import * as React from "react"; import gql from "graphql-tag"; import { useQuery, useMutation } from "@apollo/client"; import { Badge, Box, Button, Drawer, DrawerBody, DrawerCloseButton, DrawerContent, DrawerHeader, DrawerOverlay, Flex, FormControl, FormErrorMessage, FormHelperText, FormLabel, HStack, Link, Select, Spinner, Stack, Text, useBreakpointValue, useColorModeValue, useDisclosure, } from "@chakra-ui/react"; import { CheckCircleIcon, ChevronRightIcon, ExternalLinkIcon, } from "@chakra-ui/icons"; import AllItemLayersSupportModal from "./AllItemLayersSupportModal"; import Metadata, { MetadataLabel, MetadataValue } from "./Metadata"; import useOutfitAppearance from "../../components/useOutfitAppearance"; import { OutfitStateContext } from "../useOutfitState"; import useSupport from "./useSupport"; import ItemSupportAppearanceLayer from "./ItemSupportAppearanceLayer"; /** * ItemSupportDrawer shows Support UI for the item when open. * * This component controls the drawer element. The actual content is imported * from another lazy-loaded component! */ function ItemSupportDrawer({ item, isOpen, onClose }) { const placement = useBreakpointValue({ base: "bottom", lg: "right" }); return ( <Drawer placement={placement} size="md" isOpen={isOpen} onClose={onClose} // blockScrollOnMount doesn't matter on our fullscreen UI, but the // default implementation breaks out layout somehow 🤔 idk, let's not! blockScrollOnMount={false} > <DrawerOverlay> <DrawerContent maxHeight={placement === "bottom" ? "90vh" : undefined} overflow="auto" > <DrawerCloseButton /> <DrawerHeader> {} <Badge colorScheme="pink" marginLeft="3"> Support <span aria-hidden="true">💖</span> </Badge> </DrawerHeader> <DrawerBody paddingBottom="5"> <Metadata> <MetadataLabel>Item ID:</MetadataLabel> <MetadataValue>{}</MetadataValue> <MetadataLabel>Restricted zones:</MetadataLabel> <MetadataValue> <ItemSupportRestrictedZones item={item} /> </MetadataValue> </Metadata> <Stack spacing="8" marginTop="6"> <ItemSupportFields item={item} /> <ItemSupportAppearanceLayers item={item} /> </Stack> </DrawerBody> </DrawerContent> </DrawerOverlay> </Drawer> ); } function ItemSupportRestrictedZones({ item }) { const { speciesId, colorId } = React.useContext(OutfitStateContext); // NOTE: It would be a better reflection of the data to just query restricted // zones right off the item... but we already have them in cache from // the appearance, so query them that way to be instant in practice! const { loading, error, data } = useQuery( gql` query ItemSupportRestrictedZones( $itemId: ID! $speciesId: ID! $colorId: ID! ) { item(id: $itemId) { id appearanceOn(speciesId: $speciesId, colorId: $colorId) { restrictedZones { id label } } } } `, { variables: { itemId:, speciesId, colorId } }, ); if (loading) { return <Spinner size="xs" />; } if (error) { return <Text color="red.400">{error.message}</Text>; } const restrictedZones = data?.item?.appearanceOn?.restrictedZones || []; if (restrictedZones.length === 0) { return "None"; } return restrictedZones .map((z) => `${z.label} (${})`) .sort() .join(", "); } function ItemSupportFields({ item }) { const { loading, error, data } = useQuery( gql` query ItemSupportFields($itemId: ID!) { item(id: $itemId) { id manualSpecialColor { id } explicitlyBodySpecific } } `, { variables: { itemId: }, // HACK: I think it's a bug in @apollo/client 3.1.1 that, if the // optimistic response sets `manualSpecialColor` to null, the query // doesn't update, even though its cache has updated :/ // // This cheap trick of changing the display name every re-render // persuades Apollo that this is a different query, so it re-checks // its cache and finds the empty `manualSpecialColor`. Weird! displayName: `ItemSupportFields-${new Date()}`, }, ); const errorColor = useColorModeValue("red.500", "red.300"); return ( <> {error && <Box color={errorColor}>{error.message}</Box>} <ItemSupportSpecialColorFields loading={loading} error={error} item={item} manualSpecialColor={data?.item?.manualSpecialColor?.id} /> <ItemSupportPetCompatibilityRuleFields loading={loading} error={error} item={item} explicitlyBodySpecific={data?.item?.explicitlyBodySpecific} /> </> ); } function ItemSupportSpecialColorFields({ loading, error, item, manualSpecialColor, }) { const { supportSecret } = useSupport(); const { loading: colorsLoading, error: colorsError, data: colorsData, } = useQuery(gql` query ItemSupportDrawerAllColors { allColors { id name isStandard } } `); const [ mutate, { loading: mutationLoading, error: mutationError, data: mutationData }, ] = useMutation(gql` mutation ItemSupportDrawerSetManualSpecialColor( $itemId: ID! $colorId: ID $supportSecret: String! ) { setManualSpecialColor( itemId: $itemId colorId: $colorId supportSecret: $supportSecret ) { id manualSpecialColor { id } } } `); const onChange = React.useCallback( (e) => { const colorId = || null; const color = colorId != null ? { __typename: "Color", id: colorId } : null; mutate({ variables: { itemId:, colorId, supportSecret, }, optimisticResponse: { __typename: "Mutation", setManualSpecialColor: { __typename: "Item", id:, manualSpecialColor: color, }, }, }).catch((e) => { // Ignore errors from the promise, because we'll handle them on render! }); }, [, mutate, supportSecret], ); const nonStandardColors = colorsData?.allColors?.filter((c) => !c.isStandard) || []; nonStandardColors.sort((a, b) =>; const linkColor = useColorModeValue("green.500", "green.300"); return ( <FormControl isInvalid={Boolean(error || colorsError || mutationError)}> <FormLabel>Special color</FormLabel> <Select placeholder={ loading || colorsLoading ? "Loading…" : "Default: Auto-detect from item description" } value={manualSpecialColor?.id} isDisabled={mutationLoading} icon={ loading || colorsLoading || mutationLoading ? ( <Spinner /> ) : mutationData ? ( <CheckCircleIcon /> ) : undefined } onChange={onChange} > { => ( <option key={} value={}> {} </option> ))} </Select> {colorsError && ( <FormErrorMessage>{colorsError.message}</FormErrorMessage> )} {mutationError && ( <FormErrorMessage>{mutationError.message}</FormErrorMessage> )} {!colorsError && !mutationError && ( <FormHelperText> This controls which previews we show on the{" "} <Link href={`${ }-${ /g, "-")}`} color={linkColor} isExternal > classic item page <ExternalLinkIcon /> </Link> . </FormHelperText> )} </FormControl> ); } function ItemSupportPetCompatibilityRuleFields({ loading, error, item, explicitlyBodySpecific, }) { const { supportSecret } = useSupport(); const [ mutate, { loading: mutationLoading, error: mutationError, data: mutationData }, ] = useMutation(gql` mutation ItemSupportDrawerSetItemExplicitlyBodySpecific( $itemId: ID! $explicitlyBodySpecific: Boolean! $supportSecret: String! ) { setItemExplicitlyBodySpecific( itemId: $itemId explicitlyBodySpecific: $explicitlyBodySpecific supportSecret: $supportSecret ) { id explicitlyBodySpecific } } `); const onChange = React.useCallback( (e) => { const explicitlyBodySpecific = === "true"; mutate({ variables: { itemId:, explicitlyBodySpecific, supportSecret, }, optimisticResponse: { __typename: "Mutation", setItemExplicitlyBodySpecific: { __typename: "Item", id:, explicitlyBodySpecific, }, }, }).catch((e) => { // Ignore errors from the promise, because we'll handle them on render! }); }, [, mutate, supportSecret], ); return ( <FormControl isInvalid={Boolean(error || mutationError)}> <FormLabel>Pet compatibility rule</FormLabel> <Select value={explicitlyBodySpecific ? "true" : "false"} isDisabled={mutationLoading} icon={ loading || mutationLoading ? ( <Spinner /> ) : mutationData ? ( <CheckCircleIcon /> ) : undefined } onChange={onChange} > {loading ? ( <option>Loading…</option> ) : ( <> <option value="false"> Default: Auto-detect whether this fits all pets </option> <option value="true"> Body specific: Always different for each pet body </option> </> )} </Select> {mutationError && ( <FormErrorMessage>{mutationError.message}</FormErrorMessage> )} {!mutationError && ( <FormHelperText> By default, we assume Background-y zones fit all pets the same. When items don't follow that rule, we can override it. </FormHelperText> )} </FormControl> ); } /** * NOTE: This component takes `outfitState` from context, rather than as a prop * from its parent, for performance reasons. We want `Item` to memoize * and generally skip re-rendering on `outfitState` changes, and to make * sure the context isn't accessed when the drawer is closed. So we use * it here, only when the drawer is open! */ function ItemSupportAppearanceLayers({ item }) { const outfitState = React.useContext(OutfitStateContext); const { speciesId, colorId, pose, appearanceId } = outfitState; const { error, visibleLayers } = useOutfitAppearance({ speciesId, colorId, pose, appearanceId, wornItemIds: [], }); const biologyLayers = visibleLayers.filter((l) => l.source === "pet"); const itemLayers = visibleLayers.filter((l) => l.source === "item"); itemLayers.sort((a, b) => -; const modalState = useDisclosure(); return ( <FormControl> <Flex align="center"> <FormLabel>Appearance layers</FormLabel> <Box width="4" flex="1 0 auto" /> <Button size="xs" onClick={modalState.onOpen}> View on all pets <ChevronRightIcon /> </Button> <AllItemLayersSupportModal item={item} isOpen={modalState.isOpen} onClose={modalState.onClose} /> </Flex> <HStack spacing="4" overflow="auto" paddingX="1"> { => ( <ItemSupportAppearanceLayer key={} item={item} itemLayer={itemLayer} biologyLayers={biologyLayers} outfitState={outfitState} /> ))} </HStack> {error && <FormErrorMessage>{error.message}</FormErrorMessage>} </FormControl> ); } export default ItemSupportDrawer;