en: app_name: Dress to Impress organization_name: OpenNeo your_items: Your Items infinite_closet: Infinite Closet modeling_hub: Modeling Hub layouts: application: title_tagline: Preview customized Neopets' clothing and wearables userbar: greeting: Hey, %{user_name}! contributions_summary_html: You have %{contributions_link}. contributions_link_content: "%{user_points} points" items: Items outfits: Outfits settings: Settings logout: Log out login: Log in footer: blog: Blog source_code: Source Code terms: Terms of Use contact: Contact suggestions: Suggestions email: Questions, comments, bugs copyright: Images © 2000–%{year} Neopets, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Used With Permission items: title_tagline: Neopets customization clothing and wearables database search: Search broken_image_reports: new: title: Report broken image explanation_html: Thanks for helping us find broken images! Sometimes the converters don't get things quite right, and sometimes that can be fixed by just trying the conversion again. If reconversion doesn't seem to solve the issue, consider sending us a bug report at %{contact_link}. Thanks! call_to_action: Which of these images looked broken? We'll put it in line for reconversion. submit: Report as broken converted_at_html: Converted %{converted_at_ago} ago reported_at_html: Reported %{reported_at_ago} ago closet_lists: unlisted_name: Not in a list groups: owned_by: you: Items you own another_user: Items %{user_name} owns wanted_by: you: Items you want another_user: Items %{user_name} wants contributions: contributed_description: item_suffix: for the first time swf_asset_suffix: on a new body type pet_type_suffix: for the first time pet_state_prefix: a new pose for contribution: description_html: "%{user_link} showed us %{contributed_description}" created_at_html: "%{created_at_ago} ago" index: title: Recent Contributions user_summary: "%{user_name} currently has %{user_points} points" no_contributions: There are no contributions here. items: index: title_with_query: Searching Infinite Closet for "%{query}" no_results_html: We couldn't find any wearables that matched %{query_html}. Sorry! modeling_request_html: Are we missing something? To add an item to our database, just %{modeling_link}, and we'll update our database instantly. Thanks! modeling_link_content: show us a pet who is wearing it search_help_header: Find what you're looking for basic_example_query: kreludor "altador cup" -background basic_example_description: returns any item with the word "kreludor" and the phrase "altador cup" in it, but not the word "background" user_items_example_query: hat user:owns user_items_example_description_html: returns %{user_items_link} with the word "hat" user_items_example_link_content: items that you own nc_example_query: blue is:nc nc_example_description: returns any NC Mall item with the word "blue" in it pb_example_query: collar -is:pb pb_example_description: returns any item with the word "collar" in it that isn't from a paint brush species_example_query: species:shoyru species_example_description: returns any item a Shoyru can wear type_example_query: type:hat type_example_description: returns any item that fills a "hat" zone newest_items_header: Newest items species_search_header: Can't decide? Search by species show: rarity: Rarity jn_items: JN Items shop_wizard: Shop Wizard super_shop_wizard: Super Wizard trading_post: Trades auction_genie: Auctions hangers_header_html: Track this in %{user_items_link} quantity_label: How many? submit_hangers: Save to Your Items occupied_zones_header: Occupies restricted_zones_header: Restricts no_restricted_zones: None trading_closet_hangers: header: owned: zero: We don't know anyone who has this item up for trade. one: "1 user has this item up for trade:" other: "%{count} users have this item up for trade:" wanted: zero: "We don't know anyone who wants this item." one: "1 user wants this item:" other: "%{count} users want this item:" show_more: more show_less: less preview_header: Preview customize_more: Customize more preview_requirements_not_met: Javascript and Flash are required to preview wearables. Sorry! contributors_header: Brought to you by contributors_footer: Thanks! swf_assets_not_found_html: We've never seen the %{item_name} on the %{color_name} %{species_name} before. Have you? If so, please %{modeling_link} and we'll update our database instantly. Thanks! swf_assets_not_found_modeling_link_content: model it for us outfits: new: tagline: Neopets wearables made easy! load_pet_legend: Enter your pet's name load_pet_submit: Plan my outfit! start_from_scratch_legend: Or start from scratch start_from_scratch_submit: Go your_items_tagline: Track and trade! your_items_description: Make lists of the items you own and want, and share them with the world. your_items_user_search_placeholder: find a user… your_items_user_search_submit: search infinite_closet_tagline: Looking for something? infinite_closet_description: Take a look through our wearables database! infinite_closet_item_search_placeholder: find an item… infinite_closet_item_search_submit: search modeling_hub_tagline: Found something? modeling_hub_description: Enter a pet's name here and we'll keep a copy of what it's wearing. Thanks so much! modeling_hub_load_pet_placeholder: model a pet… modeling_hub_load_pet_submit: submit latest_contribution_header: Contributions latest_contribution_description_html: "%{user_link} showed us %{contributed_description}. Thanks, %{user_link}!" blog_linkback: OpenNeo Blog newest_items_header: New Items show: default_outfit_name: Shared outfit edit: Edit clone: Edit a copy creation_summary_html: Created by %{user_link}, %{created_at_ago} ago users: top_contributors: title: Top Contributors rank: Rank user: User points: Points