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Emi Matchu 7f4c34ff6a Oops, stop requiring a new password whenever AuthUser is changed
Ah right, I went and checked the Devise source code, and the default
implementation for `password_required?` is a bit trickier than I

def password_required?
  !persisted? || !password.nil? || !password_confirmation.nil?

Looks like `super` does a good enough job here, though! (I'm actually
kinda surprised, I wasn't sure how Ruby's `super` rules worked, and
this isn't a subclass thing—or maybe it is, maybe the `devise` method
adds a mixin? Idk! But it does what I expect, so, great!)

So now, we require the password if 1) Devise doesn't see a UI reason
not to, *and* 2) the user isn't using OmniAuth (i.e. NeoPass).

This had caused a bug where it was impossible to use the Settings page
*without* changing your password! (The form says it's okay to leave it
blank, which stopped being true! But now it's fixed!)
2024-03-14 19:20:33 -07:00

85 lines
2.9 KiB

class AuthUser < AuthRecord
self.table_name = 'users'
devise :database_authenticatable, :encryptable, :registerable, :validatable,
:rememberable, :trackable, :recoverable, :omniauthable,
omniauth_providers: [:neopass]
validates :name, presence: true, uniqueness: {case_sensitive: false},
length: {maximum: 20}
has_one :user, foreign_key: :remote_id, inverse_of: :auth_user
# It's important to keep AuthUser and User in sync. When we create an AuthUser
# (e.g. through the registration process), we create a matching User, too. And
# when the AuthUser's name changes, we update User to match.
# TODO: Should we sync deletions too? We don't do deletions anywhere in app
# right now, so I'll hold off to avoid leaving dead code around.
after_create :create_user!
after_update :sync_name_with_user!, if: :saved_change_to_name?
def create_user!
User.create!(name: name, auth_server_id: 1, remote_id: id)
def sync_name_with_user!
user.name = name
def uses_omniauth?
provider? && uid?
def email_required?
def password_required?
super && !uses_omniauth?
def self.from_omniauth(auth)
raise MissingAuthInfoError, "Username missing" if auth.uid.blank?
raise MissingAuthInfoError, "Email missing" if auth.info.email.blank?
transaction do
find_or_create_by!(provider: auth.provider, uid: auth.uid) do |user|
# Use the Neopets username if possible, or a unique username if not.
dti_username = build_unique_username_like(auth.uid)
user.name = dti_username
# Copy the email address from their Neopets account to their DTI
# account, unless they already have a DTI account with this email, in
# which case, ignore it. (It's primarily for their own convenience with
# password recovery!)
email_exists = AuthUser.where(email: auth.info.email).exists?
user.email = auth.info.email unless email_exists
def self.build_unique_username_like(name)
name_query = sanitize_sql_like(name) + "%"
similar_names = where("name LIKE ?", name_query).pluck(:name)
# Use the given name itself, if we can.
return name unless similar_names.include?(name)
# If not, try appending "-neopass".
return "#{name}-neopass" unless similar_names.include?("#{name}-neopass")
# After that, try appending "-neopass-1", "-neopass-2", etc, until a
# unique name arises. (We don't expect this to happen basically ever, but
# it's nice to have a guarantee!)
max = similar_names.size + 1
candidates = (1..max).map { |n| "#{name}-neopass-#{n}"}
numerical_name = candidates.find { |name| !similar_names.include?(name) }
return numerical_name unless numerical_name.nil?
raise "Failed to build unique username (shouldn't be possible?)"
class MissingAuthInfoError < ArgumentError;end