- title 'Report broken image' %p Thanks for helping us find broken image! Sometimes the converters don't get things quite right, and sometimes that can be fixed by just trying the conversion again. If reconversion doesn't seem to solve the issue, consider sending us a bug report at #{mail_to 'webmaster@openneo.net'}. Thanks! %p Which of these images looked broken? We'll put it in line for reconversion. %ul#report-assets - @swf_assets.each do |swf_asset| %li = link_to image_tag(swf_asset.s3_url([150, 150])), swf_asset.url - unless swf_asset.image_pending_repair? = form_tag(:action => :create) do = hidden_field_tag 'swf_asset_remote_id', swf_asset.remote_id = hidden_field_tag 'swf_asset_type', swf_asset.type = submit_tag 'Report as broken' - if swf_asset.converted_at? %span.converted-at Converted = time_ago_in_words swf_asset.converted_at ago - else %span.reported-broken-at Reported = time_ago_in_words swf_asset.reported_broken_at ago