var PREVIEW_SWF_ID = 'item-preview-swf', PREVIEW_SWF = document.getElementById(PREVIEW_SWF_ID), IMPRESS_HOST = PREVIEW_SWF.getAttribute('data-impress-host'), speciesList = $('#item-preview a'), MainWardrobe; if(console === undefined || console.log === undefined) { function log() {} } else { log = $.proxy(console, 'log'); } String.prototype.capitalize = function () { return this.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.substr(1); } String.prototype.article = function () { return 'aeiou'.indexOf(this.charAt(0).toLowerCase()) == -1 ? 'a' : 'an' } function impressUrl(path) { return 'http://' + IMPRESS_HOST + path; } function LoadError(base_msg) { this.render = function (args) { var msg = base_msg, token, article_token; for(var i in args) { token = "$" + i; article_token = token + "_article"; if(msg.indexOf(article_token) != -1) { msg = msg.replace(article_token, args[i].article()); } msg = msg.replace(token, args[i]); } return "Whoops - we've never seen " + msg + " before! If you have, please " + "submit that pet's name as soon as you " + "get the chance! Thanks!"; } } function PetType() { var pet_type = this, loaded_data = false, loaded_assets = false; this.activated = true; this.assets = true; this.deactivate = function (error, args) { var msg; this.activated = false; if(typeof args == 'undefined') args = {}; args.color = this.color_name.capitalize(); args.species = this.species_name.capitalize(); this.deactivation_msg = error.render(args); if(this == PetType.current) showDeactivationMsg(); var img ='img').get(0);'deactivated'); img.src = img.src.replace('/1/', '/2/'); } this.deactivateWithItem = function (item) { pet_type.deactivate(Item.LOAD_ERROR, { item: }); } this.load = function () { Item.current.load(this); loadAssets(); } this.setAsCurrent = function () { PetType.current = this; speciesList.filter('.current').removeClass('current');'current'); if(this.activated) { Preview.enable(); this.load(); } else { showDeactivationMsg(); } } this.onUpdate = function () { if(pet_type == PetType.current) Preview.update() } function loadAssets() { if(loaded_assets) { pet_type.onUpdate(); } else { $.getJSON('/pet_types/' + + '/swf_assets.json', function (assets) { pet_type.assets = assets; loaded_assets = true; pet_type.onUpdate(); }); } } function showDeactivationMsg() { Preview.disable(pet_type.deactivation_msg); } } PetType.all = []; PetType.all.load = function () { var body_ids = $.map(PetType.all, function (pt) { return pt.body_id }); $.getJSON(Item.current.assets_url_base, {body_id: body_ids}, function (assets_by_body_id) { $.each(assets_by_body_id, function (i) { Item.current.assets_by_body_id[parseInt(i)] = this; }); $.each(PetType.all, function () { if(Item.current.getAssetsForPetType(this).length == 0) { this.deactivateWithItem(Item.current); } }); }); } PetType.LOAD_ERROR = new LoadError("$color_article $color $species"); PetType.DASH_REGEX = /-/g; PetType.createFromLink = function (link) { var pet_type = new PetType(); $.each(link.get(0).attributes, function () { if(, 5) == 'data-') { pet_type[, '_')] = this.value; } }); = link; PetType.all.push(pet_type); return pet_type; } function Item(id) { this.assets_by_body_id = {}; this.assets_url_base = '/' + id + '/swf_assets.json'; this.load = function (pet_type) { var url = this.assets_url_base + '?body_id=' + pet_type.body_id, item = this; if(this.getAssetsForPetType(pet_type).length) { pet_type.onUpdate(); } else { $.getJSON(url, function (data) { item.setAssetsForPetType(data, pet_type); }); } } this.getAssetsForPetType = function (pet_type) { return this.assets_by_body_id[pet_type.body_id] || this.assets_by_body_id[0] || []; } this.setAsCurrent = function () { Item.current = this; } this.setAssetsForPetType = function (assets, pet_type) { if(assets.length) { this.assets_by_body_id[pet_type.body_id] = assets; pet_type.onUpdate(); } else { pet_type.deactivateWithItem(this); } } } Item.LOAD_ERROR = new LoadError("$species_article $species wear a $item"); Item.createFromLocation = function () { var item = new Item(parseInt(document.location.pathname.substr(1))), z = CURRENT_ITEM_ZONES_RESTRICT, zl = z.length; item.restricted_zones = []; for(i = 0; i < zl; i++) { if(z.charAt(i) == '1') { item.restricted_zones.push(i + 1); } } return item; } Preview = new function Preview() { var swf_id, swf, updateWhenFlashReady = false; this.setFlashIsReady = function () { swf = document.getElementById(swf_id); if(updateWhenFlashReady) this.update(); } this.update = function (assets) { var assets = [], asset_sources = [ PetType.current.assets, Item.current.getAssetsForPetType(PetType.current) ]; if(swf) { $.each(asset_sources, function () { assets = assets.concat(this); }); assets = $.grep(assets, function (asset) { var visible = $.inArray(asset.zone_id, Item.current.restricted_zones) == -1; if(visible) asset.local_path = asset.local_url; return visible; }); swf.setAssets(assets); } else { updateWhenFlashReady = true; } } this.embed = function (id) { swf_id = id; swfobject.embedSWF( impressUrl('/assets/swf/preview.swf'), // URL id, // ID '100%', // width '100%', // height '9', // required version impressUrl('/assets/js/swfobject/expressInstall.swf'), // express install URL {'swf_assets_path': impressUrl('/assets')}, // flashvars {'wmode': 'transparent', 'allowscriptaccess': 'always'} // params ); } this.disable = function (msg) { $('#' + swf_id).hide(); $('#item-preview-error').html(msg).show(); } this.enable = function () { $('#item-preview-error').hide(); $('#' + swf_id).show(); } } Preview.embed(PREVIEW_SWF_ID); Item.createFromLocation().setAsCurrent(); = $('#item-name').text(); PetType.createFromLink(speciesList.eq(Math.floor(Math.random()*speciesList.length))).setAsCurrent(); speciesList.each(function () { var pet_type = PetType.createFromLink($(this)); $(this).click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); pet_type.setAsCurrent(); }); }); setTimeout(PetType.all.load, 5000); MainWardrobe = { View: { Outfit: Preview } };