class PetState < ApplicationRecord SwfAssetType = 'biology' has_many :contributions, :as => :contributed, :inverse_of => :contributed # in case of duplicates being merged has_many :outfits has_many :parent_swf_asset_relationships, :as => :parent, :autosave => false has_many :swf_assets, :through => :parent_swf_asset_relationships belongs_to :pet_type delegate :color, to: :pet_type alias_method :swf_asset_ids_from_association, :swf_asset_ids attr_writer :parent_swf_asset_relationships_to_update # A simple ordering that tries to bring reliable pet states to the front. scope :emotion_order, -> { order(Arel.sql( "(mood_id IS NULL) ASC, mood_id ASC, female DESC, unconverted DESC, " + "glitched ASC, id DESC" )) } # Filter pet states using the "pose" concept we use in the editor. scope :with_pose, -> pose { case pose when "UNCONVERTED" where(unconverted: true) when "HAPPY_MASC" where(mood_id: 1, female: false) when "HAPPY_FEM" where(mood_id: 1, female: true) when "SAD_MASC" where(mood_id: 2, female: false) when "SAD_FEM" where(mood_id: 2, female: true) when "SICK_MASC" where(mood_id: 4, female: false) when "SICK_FEM" where(mood_id: 4, female: true) when "UNKNOWN" where(mood_id: nil).or(where(female: nil)) else raise ArgumentError, "unexpected pose value #{pose}" end } def pose if unconverted? "UNCONVERTED" elsif mood_id.nil? || female.nil? "UNKNOWN" elsif mood_id == 1 && !female? "HAPPY_MASC" elsif mood_id == 1 && female? "HAPPY_FEM" elsif mood_id == 2 && !female? "SAD_MASC" elsif mood_id == 2 && female? "SAD_FEM" elsif mood_id == 4 && !female? "SICK_MASC" elsif mood_id == 4 && female? "SICK_FEM" else raise "could not identify pose: moodId=#{mood_id}, female=#{female}, " + "unconverted=#{unconverted}" end end def reassign_children_to!(main_pet_state) self.contributions.each do |contribution| contribution.contributed = main_pet_state end self.outfits.each do |outfit| outfit.pet_state = main_pet_state end ParentSwfAssetRelationship.where(ParentSwfAssetRelationship.arel_table[:parent_id].eq( end def reassign_duplicates! raise "This may only be applied to pet states that represent many duplicate entries" unless duplicate_ids pet_states = duplicate_ids.split(',').map do |id| PetState.find(id.to_i) end main_pet_state = pet_states.shift pet_states.each do |pet_state| pet_state.reassign_children_to!(main_pet_state) pet_state.destroy end end def sort_swf_asset_ids! self.swf_asset_ids = swf_asset_ids_array.sort.join(',') end def swf_asset_ids self['swf_asset_ids'] end def swf_asset_ids_array swf_asset_ids.split(',').map(&:to_i) end def swf_asset_ids=(ids) self['swf_asset_ids'] = ids end def handle_assets! @parent_swf_asset_relationships_to_update.each do |rel|!! end end def self.from_pet_type_and_biology_info(pet_type, info) swf_asset_ids = [] info.each do |zone_id, asset_info| if zone_id.present? && asset_info swf_asset_ids << asset_info[:part_id].to_i end end swf_asset_ids_str = swf_asset_ids.sort.join(',') if pet_type.new_record? pet_state = :swf_asset_ids => swf_asset_ids_str else pet_state = self.find_or_initialize_by( pet_type_id:, swf_asset_ids: swf_asset_ids_str ) end existing_swf_assets = SwfAsset.biology_assets.includes(:zone). where(remote_id: swf_asset_ids) existing_swf_assets_by_id = {} existing_swf_assets.each do |swf_asset| existing_swf_assets_by_id[swf_asset.remote_id] = swf_asset end existing_relationships_by_swf_asset_id = {} unless pet_state.new_record? pet_state.parent_swf_asset_relationships.each do |relationship| existing_relationships_by_swf_asset_id[relationship.swf_asset_id] = relationship end end pet_state.pet_type = pet_type # save the second case from having to look it up by ID relationships = [] info.each do |zone_id, asset_info| if zone_id.present? && asset_info swf_asset_id = asset_info[:part_id].to_i swf_asset = existing_swf_assets_by_id[swf_asset_id] unless swf_asset swf_asset = swf_asset.remote_id = swf_asset_id end swf_asset.origin_biology_data = asset_info swf_asset.origin_pet_type = pet_type relationship = existing_relationships_by_swf_asset_id[] unless relationship relationship ||= relationship.parent = pet_state relationship.swf_asset_id = end relationship.swf_asset = swf_asset relationships << relationship end end pet_state.parent_swf_asset_relationships_to_update = relationships pet_state.unconverted = (relationships.size == 1) pet_state end end