class Species < ApplicationRecord has_many :pet_types has_many :alt_styles scope :alphabetical, -> { order(:name) } def as_json(options={}) super({only: [:id, :name], methods: [:human_name]}.merge(options)) end def human_name if name name.capitalize else I18n.translate('species.default_human_name') end end # Given a list of body IDs, return a hash from body ID to Species. # (We assume that each body ID belongs to just one species; if not, which # species we return for that body ID is undefined.) def self.with_body_ids(body_ids) species_ids_by_body_id = PetType.where(body_id: body_ids).distinct. pluck(:body_id, :species_id).to_h species_by_id = Species.where(id: species_ids_by_body_id.values). to_h { |s| [, s] } species_ids_by_body_id.transform_values { |id| species_by_id[id] } end end