- if @items - title "Searching Infinite Closet for \"#{@query}\"" - if @items.empty? :markdown We couldn't find any wearables that matched **#{h @query}**. Sorry! Are we missing something? To add an item to our database, just [show us a pet who is wearing it][1]. That's it! [1]: / - else = will_paginate @items = render @items = will_paginate @items - else #search-info #search-help %h2 Find what you're looking for %dl %dt kreludor "altador cup" -background %dd returns any item with the word "kreludor" and the phrase "altador cup" in it, but not the word "background" %dt hat user:owns %dd returns = link_to 'items that you own', your_items_path with the word "hat" %dt blue is:nc %dd returns any NC Mall item with the word "blue" in it %dt collar -is:pb %dd returns any item with the word "collar" in it that isn't from a paint brush %dt species:shoyru %dd returns any item a Shoyru can wear %dt type:hat %dd returns any item that fills a "hat" zone #search-new-items %h2 Newest items = render @newest_items #species-search-links %h2 Can't decide? Search by species = standard_species_search_links