require 'spec_helper' describe Item do context "an item" do specify "should accept string or array for species_support_ids" do items = [, :species_support_ids => '1,2,3'),, :species_support_ids => [1,2,3]) ] items.each { |i| i.species_support_ids.should == [1,2,3] } end end context "class" do specify "should search name for word" do query_should 'blue', :return => [ 'A Hat That is Blue', 'Blue Hat', 'Blueish Hat', 'Very Blue Hat' ], :not_return => [ 'Green Hat', 'Red Hat' ] end specify "should search name for phrase" do query_should '"one two"', :return => [ 'Zero one two three', 'Zero one two', 'One two three' ], :not_return => [ 'Zero one three', 'Zero two three', 'Zero one and two', 'Three two one' ] end specify "should search name for multiple words" do query_should 'one two', :return => [ 'Zero one two three', 'Zero one two', 'One two three', 'Zero one and two', 'Three two one' ], :not_return => [ 'Zero one three', 'Zero two three' ] end specify "should search name for words and phrases" do query_should 'zero "one two" three', :return => [ 'zero one two three', 'zero four one two three', 'one two zero three', 'three zero one two' ], :not_return => [ 'one two three', 'zero one two', 'three one zero two', 'two one three zero' ] end specify "should search name and description" do query_should 'zero "one two"', :return => [ 'zero one two', ['zero one', 'one two three'], ['one two four', 'one three zero'], ['three', 'one two four zero'] ], :not_return => [ ['zero one', 'two'], ['one two four', 'three'], ['five two', 'zero one three two'] ] end specify "should search by species" do [[2],[1,2,3],[2,3],[3],[1,3]].each do |ids| Factory.create :item, :species_support_ids => ids end'species:acara').count.should == 2'species:aisha').count.should == 3'species:blumaroo').count.should == 4 end specify "should search by species and words" do Factory.create :item, :name => 'Blue Hat', :species_support_ids => [1] Factory.create :item, :name => 'Very Blue Hat', :species_support_ids => [1,2] Factory.create :item, :name => 'Red Hat', :species_support_ids => [2]'blue species:acara').count.should == 2'blue species:aisha').count.should == 1'red species:acara').count.should == 0'red species:aisha').count.should == 1 end specify "should be able to negate word in search" do query_should 'hat -blue', :return => [ 'Green Hat', 'Red Hat', 'Blu E Hat', ['Yellow Hat', 'This hat is not green!'] ], :not_return => [ 'Blue Hat', 'Green Shirt', 'Blue Shirt', ['Orange Hat', 'This hat is not blue!'], ['Blue Pants', 'This is not a hat!'] ] end specify "should be able to negate species in search" do Factory.create :item, :name => 'Blue Hat', :species_support_ids => [1] Factory.create :item, :name => 'Very Blue Hat', :species_support_ids => [1,2] Factory.create :item, :name => 'Red Hat', :species_support_ids => [1,2] Factory.create :item, :name => 'Green Hat', :species_support_ids => [3] Factory.create :item, :name => 'Red Shirt', :species_support_ids => [3]'hat -species:acara').count.should == 1'hat -species:aisha').count.should == 2'hat -species:acara -species:aisha').count.should == 1 end specify "should be able to negate phrase in search" do query_should 'zero -"one two"', :return => [ 'Zero two one', ['Two one', 'Zero'], 'One three two zero' ], :not_return => [ 'Zero one two', ['Zero', 'one two three'], ['One two four', 'Zero one'] ] end specify "should return raise exception for a query with no conditions" do Factory.create :item [ lambda {'').all }, lambda { }, lambda {' ').all } ].each { |l| l.should raise_error(ArgumentError) } end end end