Fork 0
forked from OpenNeo/impress
Emi Matchu 8e269df3c1 Oh wow, don't use the images.neopets.com asset proxy anymore either!
Huh, I was writing up an API inventory doc to send to TNT, and was
gonna explain why we proxy these assets… but turns out we don't need to
anymore! Nice!

This is a bit fragile if they ever change their headers, so I'll
mention that in the doc, but for now, yeah sure let's save the planet
some computational effort!
2024-04-06 03:38:23 -07:00

532 lines
15 KiB

import React from "react";
import {
} from "@chakra-ui/react";
import loadableLibrary from "@loadable/component";
import * as Sentry from "@sentry/react";
import { WarningIcon } from "@chakra-ui/icons";
import { buildImpress2020Url } from "./impress-2020-config";
import ErrorGrundoImg from "./images/error-grundo.png";
import ErrorGrundoImg2x from "./images/error-grundo@2x.png";
* Delay hides its content at first, then shows it after the given delay.
* This is useful for loading states: it can be disruptive to see a spinner or
* skeleton element for only a brief flash, we'd rather just show them if
* loading is genuinely taking a while!
* 300ms is a pretty good default: that's about when perception shifts from "it
* wasn't instant" to "the process took time".
* https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/performance/rail
export function Delay({ children, ms = 300 }) {
const [isVisible, setIsVisible] = React.useState(false);
React.useEffect(() => {
const id = setTimeout(() => setIsVisible(true), ms);
return () => clearTimeout(id);
}, [ms, setIsVisible]);
return (
<Box opacity={isVisible ? 1 : 0} transition="opacity 0.5s">
* Heading1 is a large, page-title-ish heading, with our DTI-brand-y Delicious
* font and some special typographical styles!
export function Heading1({ children, ...props }) {
return (
fontFamily="Delicious, sans-serif"
* Heading2 is a major subheading, with our DTI-brand-y Delicious font and some
* special typographical styles!!
export function Heading2({ children, ...props }) {
return (
fontFamily="Delicious, sans-serif"
* Heading2 is a minor subheading, with our DTI-brand-y Delicious font and some
* special typographical styles!!
export function Heading3({ children, ...props }) {
return (
fontFamily="Delicious, sans-serif"
* ErrorMessage is a simple error message for simple errors!
export function ErrorMessage({ children, ...props }) {
return (
<Box color="red.400" {...props}>
export function useCommonStyles() {
return {
brightBackground: useColorModeValue("white", "gray.700"),
bodyBackground: useColorModeValue("gray.50", "gray.800"),
* safeImageUrl returns an HTTPS-safe image URL for Neopets assets!
export function safeImageUrl(
{ crossOrigin = null, preferArchive = false } = {},
) {
if (urlString == null) {
return urlString;
let url;
try {
url = new URL(
// A few item thumbnail images incorrectly start with "/". When that
// happens, the correct URL is at images.neopets.com.
// So, we provide "http://images.neopets.com" as the base URL when
// parsing. Most URLs are absolute and will ignore it, but relative URLs
// will resolve relative to that base.
} catch (e) {
new Error(
`safeImageUrl could not parse URL: ${urlString}. Returning a placeholder.`,
return buildImpress2020Url("/__error__URL-was-not-parseable__");
// Rewrite Neopets URLs to their HTTPS equivalents, and additionally to our
// proxy if we need CORS headers.
if (
url.origin === "http://images.neopets.com" ||
url.origin === "https://images.neopets.com"
) {
url.protocol = "https:";
if (preferArchive) {
const archiveUrl = new URL(
archiveUrl.search = new URLSearchParams({ url: url.toString() });
url = archiveUrl;
} else if (crossOrigin) {
// NOTE: Previously we would rewrite this to our proxy that adds an
// `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` header (images.neopets-asset-proxy.
// openneo.net), but images.neopets.com now includes this header for us!
// So, do nothing!
