import { ApolloClient, createHttpLink, InMemoryCache } from "@apollo/client"; import { loadErrorMessages, loadDevMessages } from "@apollo/client/dev"; import { setContext } from "@apollo/client/link/context"; import { createPersistedQueryLink } from "apollo-link-persisted-queries"; import { getAuthModeFeatureFlag } from "./components/useCurrentUser"; // Use Apollo's error messages in development. if (process.env["NODE_ENV"] === "development") { loadErrorMessages(); loadDevMessages(); } // Teach Apollo to load certain fields from the cache, to avoid extra network // requests. This happens a lot - e.g. reusing data from item search on the // outfit immediately! const typePolicies = { Query: { fields: { closetList: (_, { args, toReference }) => { return toReference({ __typename: "ClosetList", id: }, true); }, items: (_, { args, toReference }) => { return => toReference({ __typename: "Item", id }, true) ); }, item: (_, { args, toReference }) => { return toReference({ __typename: "Item", id: }, true); }, petAppearanceById: (_, { args, toReference }) => { return toReference({ __typename: "PetAppearance", id: }, true); }, species: (_, { args, toReference }) => { return toReference({ __typename: "Species", id: }, true); }, color: (_, { args, toReference }) => { return toReference({ __typename: "Color", id: }, true); }, outfit: (_, { args, toReference }) => { return toReference({ __typename: "Outfit", id: }, true); }, user: (_, { args, toReference }) => { return toReference({ __typename: "User", id: }, true); }, }, }, Item: { fields: { appearanceOn: (appearance, { args, readField, toReference }) => { // If we already have this exact appearance in the cache, serve it! if (appearance) { return appearance; } // Otherwise, we're going to see if this is a standard color, in which // case we can reuse the standard color appearance if we already have // it! This helps for fast loading when switching between standard // colors. const { speciesId, colorId } = args; console.debug( "[appearanceOn] seeking cached appearance", speciesId, colorId, readField("id") ); const speciesStandardBodyId = readField( "standardBodyId", toReference({ __typename: "Species", id: speciesId }) ); const colorIsStandard = readField( "isStandard", toReference({ __typename: "Color", id: colorId }) ); if (speciesStandardBodyId == null || colorIsStandard == null) { // We haven't loaded all the species/colors into cache yet. We might // be loading them, depending on the page? Either way, return // `undefined`, meaning we don't know how to serve this from cache. // This will cause us to start loading it from the server. console.debug("[appearanceOn] species/colors not loaded yet"); return undefined; } if (colorIsStandard) { const itemId = readField("id"); console.debug( "[appearanceOn] standard color, will read:", `item-${itemId}-body-${speciesStandardBodyId}` ); return toReference({ __typename: "ItemAppearance", id: `item-${itemId}-body-${speciesStandardBodyId}`, }); } else { console.debug("[appearanceOn] non-standard color, failure"); // This isn't a standard color, so we don't support special // cross-color caching for it. Return `undefined`, meaning we don't // know how to serve this from cache. This will cause us to start // loading it from the server. return undefined; } }, currentUserOwnsThis: (cachedValue, { readField }) => { if (cachedValue != null) { return cachedValue; } // Do we know what items this user owns? If so, scan for this item. const currentUserRef = readField("currentUser", { __ref: "ROOT_QUERY", }); if (!currentUserRef) { return undefined; } const thisItemId = readField("id"); const itemsTheyOwn = readField("itemsTheyOwn", currentUserRef); if (!itemsTheyOwn) { return undefined; } const theyOwnThisItem = itemsTheyOwn.some( (itemRef) => readField("id", itemRef) === thisItemId ); return theyOwnThisItem; }, currentUserWantsThis: (cachedValue, { readField }) => { if (cachedValue != null) { return cachedValue; } // Do we know what items this user owns? If so, scan for this item. const currentUserRef = readField("currentUser", { __ref: "ROOT_QUERY", }); if (!currentUserRef) { return undefined; } const thisItemId = readField("id"); const itemsTheyWant = readField("itemsTheyWant", currentUserRef); if (!itemsTheyWant) { return undefined; } const theyWantThisItem = itemsTheyWant.some( (itemRef) => readField("id", itemRef) === thisItemId ); return theyWantThisItem; }, }, }, ClosetList: { fields: { // When loading the updated contents of a list, replace it entirely. items: { merge: false }, }, }, }; const httpLink = createHttpLink({ uri: "", }); const buildAuthLink = (getAuth0) => setContext(async (_, { headers = {}, sendAuth = false }) => { if (!sendAuth) { return; } const token = await getAccessToken(getAuth0); if (token) { return { headers: { ...headers, authorization: token ? `Bearer ${token}` : "", }, }; } }); // This is a temporary way to pass the DTIAuthMode feature flag back to the // server! const authModeLink = setContext((_, { headers = {} }) => { const authMode = getAuthModeFeatureFlag(); return { headers: { ...headers, "DTI-Auth-Mode": authMode, }, }; }); async function getAccessToken(getAuth0) { // Wait for auth0 to stop loading, so we can maybe get a token! // We'll do this hackily by checking every 100ms until it's true. await new Promise((resolve) => { function check() { if (getAuth0().isLoading) { setTimeout(check, 100); } else { resolve(); } } check(); }); const { isAuthenticated, getAccessTokenSilently } = getAuth0(); if (isAuthenticated) { const token = await getAccessTokenSilently(); return token; } } const buildLink = (getAuth0) => buildAuthLink(getAuth0) .concat(authModeLink) .concat( createPersistedQueryLink({ useGETForHashedQueries: true, }) ) .concat(httpLink); /** * apolloClient is the global Apollo Client instance we use for GraphQL * queries. This is how we communicate with the server! */ const buildClient = ({ getAuth0, initialCacheState }) => { return new ApolloClient({ link: buildLink(getAuth0), cache: new InMemoryCache({ typePolicies }).restore(initialCacheState), connectToDevTools: true, }); }; export default buildClient;