module ItemsHelper JNItemsURLFormat = '' module PetTypeImage Format = '' Emotions = { :happy => 1, :sad => 2, :angry => 3, :ill => 4 } Sizes = { :face => 1, :thumb => 2, :zoom => 3, :full => 4 } end def standard_species_search_links build_on_pet_types(Species.alphabetical) do |pet_type| image = pet_type_image(pet_type, :happy, :zoom) query = "species:#{}" link_to(image, items_path(:q => query)) end end def closet_list_verb(owned) ClosetHanger.verb(:you, owned) end def owned_icon image_tag 'owned.png', :title => t('items.item.owned.description'), :alt => t('items.item.owned.abbr') end def wanted_icon image_tag 'wanted.png', :title => t('items.item.wanted.description'), :alt => t('items.item.wanted.abbr') end def closeted_icons_for(item) content = ''.html_safe content << owned_icon if item.owned? content << wanted_icon if item.wanted? content_tag :div, content, :class => 'closeted-icons' end def nc_icon image_tag 'nc.png', :title => t(''), :alt => t(''), :class => 'nc-icon' end def nc_icon_for(item) nc_icon if end def time_with_only_month_if_old(first_seen_at) # For this month and the previous month, show the full date, so people can # understand *exactly* how recent it was. beginning_of_prev_month = - 1.month if first_seen_at >= beginning_of_prev_month return first_seen_at.strftime("%b %e, %Y") end # Otherwise, show just the month and the year, to be concise. (We'll offer # the full date as a tooltip, too.) first_seen_at.strftime("%b %Y") end def jn_items_url_for(item) sprintf(JNItemsURLFormat, CGI::escape( end def shop_wizard_url_for(item) "{CGI::escape}" end def super_shop_wizard_url_for(item) "{CGI::escape}" end def trading_post_url_for(item) "{CGI::escape}" end def auction_genie_url_for(item) "{CGI::escape}" end def format_contribution_count(count) " (×#{count})".html_safe if count > 1 end def render_item_link(item) render(partial: 'items/item_link', locals: {item: item}) end def nc_trade_value_updated_at_text(nc_trade_value) return nil if nc_trade_value.updated_at.nil? # Render both "[X] [days] ago", and also the exact date, only including the # year if it's not this same year. time_ago_str = time_ago_in_words nc_trade_value.updated_at date_str = nc_trade_value.updated_at.year != ? nc_trade_value.updated_at.strftime("%b %-d") : nc_trade_value.updated_at.strftime("%b %-d, %Y") "Last updated: #{date_str} (#{time_ago_str} ago)" end private def build_on_pet_types(species, special_color=nil, &block) species_ids = pet_types = special_color ? PetType.where(:color_id =>, :species_id => species_ids). order(:species_id) : PetType.random_basic_per_species( end def pet_type_image(pet_type, emotion, size) emotion_id = PetTypeImage::Emotions[emotion] size_id = PetTypeImage::Sizes[size] src = sprintf(PetTypeImage::Format, pet_type.basic_image_hash, emotion_id, size_id) human_name = image_tag(src, :alt => human_name, :title => human_name) end def item_header_user_lists_form_state cookies.fetch("DTIItemPageUserListsFormState", "closed") end end