class AuthUser < AuthRecord self.table_name = 'users' devise :database_authenticatable, :encryptable, :registerable, :validatable, :rememberable, :trackable, :recoverable, :omniauthable, omniauth_providers: [:neopass] validates :name, presence: true, uniqueness: {case_sensitive: false}, length: {maximum: 30} has_one :user, foreign_key: :remote_id, inverse_of: :auth_user # It's important to keep AuthUser and User in sync. When we create an AuthUser # (e.g. through the registration process), we create a matching User, too. And # when the AuthUser's name changes, we update User to match. # # TODO: Should we sync deletions too? We don't do deletions anywhere in app # right now, so I'll hold off to avoid leaving dead code around. after_create :create_user! after_update :sync_name_with_user!, if: :saved_change_to_name? def create_user! User.create!(name: name, auth_server_id: 1, remote_id: id) end def sync_name_with_user! = name! end def uses_omniauth? provider? && uid? end def email_required? !uses_omniauth? end def password_required? super && !uses_omniauth? end def neopass? provider == "neopass" end def neopass_friendly_id neopass_email || uid end def self.from_omniauth(auth) raise MissingAuthInfoError, "Email missing" if transaction do find_or_create_by!(provider: auth.provider, uid: auth.uid) do |user| # This account is new! Let's do the initial setup. # TODO: Can we somehow get the Neopets username if one exists, instead # of just using total randomness? = build_unique_username # Copy the email address from their Neopets account to their DTI # account, unless they already have a DTI account with this email, in # which case, ignore it. (It's primarily for their own convenience with # password recovery!) email_exists = AuthUser.where(email: = unless email_exists end.tap do |user| # Additionally, whether this account is new or existing, make sure # we've saved the latest email to `neopass_email`. # # We track this separately from `email`, which the user can edit, to # use in the Settings UI to indicate what NeoPass you're linked to. (In # practice, this *shouldn't* ever change after initial setup, because # NeoPass emails are immutable? But why not be resilient!) user.update!(neopass_email: end end end def self.build_unique_username # Start with a base name like "neopass-kougra-". random_species_name = Species.all.pluck(:name).sample base_name = "neopass-#{random_species_name}" # Fetch the list of names that already start with that. name_query = sanitize_sql_like(base_name) + "%" similar_names = where("name LIKE ?", name_query).pluck(:name).to_set # Shuffle the list of four-digit numbers to create 10000 possible names, # then use the first one that's not already claimed. potential_names = (0..9999).map { |n| "#{base_name}-#{n}" }.shuffle name = potential_names.find { |name| !similar_names.include?(name) } return name unless name.nil? # If that failed, try again but with six digits. potential_names = (0..999999).map { |n| "#{base_name}-#{n}" }.shuffle name = potential_names.find { |name| !similar_names.include?(name) } return name unless name.nil? # If *that* failed, then golly gee, we have millions of NeoPass users # running around using the default username. Good for us, I guess?? If so, # uhh, let's cross that bridge when we come to it. (At time of writing, # there are about 60k total registered DTI users at *all*.) raise "Failed to build unique username (all million+ names starting with " + "\"#{base_name}\" are taken??)" end class MissingAuthInfoError < ArgumentError;end end