class Item < ActiveRecord::Base include SwfAssetParent SwfAssetType = 'object' set_table_name 'objects' # Neo & PHP Impress call them objects, but the class name is a conflict (duh!) set_inheritance_column 'inheritance_type' # PHP Impress used "type" to describe category cattr_reader :per_page @@per_page = 30 scope :alphabetize, order('name ASC') scope :join_swf_assets, joins('INNER JOIN parents_swf_assets psa ON psa.swf_asset_type = "object" AND psa.parent_id ='). joins('INNER JOIN swf_assets ON = psa.swf_asset_id'). group('') # Not defining validations, since this app is currently read-only def species_support_ids @species_support_ids_array ||= read_attribute('species_support_ids').split(',').map(&:to_i) end def species_support_ids=(replacement) @species_support_ids_array = nil replacement = replacement.join(',') if replacement.is_a?(Array) write_attribute('species_support_ids', replacement) end def supported_species @supported_species ||= species_support_ids.empty? ? Species.all : { |id| Species.find(id) } end def raise ArgumentError, "Please provide a search query" unless query query = query.strip raise ArgumentError, "Search queries should be at least 3 characters" if query.length < 3 query_conditions = [] in_phrase = false query.each_char do |c| if c == ' ' && !in_phrase query_conditions << elsif c == '"' in_phrase = !in_phrase elsif c == ':' && !in_phrase query_conditions.last.to_filter! elsif c == '-' && !in_phrase && query_conditions.last.empty? query_conditions.last.negate! else query_conditions.last << c end end query_conditions.inject(self.scoped) do |scope, condition| condition.narrow(scope) end end def as_json(options = {}) { :description => description, :id => id, :name => name, :thumbnail_url => thumbnail_url, :zones_restrict => zones_restrict, :rarity_index => rarity_index } end private SearchFilterScopes = [] def self.search_filter(name, args={}) SearchFilterScopes << name.to_s scope "search_filter_#{name}", lambda { |str, negative| condition = yield(str) condition = condition.not if negative rel = where(condition) rel = rel & args[:scope] if args[:scope] rel } end search_filter :name do |name| arel_table[:name].matches("%#{name}%") end search_filter :description do |description| arel_table[:description].matches("%#{description}%") end search_filter :is do |is_what| raise ArgumentError, "We don't know how an item can be \"#{is_what}\". Did you mean is:nc?" unless is_what == 'nc' arel_table[:rarity_index].in([0, 500]) end search_filter :only do |species_name| id = Species.require_by_name(species_name).id arel_table[:species_support_ids].eq(id.to_s) end search_filter :species do |species_name| id = Species.require_by_name(species_name).id ids = arel_table[:species_support_ids] ids.eq('').or(ids.matches_any( id, "#{id},%", "%,#{id},%", "%,#{id}" )) end search_filter :type, {:scope => join_swf_assets} do |zone_set_name| zone_set = Zone::ItemZoneSets[zone_set_name] raise ArgumentError, "Type \"#{zone_set_name}\" does not exist" unless zone_set SwfAsset.arel_table[:zone_id].in( end class Condition < String def to_filter! @filter = self.clone self.replace '' end def negate! @negative = true end def narrow(scope) if SearchFilterScopes.include?(filter) scope & Item.send("search_filter_#{filter}", self, @negative) else raise ArgumentError, "Filter #{filter} does not exist" end end def filter @filter || 'name' end def inspect @filter ? "#{@filter}:#{super}" : super end end end