class Species < ApplicationRecord translates # TODO: Remove once we're all done with translations! has_many :pet_types has_many :alt_styles scope :alphabetical, -> { order(:name) } scope :with_body_id, -> body_id { pt = PetType.arel_table joins(:pet_types).where(pt[:body_id].eq(body_id)).limit(1) } # Temporary writer to keep the English translation record updated, while # primarily using the attribute on the model itself. # # Once this app and DTI 2020 are both comfortably off the translation system, # we can remove this! def name=(new_name) globalize.write(:en, :name, new_name) write_attribute(:name, new_name) end def as_json(options={}) super({only: [:id, :name], methods: [:human_name]}.merge(options)) end def human_name if name name.capitalize else I18n.translate('species.default_human_name') end end end