc_trade_value_updated_at_text(item.nc_trade_value)
- unless
= link_to t(''), shop_wizard_url_for(item)
= link_to t(''), super_shop_wizard_url_for(item)
= link_to t(''), trading_post_url_for(item)
= link_to t(''), auction_genie_url_for(item)
- if user_signed_in?
= link_to t(''),
class: 'user-lists-form-opener'
- if user_signed_in?
= form_tag update_quantities_user_item_closet_hangers_path(user_id: current_user, item_id: item), method: :put, class: 'user-lists-form', hidden: item_header_user_lists_form_state != "open" do
= t '',
user_items_link: link_to(t('your_items'),
- [true, false].each do |owned|
- lists = current_user_lists[owned]
%h4= closet_lists_group_name(:you, owned)
- lists.each_with_index do |list, index|
= number_field_tag "quantity[#{}]",
current_user_quantities[], min: 0,
autofocus: owned && index == 0
= label_tag "quantity[#{}]",
= number_field_tag "quantity[#{owned}]",
current_user_quantities[owned], min: 0,
autofocus: owned && lists.empty?
- unless lists.empty?
= label_tag "quantity[#{owned}]",
:class => 'unlisted'
- else
= label_tag "quantity[#{owned}]",
= submit_tag t('')
%p.item-description= item.description
= link_to t(''), item,
class: ['preview-link'], 'data-is-current' => current_subpage == 'preview'
%header= t('')
= link_to t('',
count: trades[:offering].size),
item_trades_path(item, type: 'offering'),
'data-is-current' => current_subpage == 'trades_offering'
= link_to t('',
count: trades[:seeking].size),
item_trades_path(item, type: 'seeking'),
'data-is-current' => current_subpage == 'trades_seeking'
- content_for :javascripts do
= javascript_include_tag 'items/item_header', defer: true