module ApplicationHelper include FragmentLocalization def absolute_url(path_or_url) if path_or_url.include?('://') # already an absolute URL path_or_url else # a relative path request.protocol + request.host_with_port + path_or_url end end def add_body_class(class_name) @body_class ||= '' @body_class << " #{class_name}" end def body_class "#{params[:controller]} #{params[:controller]}-#{params[:action]}".tap do |output| output << @body_class if @body_class end end CAMPAIGN_ACTIVE = false def campaign_progress(options={}, &block) if CAMPAIGN_ACTIVE || options[:always] include_campaign_progress_requirements if block_given? content = capture(&block) else content = link_to('We made it! Image Mode has been released.', donate_path) + link_to('Read more', donate_path, :class => 'button') end html = content_tag(:div, nil, :class => 'campaign-progress') + content_tag(:div, content, :class => 'campaign-progress-label') content_tag(:div, html, :class => 'campaign-progress-wrapper') end end def canonical_path(resource) I18n.with_locale(I18n.default_locale) do content_for :meta, tag(:link, :rel => 'canonical', :href => url_for(resource)) end end def contact_email "" end def feedback_url "" end def flashes raw(flash.inject('') do |html, pair| key, value = pair html + content_tag('p', value, :class => "flash #{key}") end) end def include_campaign_progress_requirements unless @included_campaign_progress_requirements content_for(:javascripts, include_javascript_libraries(:jquery) + javascript_include_tag('pledgie') ) content_for(:meta, tag(:meta, :name => 'pledgie-campaign-id', :content => PLEDGIE_CAMPAIGN_ID) ) @included_campaign_progress_requirements = true end end def hide_home_link @hide_home_link = true end def home_link? !@hide_home_link end JAVASCRIPT_LIBRARIES = { :addthis => '', :bitly => '', :html5 => '', :jquery => '', :jquery20 => '', :jquery_tmpl => '', :swfobject => '' } def include_javascript_libraries(*library_names) raw(library_names.inject('') do |html, name| html + javascript_include_tag(JAVASCRIPT_LIBRARIES[name]) end) end def locale_options current_locale_is_public = false options = do |available_locale| current_locale_is_public = true if I18n.locale == available_locale # Include fallbacks data on the tag. Right now it's used in blog # localization, but may conceivably be used for something else later. [translate('locale_name', :locale => available_locale), available_locale, {'data-fallbacks' => I18n.fallbacks[available_locale].join(',')}] end unless current_locale_is_public name = translate('locale_name', :locale => I18n.locale) + ' (alpha)' options << [name, I18n.locale] end options end def localized_cache(key={}, &block) localized_key = localize_fragment_key(key, locale) cache(localized_key, &block) end def login_path_with_return_to login_path :return_to => request.fullpath end def logout_path_with_return_to logout_path :return_to => request.fullpath end def origin_tag(value) hidden_field_tag 'origin', value, :id => nil end def open_graph(properties) if @open_graph @open_graph.merge! properties else @open_graph = properties end end def open_graph_tags if @open_graph @open_graph.inject('') do |output, property| key, value = property output + tag(:meta, :property => "og:#{key}", :content => value) end.html_safe end end def return_to_field_tag hidden_field_tag :return_to, request.fullpath end def safely_to_json(obj) obj.to_json.gsub('/', '\/') end def secondary_nav(&block) content_for :before_flashes, content_tag(:nav, :id => 'secondary-nav', &block) end def show_title_header? params[:controller] != 'items' end def signed_in_meta_tag %().html_safe end def labeled_time_ago_in_words(time) content_tag :abbr, time_ago_in_words(time), :title => time end def title(value) content_for :title, value end def translate_markdown(key, options={})"#{key}_markdown", options)).to_html.html_safe end alias_method :tmd, :translate_markdown def translate_with_links(key, options={}) nonlink_options = {} link_urls = {} options.each do |key, value| str_key = key.to_s if str_key.end_with? '_link_url' link_key = str_key[0..-5] # "abcdef_link_url" => "abcdef_link" link_urls[link_key] = value else nonlink_options[key] = value end end link_options = {} link_urls.each do |link_key, url| content = translate("#{key}.#{link_key}_content", nonlink_options) link_options[link_key.to_sym] = link_to(content, url) end converted_options = link_options.merge(nonlink_options) translate("#{key}.main_html", converted_options) end alias_method :twl, :translate_with_links def userbar_contributions_summary(user) translate_with_links '.userbar.contributions_summary', :contributions_link_url => user_contributions_path(user), :user_points => user.points end end