- if user_is?(@user) - title 'Your Items' - content_for :before_flashes do = link_to "Import closet from Neopets", new_closet_page_path, :id => 'import-link' - else - title "#{@user.name}'s Items" #closet-hangers{:class => user_is?(@user) ? 'current-user' : nil} - if !@closet_hangers.empty? = render @closet_hangers - else - if user_is?(@user) %p You haven't tracked any items on Dress to Impress. %p Here you can keep track of what items you already own, so that as you design fancy outfits you can know what you have and what you still need. And, who knows? Maybe some day this page will include wishlists and up-for-trade items. We'll see what happens. %p It's easy to get started! = link_to "Just import your Neopets closet in a few quick steps.", new_closet_page_path Have fun! - else %p #{@user.name} hasn't tracked any items on Dress to Impress.