} else if (
url.origin === "http://pets.neopets.com" ||
url.origin === "https://pets.neopets.com"
) {
url.protocol = "https:";
if (crossOrigin) {
url.host = "pets.neopets-asset-proxy.openneo.net";
if (url.protocol !== "https:" && url.hostname !== "localhost") {
new Error(
`safeImageUrl was provided an unsafe URL, but we don't know how to ` +
`upgrade it to HTTPS: ${urlString}. Returning a placeholder.`,
return buildImpress2020Url("/__error__URL-was-not-HTTPS__");
return url.toString();
* useDebounce helps make a rapidly-changing value change less! It waits for a
* pause in the incoming data before outputting the latest value.
* We use it in search: when the user types rapidly, we don't want to update
* our query and send a new request every keystroke. We want to wait for it to
* seem like they might be done, while still feeling responsive!
* Adapted from https://usehooks.com/useDebounce/
export function useDebounce(
{ waitForFirstPause = false, initialValue = null, forceReset = null } = {},
) {
// State and setters for debounced value
const [debouncedValue, setDebouncedValue] = React.useState(
waitForFirstPause ? initialValue : value,
() => {
// Update debounced value after delay
const handler = setTimeout(() => {
}, delay);
// Cancel the timeout if value changes (also on delay change or unmount)
// This is how we prevent debounced value from updating if value is changed ...
// .. within the delay period. Timeout gets cleared and restarted.
return () => {
[value, delay], // Only re-call effect if value or delay changes
// The `forceReset` option helps us decide whether to set the value
// immediately! We'll update it in an effect for consistency and clarity, but
// also return it immediately rather than wait a tick.
const shouldForceReset = forceReset && forceReset(debouncedValue, value);
React.useEffect(() => {
if (shouldForceReset) {
}, [shouldForceReset, value]);
return shouldForceReset ? value : debouncedValue;
* useFetch uses `fetch` to fetch the given URL, and returns the request state.
* Our limited API is designed to match the `use-http` library!
export function useFetch(url, { responseType, skip, ...fetchOptions }) {
// Just trying to be clear about what you'll get back ^_^` If we want to
// fetch non-binary data later, extend this and get something else from res!
if (responseType !== "arrayBuffer") {
throw new Error(`unsupported responseType ${responseType}`);
const [response, setResponse] = React.useState({
loading: skip ? false : true,
error: null,
data: null,
// We expect this to be a simple object, so this helps us only re-send the
// fetch when the options have actually changed, rather than e.g. a new copy
// of an identical object!
const fetchOptionsAsJson = JSON.stringify(fetchOptions);
React.useEffect(() => {
if (skip) {
let canceled = false;
fetch(url, JSON.parse(fetchOptionsAsJson))
.then(async (res) => {
if (canceled) {
const arrayBuffer = await res.arrayBuffer();
setResponse({ loading: false, error: null, data: arrayBuffer });
.catch((error) => {
if (canceled) {
setResponse({ loading: false, error, data: null });
return () => {
canceled = true;
}, [skip, url, fetchOptionsAsJson]);
return response;
* useLocalStorage is like React.useState, but it persists the value in the
* device's `localStorage`, so it comes back even after reloading the page.
* Adapted from https://usehooks.com/useLocalStorage/.
let storageListeners = [];
export function useLocalStorage(key, initialValue) {
const loadValue = React.useCallback(() => {
if (typeof localStorage === "undefined") {
return initialValue;
try {
const item = localStorage.getItem(key);
return item ? JSON.parse(item) : initialValue;
} catch (error) {
return initialValue;
}, [key, initialValue]);
const [storedValue, setStoredValue] = React.useState(loadValue);
const setValue = React.useCallback(
(value) => {
try {
window.localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value));
storageListeners.forEach((l) => l());
} catch (error) {
const reloadValue = React.useCallback(() => {
}, [loadValue, setStoredValue]);
// Listen for changes elsewhere on the page, and update here too!
