import React from "react"; import gql from "graphql-tag"; import { useQuery } from "@apollo/client"; import { Box, IconButton, Input, InputGroup, InputLeftAddon, InputLeftElement, InputRightElement, Tooltip, useColorModeValue, } from "@chakra-ui/react"; import { ChevronDownIcon, ChevronUpIcon, CloseIcon, SearchIcon, } from "@chakra-ui/icons"; import { ClassNames } from "@emotion/react"; import Autosuggest from "react-autosuggest"; import useCurrentUser from "../components/useCurrentUser"; import { logAndCapture } from "../util"; export const emptySearchQuery = { value: "", filterToZoneLabel: null, filterToItemKind: null, filterToCurrentUserOwnsOrWants: null, }; export function searchQueryIsEmpty(query) { return Object.values(query).every((value) => !value); } const SUGGESTIONS_PLACEMENT_PROPS = { inline: { borderBottomRadius: "md", }, top: { position: "absolute", bottom: "100%", borderTopRadius: "md", }, }; /** * SearchToolbar is rendered above both the ItemsPanel and the SearchPanel, * and contains the search field where the user types their query. * * It has some subtle keyboard interaction support, like DownArrow to go to the * first search result, and Escape to clear the search and go back to the * ItemsPanel. (The SearchPanel can also send focus back to here, with Escape * from anywhere, or UpArrow from the first result!) */ function SearchToolbar({ query, searchQueryRef, firstSearchResultRef = null, onChange, autoFocus, showItemsLabel = false, background = null, boxShadow = null, suggestionsPlacement = "inline", ...props }) { const [suggestions, setSuggestions] = React.useState([]); const [advancedSearchIsOpen, setAdvancedSearchIsOpen] = React.useState(false); const { isLoggedIn } = useCurrentUser(); // NOTE: This query should always load ~instantly, from the client cache. const { data } = useQuery(gql` query SearchToolbarZones { allZones { id label depth isCommonlyUsedByItems } } `); const zones = data?.allZones || []; const itemZones = zones.filter((z) => z.isCommonlyUsedByItems); let zoneLabels = => z.label); zoneLabels = [ Set(zoneLabels)]; zoneLabels.sort(); const onMoveFocusDownToResults = (e) => { if (firstSearchResultRef && firstSearchResultRef.current) { firstSearchResultRef.current.focus(); e.preventDefault(); } }; const suggestionBgColor = useColorModeValue("white", "whiteAlpha.100"); const highlightedBgColor = useColorModeValue("gray.100", "whiteAlpha.300"); const renderSuggestion = React.useCallback( ({ text }, { isHighlighted }) => ( <Box fontWeight={isHighlighted ? "bold" : "normal"} background={isHighlighted ? highlightedBgColor : suggestionBgColor} padding="2" paddingLeft="2.5rem" fontSize="sm" > {text} </Box> ), [suggestionBgColor, highlightedBgColor], ); const renderSuggestionsContainer = React.useCallback( ({ containerProps, children }) => { const { className, ...otherContainerProps } = containerProps; return ( <ClassNames> {({ css, cx }) => ( <Box {...otherContainerProps} boxShadow="md" overflow="auto" transition="all 0.4s" maxHeight="48" width="100%" className={cx( className, css` li { list-style: none; } `, )} {...SUGGESTIONS_PLACEMENT_PROPS[suggestionsPlacement]} > {children} {!children && advancedSearchIsOpen && ( <Box padding="4" fontSize="sm" fontStyle="italic" textAlign="center" > No more filters available! </Box> )} </Box> )} </ClassNames> ); }, [advancedSearchIsOpen, suggestionsPlacement], ); // When we change the query filters, clear out the suggestions. React.useEffect(() => { setSuggestions([]); }, [ query.filterToItemKind, query.filterToZoneLabel, query.filterToCurrentUserOwnsOrWants, ]); let queryFilterText = getQueryFilterText(query); if (showItemsLabel) { queryFilterText = queryFilterText ? ( <> <Box as="span" fontWeight="600"> Items: </Box>{" "} {queryFilterText} </> ) : ( <Box as="span" fontWeight="600"> Items </Box> ); } const allSuggestions = getSuggestions(null, query, zoneLabels, isLoggedIn, { showAll: true, }); // Once you remove the final suggestion available, close Advanced Search. We // have placeholder text available, sure, but this feels more natural! React.useEffect(() => { if (allSuggestions.length === 0) { setAdvancedSearchIsOpen(false); } }, [allSuggestions.length]); const focusBorderColor = useColorModeValue("green.600", "green.400"); return ( <Box position="relative" {...props}> <Autosuggest suggestions={advancedSearchIsOpen ? allSuggestions : suggestions} onSuggestionsFetchRequested={({ value }) => { // HACK: I'm not sure why, but apparently this gets called with value // set to the _chosen suggestion_ after choosing it? Has that // always happened? Idk? Let's just, gate around it, I guess? if (typeof value === "string") { setSuggestions( getSuggestions(value, query, zoneLabels, isLoggedIn), ); } }} onSuggestionSelected={(e, { suggestion }) => { onChange({ ...query, // If the suggestion was from typing, remove the last word of the // query value. Or, if it was from Advanced Search, leave it alone! value: advancedSearchIsOpen ? query.value : removeLastWord(query.value), filterToZoneLabel: suggestion.zoneLabel || query.filterToZoneLabel, filterToItemKind: suggestion.itemKind || query.filterToItemKind, filterToCurrentUserOwnsOrWants: suggestion.userOwnsOrWants || query.filterToCurrentUserOwnsOrWants, }); }} getSuggestionValue={(zl) => zl} alwaysRenderSuggestions={true} renderSuggestion={renderSuggestion} renderSuggestionsContainer={renderSuggestionsContainer} renderInputComponent={(inputProps) => ( <InputGroup boxShadow={boxShadow} borderRadius="md"> {queryFilterText ? ( <InputLeftAddon> <SearchIcon color="gray.400" marginRight="3" /> <Box fontSize="sm">{queryFilterText}</Box> </InputLeftAddon> ) : ( <InputLeftElement> <SearchIcon color="gray.400" /> </InputLeftElement> )} <Input background={background} autoFocus={autoFocus} {...inputProps} /> <InputRightElement width="auto" justifyContent="flex-end" paddingRight="2px" paddingY="2px" > {!searchQueryIsEmpty(query) && ( <Tooltip label="Clear"> <IconButton icon={<CloseIcon fontSize="0.6em" />} color="gray.400" variant="ghost" height="100%" marginLeft="1" aria-label="Clear search" onClick={() => { setSuggestions([]); onChange(emptySearchQuery); }} /> </Tooltip> )} <Tooltip label="Advanced search"> <IconButton icon={ advancedSearchIsOpen ? ( <ChevronUpIcon fontSize="1.5em" /> ) : ( <ChevronDownIcon fontSize="1.5em" /> ) } color="gray.400" variant="ghost" height="100%" aria-label="Open advanced search" onClick={() => setAdvancedSearchIsOpen((isOpen) => !isOpen)} /> </Tooltip> </InputRightElement> </InputGroup> )} inputProps={{ placeholder: "Search all items…", focusBorderColor: focusBorderColor, value: query.value || "", ref: searchQueryRef, minWidth: 0, "data-test-id": "item-search-input", onChange: (e, { newValue, method }) => { // The Autosuggest tries to change the _entire_ value of the element // when navigating suggestions, which isn't actually what we want. // Only accept value changes that are typed by the user! if (method === "type") { onChange({ ...query, value: newValue }); } }, onKeyDown: (e) => { if (e.key === "Escape") { if (suggestions.length > 0) { setSuggestions([]); return; } onChange(emptySearchQuery);; } else if (e.key === "Enter") { // Pressing Enter doesn't actually submit because it's all on // debounce, but it can be a declaration that the query is done, so // filter suggestions should go away! if (suggestions.length > 0) { setSuggestions([]); return; } } else if (e.key === "ArrowDown") { if (suggestions.length > 0) { return; } onMoveFocusDownToResults(e); } else if (e.key === "Backspace" && === 0) { onChange({ ...query, filterToItemKind: null, filterToZoneLabel: null, filterToCurrentUserOwnsOrWants: null, }); } }, }} /> </Box> ); } function getSuggestions( value, query, zoneLabels, isLoggedIn, { showAll = false } = {}, ) { if (!value && !showAll) { return []; } const words = (value || "").split(/\s+/); const lastWord = words[words.length - 1]; if (lastWord.length < 2 && !showAll) { return []; } const suggestions = []; if (query.filterToItemKind == null) { if ( wordMatches("NC", lastWord) || wordMatches("Neocash", lastWord) || showAll ) { suggestions.push({ itemKind: "NC", text: "Neocash items" }); } if ( wordMatches("NP", lastWord) || wordMatches("Neopoints", lastWord) || showAll ) { suggestions.push({ itemKind: "NP", text: "Neopoint items" }); } if ( wordMatches("PB", lastWord) || wordMatches("Paintbrush", lastWord) || showAll ) { suggestions.push({ itemKind: "PB", text: "Paintbrush items" }); } } if (isLoggedIn && query.filterToCurrentUserOwnsOrWants == null) { if (wordMatches("Items you own", lastWord) || showAll) { suggestions.push({ userOwnsOrWants: "OWNS", text: "Items you own" }); } if (wordMatches("Items you want", lastWord) || showAll) { suggestions.push({ userOwnsOrWants: "WANTS", text: "Items you want" }); } } if (query.filterToZoneLabel == null) { for (const zoneLabel of zoneLabels) { if (wordMatches(zoneLabel, lastWord) || showAll) { suggestions.push({ zoneLabel, text: `Zone: ${zoneLabel}` }); } } } return suggestions; } function wordMatches(target, word) { return target.toLowerCase().includes(word.toLowerCase()); } function getQueryFilterText(query) { const textWords = []; if (query.filterToItemKind) { textWords.push(query.filterToItemKind); } if (query.filterToZoneLabel) { textWords.push(pluralizeZoneLabel(query.filterToZoneLabel)); } if (query.filterToCurrentUserOwnsOrWants === "OWNS") { if (!query.filterToItemKind && !query.filterToZoneLabel) { textWords.push("Items"); } else if (query.filterToItemKind && !query.filterToZoneLabel) { textWords.push("items"); } textWords.push("you own"); } else if (query.filterToCurrentUserOwnsOrWants === "WANTS") { if (!query.filterToItemKind && !query.filterToZoneLabel) { textWords.push("Items"); } else if (query.filterToItemKind && !query.filterToZoneLabel) { textWords.push("items"); } textWords.push("you want"); } return textWords.join(" "); } /** * pluralizeZoneLabel hackily tries to convert a zone name to a plural noun! * * HACK: It'd be more reliable and more translatable to do this by just * manually creating the plural for each zone. But, ehh! ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯ */ function pluralizeZoneLabel(zoneLabel) { if (zoneLabel.endsWith("ss")) { return zoneLabel + "es"; } else if (zoneLabel.endsWith("s")) { return zoneLabel; } else { return zoneLabel + "s"; } } /** * removeLastWord returns a copy of the text, with the last word and any * preceding space removed. */ function removeLastWord(text) { // This regex matches the full text, and assigns the last word and any // preceding text to subgroup 2, and all preceding text to subgroup 1. If // there's no last word, we'll still match, and the full string will be in // subgroup 1, including any space - no changes made! const match = text.match(/^(.*?)(\s*\S+)?$/); if (!match) { logAndCapture( new Error( `Assertion failure: pattern should match any input text, ` + `but failed to match ${JSON.stringify(text)}`, ), ); return text; } return match[1]; } export default SearchToolbar;