Hello, hello! I'm Matchu, loving father of Dress to Impress. I started building the site on a whim one day, and never expected it to really catch on—but here you are, proving that someone else out there loves Dress to Impress as much as I do <3 Thank you so much!

Before I forget, let's get to receipt business. You donated <%= number_to_currency @donation.amount / 100.0 %> (thanks again, by the way!), and you can update the name and outfits on that donation whenever you like at <%= link_to donation_url(@donation), donation_url(@donation) %>.

Anyway. I hope you enjoy our little thank-you gift (you do have some beautiful outfits for me to show off, right?), and that Dress to Impress continues to bring you joy :)

Oh! And, if you ever have anything to say to me, please let me know at <%= mail_to 'matchu@openneo.net' %>. I'm looking forward to any and all questions, comments, concerns, insults, treasure maps, love letters, or memes you send my way :D

Thanks again for your help! DTI <3s you.

P.S. Seriously. Reply to this email and tell me something. It'll make my day :D