- title 'Modeling Hub' - cache do = form_tag load_pet_path, :id => 'needed-items-form' do %h3 Looking for ways to contribute? %p Enter your pet's name below and we'll tell you what items you can help us model. Thanks for your help! = origin_tag bulk_pets_path = destination_tag 'needed_items' %input#needed-items-pet-name-field{:type => "text", :name => "name"}/ %input{:type => "submit", :value => "Submit"}/ #needed-items-alert.alert #needed-items-pet.script-only %h4 %img#needed-items-pet-thumbnail.inline-image Items %span#needed-items-pet-name can model %button#needed-items-reload Reload %ul#needed-items-pet-items = form_tag load_pet_path, :id => 'bulk-pets-form' do %h3 Model pets in bulk %p Got a lot of pets to model? Just keep typing them into the box below, or even paste in a whole list of names, one name per line. Thanks for your help! = origin_tag bulk_pets_path %div.noscript %input{:name => "name", :type => "text"}/ %input{:type => "submit", :value => "Load pet"}/ %div.script-only %textarea %button#bulk-pets-form-add{:type => "button"} Add %button#bulk-pets-form-clear{:type => "button"} Clear %ul %script#item-template{:type => 'text/x-jquery-tmpl'} %li{:class => 'object{{if owned}} owned{{/if}}'} = link_to item_path(':id').sub(':id', '${id}') do %img{:src => '${thumbnail_url}', :alt => '${description}', :title => '${description}'} %span.name ${name} {{if nc}} = nc_icon {{/if}} .closeted-icons {{if owned}} = owned_icon {{/if}} {{if wanted}} = wanted_icon {{/if}} {{if owned}} %span.object-owned You own this item {{/if}} - content_for :javascripts do = include_javascript_libraries :jquery, :jquery_tmpl = include_javascripts :bulk_pets_package