@import ../shared/jquery.jgrowl @import partials/wardrobe @import "partials/icon" @import star $object-padding: 6px $nc-icon-size: 16px $preview-dimension: 400px $sidebar-margin: 20px $sidebar-width: 400px $sidebar-unit-horizontal-padding: 24px $sidebar-unit-inner-width: $sidebar-width - $sidebar-unit-horizontal-padding * 2 $outfit-thumbnail-size: 0 $outfit-thumbnail-original-size: 100px $outfit-thumbnail-margin: 12px $outfit-header-padding: 24px $outfit-content-width: $sidebar-unit-inner-width - $outfit-thumbnail-size - $outfit-thumbnail-margin - 32px $outfit-content-inner-width: $outfit-content-width - $outfit-header-padding =active-mode color: $text-color font-weight: bold =outfit +outfit-star-shifted padding: .25em 0 //.outfit-thumbnail float: left height: $outfit-thumbnail-size margin-right: $outfit-thumbnail-margin overflow: hidden position: relative width: $outfit-thumbnail-size img height: $outfit-thumbnail-original-size left: -$outfit-thumbnail-original-size / 4 position: absolute top: -$outfit-thumbnail-original-size / 4 width: $outfit-thumbnail-original-size .outfit-delete +reset-awesome-button +opacity(.5) font-size: 150% float: right line-height: 1 margin-top: -.125em padding: .125em .25em &:hover +opacity(1) background: $module-bg-color header display: block padding-left: $outfit-header-padding h4 cursor: pointer display: inline &:hover text-decoration: underline h4, .outfit-rename-field font-size: 115% .outfit-rename-button, .outfit-rename-form display: none .outfit-rename-button +opacity(.75) font-size: 75% margin-left: 1em .outfit-url +opacity(.5) background: transparent border-width: 0 width: $outfit-content-inner-width &:hover +opacity(1) border-width: 1px .outfit-delete-confirmation display: none font-size: 75% span color: red a margin: 0 .25em &.active background: $module-bg-color &.confirming-deletion .outfit-delete visibility: hidden .outfit-url display: none .outfit-delete-confirmation display: block &.renaming h4 display: none .outfit-rename-form display: inline &:hover .outfit-rename-button display: none &:hover .outfit-rename-button display: inline =sidebar-view-child margin: left: $sidebar-unit-horizontal-padding right: $sidebar-unit-horizontal-padding body.outfits-edit #preview-toolbar margin-bottom: .5em text-align: left form +inline-block margin-right: 2em #pet-info form display: inline #pet-state-form ul list-style: none &, li display: inline input display: none label +awesome-button margin: 0 .25em li.selected button +awesome-button-color($marked_button_color) &.hidden visibility: hidden #save-outfit-wrapper float: right button display: none #share-outfit display: inline-block &.loading background: image: image-url("loading.gif") position: left center repeat: no-repeat padding-left: 20px #save-outfit, #save-outfit-not-signed-in, #save-current-outfit, #save-outfit-copy, #save-outfit-finish +loud-awesome-button-color #current-outfit-permalink, #shared-outfit-permalink display: none margin-right: .25em img +icon #shared-outfit-url display: none width: 15em #preview clear: both #preview-swf float: left height: $preview-dimension margin-bottom: 1em position: relative width: $preview-dimension &.swf-adapter #preview-image-container display: none &.image-adapter #preview-swf-container display: none #preview-image-container +wardrobe-image-wrapper position: relative &, img height: 100% width: 100% #preview-swf-overlay +opacity(0) background: black height: 100% left: 0 position: absolute top: 0 width: 100% #preview-images-pending background: black background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75) bottom: 0 color: white font-size: 75% padding: .5em position: absolute right: 0 z-index: 1000 &.waiting-on-0 display: none #preview-mode margin-right: 1em position: absolute right: 100% text-align: center top: 0 width: 7em &.flash-active #preview-mode-flash +active-mode &.image-active #preview-mode-image +active-mode &.can-download #preview-download-image display: inline-block #preview-mode-toggle +border-radius(.5em) border: 1px solid $module-border-color color: $soft-text-color font-size: 85% list-style: none margin: 0 auto .5em text-align: center width: 5em li border-top: 1px solid $soft-border-color cursor: pointer padding: .125em 0 width: 100% &:first-child border-top: 0 #preview-download-image display: none font-size: 85% margin: 0 auto #preview-mode-image-access-denied display: block font-size: 75% text-align: center text-decoration: none width: 100% em font-style: normal text-decoration: underline #preview-sidebar +border-radius(10px) border: 1px solid $soft-border-color float: left height: $preview-dimension margin-left: $sidebar-margin margin-bottom: 1em overflow: auto width: $container_width - $preview-dimension - $sidebar-margin - 2px &.viewing-outfits #preview-closet display: none #preview-outfits display: block &.viewing-saving-outfit height: auto max-height: 100% #preview-closet display: none #preview-saving-outfit display: block .sidebar-view h2 margin: bottom: .25em left: $sidebar-unit-horizontal-padding #preview-closet h2 margin-bottom: 0 ul text-align: center .object background: $module-bg-color img +opacity(0.5) &.worn background: transparent img +opacity(1) &.no-assets background: $error-bg-color color: $error-color padding-bottom: 1.25em .no-assets-message display: block .no-assets-message background: $error-bg-color - #080808 bottom: 0 color: $error-color - #080808 cursor: pointer display: none font-size: 75% left: 0 position: absolute width: 100% #no-assets-full-message +border-radius(5px) background: $error-bg-color + #111111 border: 1px solid $error-border-color + #111111 color: $error-color + #111111 font-size: 75% left: -9999px padding: .25em position: absolute top: -9999px width: 30em #preview-search-form clear: both text-align: left h2 +inline-block margin: 0 1em 0 0 input +inline-block #preview-search-form-pagination +inline-block margin-left: 2em a, span margin: 0 .25em .current font-weight: bold #preview-search-form-clear display: none font-size: 87.5% margin-left: 2em #preview-search-form-loading display: none font: size: 75% style: italic margin-left: 2em #preview-search-form-no-results display: none #preview-search-form-help font-size: 87.5% margin-left: 2em .search-helper font-family: inherit .possible-error @extend .error display: none #fullscreen-copyright display: none &.fullscreen $fullscreen-search-border: 1px 1px 0 height: 100% #container +box-sizing(border-box) height: 100% margin: 0 auto min-width: 800px padding-top: 2.5em position: relative width: 80% h1 display: none #short-url-response position: static #preview width: 100% #preview-sidebar float: right height: 100% margin: 0 position: relative width: $sidebar-width &.viewing-saving-outfit height: auto max-height: 100% #preview-search-form bottom: 1.5em left: 0 overflow: auto padding: .5em 1em position: absolute width: 100% #preview-search-form-help div +inline-block width: 48% #footer bottom: 0 left: 0 position: absolute width: 100% ul, p, li display: inline ul margin-right: 2em .object padding: $object-padding position: relative ul display: none left: 0 list-style: none position: absolute top: 0 li margin-bottom: .25em a +awesome-button +awesome-button-color(#aaaaaa) +opacity(0.9) font-size: 80% &:hover ul, .object-info display: block // the difference between the horizontal edge of the object element and the // image edge $object-img-diff: ($object-width - $object-img-size) / 2 + $object-padding .nc-icon background: image-url("nc.png") no-repeat height: $nc-icon-size position: absolute right: $object-img-diff text-indent: -9999px top: $object-img-size - $nc-icon-size width: $nc-icon-size &:hover +opacity(0.5) .object-info +border-radius(12px) +opacity(0.75) background: #aaa color: #fff display: none height: 16px position: absolute right: $object-img-diff / 2 top: 0 width: 16px span font: family: $text-font weight: bold position: relative top: -2px &:hover +opacity(1) #preview-outfits display: none text-align: left > ul +sidebar-view-child background: image-url("loading.gif") no-repeat center top display: block font-family: $main-font list-style: none margin: bottom: 1em min-height: 16px > li +outfit &.loaded background: transparent .preview-sidebar-nav float: right font-size: 85% margin: right: $sidebar-unit-horizontal-padding top: 1em #save-success, #save-error, #outfit-not-found, #preview-sidebar-donation-request +sidebar-view-child display: none margin: top: 1em text-align: center #preview-sidebar-donation-request +notice font-size: 85% padding: 1em #preview-sidebar-donation-request-no-thanks margin-left: 1em #save-success +notice #save-error, #outfit-not-found +error #userbar-message +opacity(.5) display: none #new-outfit +outfit +sidebar-view-child display: none h4 display: inline &:hover text-decoration: none .outfit-star margin-top: .5em #new-outfit-name font: inherit line-height: 1 #preview-saving-outfit display: none padding-bottom: 1em #pet-type-form, #pet-state-form, #preview-swf, #preview-search-form position: relative .control-overlay height: 100% left: 0 position: absolute top: 0 width: 100% z-index: 5 #preview-sidebar-nav-outfits, #save-outfit-signed-in display: none form#save-outfit-form +outfit display: none margin-right: 0 padding: 0 .outfit-star, input, button +inline-block float: none vertical-align: top .outfit-star margin-top: .25em .outfit-url font-size: 75% &.user-signed-in #preview-sidebar-nav-outfits display: block #save-outfit display: inline-block #save-outfit-wrapper &.active-outfit #save-outfit display: none #save-current-outfit, #save-outfit-copy display: inline-block #current-outfit-permalink display: inline-block &.saving-outfit #save-outfit-form display: block #save-outfit, #save-current-outfit, #save-outfit-copy, #current-outfit-permalink, #shared-outfit-permalink, #share-outfit, #shared-outfit-url display: none &.user-not-signed-in #save-outfit-not-signed-in display: inline-block #save-outfit-wrapper.shared-outfit #shared-outfit-permalink, #shared-outfit-url display: inline-block #current-outfit-permalink display: none !important