React.useEffect(() => {
return () => {
storageListeners = storageListeners.filter((l) => l !== reloadValue);
}, [reloadValue]);
// Listen for changes in other tabs, and update here too! (This does not
// catch same-page updates!)
React.useEffect(() => {
window.addEventListener("storage", reloadValue);
return () => window.removeEventListener("storage", reloadValue);
}, [reloadValue]);
return [storedValue, setValue];
export function loadImage(
{ crossOrigin = null, preferArchive = false } = {},
) {
const src = safeImageUrl(rawSrc, { crossOrigin, preferArchive });
const image = new Image();
let canceled = false;
let resolved = false;
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
image.onload = () => {
if (canceled) return;
resolved = true;
image.onerror = () => {
if (canceled) return;
reject(new Error(`Failed to load image: ${JSON.stringify(src)}`));
if (crossOrigin) {
image.crossOrigin = crossOrigin;
image.src = src;
promise.cancel = () => {
// NOTE: To keep `cancel` a safe and unsurprising call, we don't cancel
// resolved images. That's because our approach to cancelation
// mutates the Image object we already returned, which could be
// surprising if the caller is using the Image and expected the
// `cancel` call to only cancel any in-flight network requests.
// (e.g. we cancel a DTI movie when it unloads from the page, but
// it might stick around in the movie cache, and we want those images
// to still work!)
if (resolved) return;
image.src = "";
canceled = true;
return promise;
* loadable is a wrapper for `@loadable/component`, with extra error handling.
* Loading the page will often fail if you keep a session open during a deploy,
* because Vercel doesn't keep old JS chunks on the CDN. Recover by reloading!
export function loadable(load, options) {
return loadableLibrary(
() =>
load().catch((e) => {
console.error("Error loading page, reloading:", e);
// Return a component that renders nothing, while we reload!
return () => null;
* logAndCapture will print an error to the console, and send it to Sentry.
* This is useful when there's a graceful recovery path, but it's still a
* genuinely unexpected error worth logging.
export function logAndCapture(e) {
export function getGraphQLErrorMessage(error) {
// If this is a GraphQL Bad Request error, show the message of the first
// error the server returned. Otherwise, just use the normal error message!
return (
error?.networkError?.result?.errors?.[0]?.message || error?.message || null
export function MajorErrorMessage({ error = null, variant = "unexpected" }) {
// Log the detailed error to the console, so we can have a good debug
// experience without the parent worrying about it!
React.useEffect(() => {
if (error) {
}, [error]);
return (
<Flex justify="center" marginTop="8">
templateAreas='"icon title" "icon description" "icon details"'
templateColumns="auto minmax(0, 1fr)"
<Box gridArea="icon" marginTop="2">
srcSet={`${ErrorGrundoImg}, ${ErrorGrundoImg2x} 2x`}
alt="Distressed Grundo programmer"
<Box gridArea="title" fontSize="lg" marginBottom="1">
{variant === "unexpected" && <>Ah dang, I broke it 😖</>}
{variant === "network" && <>Oops, it didn't work, sorry 😖</>}
{variant === "not-found" && <>Oops, page not found 😖</>}
<Box gridArea="description" marginBottom="2">
{variant === "unexpected" && (
There was an error displaying this page. I'll get info about it
automatically, but you can tell me more at{" "}
<Link href="mailto:matchu@openneo.net" color="green.400">
{variant === "network" && (
There was an error displaying this page. Check your internet
connection and try againand if you keep having trouble, please
tell me more at{" "}
<Link href="mailto:matchu@openneo.net" color="green.400">
{variant === "not-found" && (
We couldn't find this page. Maybe it's been deleted? Check the URL
and try againand if you keep having trouble, please tell me more
at{" "}
<Link href="mailto:matchu@openneo.net" color="green.400">
{error && (
<Box gridArea="details" fontSize="xs" opacity="0.8">
aria-label="Error message"
export function TestErrorSender() {
React.useEffect(() => {
if (window.location.href.includes("send-test-error-for-sentry")) {
throw new Error("Test error for Sentry");
return null;