import React from "react"; import { Box, Button, Flex, Heading, Input, Modal, ModalBody, ModalCloseButton, ModalContent, ModalHeader, ModalOverlay, Select, Tooltip, Wrap, WrapItem, } from "@chakra-ui/react"; import { gql, useMutation, useQuery } from "@apollo/client"; import { appearanceLayerFragment, appearanceLayerFragmentForSupport, itemAppearanceFragment, petAppearanceFragment, } from "../../components/useOutfitAppearance"; import HangerSpinner from "../../components/HangerSpinner"; import { ErrorMessage, useCommonStyles } from "../../util"; import ItemSupportAppearanceLayer from "./ItemSupportAppearanceLayer"; import { EditIcon } from "@chakra-ui/icons"; import useSupport from "./useSupport"; function AllItemLayersSupportModal({ item, isOpen, onClose }) { const [bulkAddProposal, setBulkAddProposal] = React.useState(null); const { bodyBackground } = useCommonStyles(); return ( <Modal size="4xl" isOpen={isOpen} onClose={onClose}> <ModalOverlay> <ModalContent background={bodyBackground}> <ModalHeader as="h1" paddingBottom="2"> <Box as="span" fontWeight="700"> Layers on all pets: </Box>{" "} <Box as="span" fontWeight="normal"> {} </Box> </ModalHeader> <ModalCloseButton /> <ModalBody paddingBottom="12"> <BulkAddBodySpecificAssetsForm bulkAddProposal={bulkAddProposal} onSubmit={setBulkAddProposal} /> <Box height="8" /> <AllItemLayersSupportModalContent item={item} bulkAddProposal={bulkAddProposal} onBulkAddComplete={() => setBulkAddProposal(null)} /> </ModalBody> </ModalContent> </ModalOverlay> </Modal> ); } function BulkAddBodySpecificAssetsForm({ bulkAddProposal, onSubmit }) { const [minAssetId, setMinAssetId] = React.useState( bulkAddProposal?.minAssetId, ); const [assetIdStepValue, setAssetIdStepValue] = React.useState(1); const [numSpecies, setNumSpecies] = React.useState(55); const [colorId, setColorId] = React.useState("8"); return ( <Flex align="center" as="form" fontSize="sm" opacity="0.9" transition="0.2s all" onSubmit={(e) => { e.preventDefault(); onSubmit({ minAssetId, numSpecies, assetIdStepValue, colorId }); }} > <Tooltip label={ <Box textAlign="center" fontSize="xs"> <Box as="p" marginBottom="1em"> When an item accidentally gets assigned to fit all bodies, this tool can help you recover the original appearances, by assuming the layer IDs are assigned to each species in alphabetical order. </Box> <Box as="p"> This will only find layers that have already been modeled! </Box> </Box> } > <Flex align="center" tabIndex="0"> <EditIcon marginRight="1" /> <Box>Bulk-add:</Box> </Flex> </Tooltip> <Box width="2" /> <Input type="number" min="1" step="1" size="xs" width="9ch" placeholder="Min ID" value={minAssetId || ""} onChange={(e) => setMinAssetId( || null)} /> <Box width="1" /> <Box>–</Box> <Box width="1" /> <Input type="number" min="55" step="1" size="xs" width="9ch" placeholder="Max ID" // Because this is an inclusive range, the offset between the numbers // is one less than the number of entries in the range. value={ minAssetId != null ? Number(minAssetId) + assetIdStepValue * (numSpecies - 1) : "" } onChange={(e) => setMinAssetId( ? Number( - assetIdStepValue * (numSpecies - 1) : null, ) } /> <Box width="1" /> <Select size="xs" width="12ch" value={String(assetIdStepValue)} onChange={(e) => setAssetIdStepValue(Number(} > <option value="1">(All IDs)</option> <option value="2">(Every other ID)</option> <option value="3">(Every 3rd ID)</option> </Select> <Box width="1" /> for <Box width="1" /> <Select size="xs" width="20ch" value={String(numSpecies)} onChange={(e) => setNumSpecies(Number(} > <option value="55">All 55 species</option> <option value="54">54 species, no Vandagyre</option> </Select> <Box width="1" /> <Select size="xs" width="20ch" value={colorId} onChange={(e) => setColorId(} > <option value="8">All standard colors</option> <option value="6">Baby</option> <option value="46">Mutant</option> </Select> <Box width="2" /> <Button type="submit" size="xs" isDisabled={minAssetId == null}> Preview </Button> </Flex> ); } const allAppearancesFragment = gql` fragment AllAppearancesForItem on Item { allAppearances { id body { id representsAllBodies canonicalAppearance { id species { id name } color { id name isStandard } pose ...PetAppearanceForOutfitPreview } } ...ItemAppearanceForOutfitPreview } } ${itemAppearanceFragment} ${petAppearanceFragment} `; function AllItemLayersSupportModalContent({ item, bulkAddProposal, onBulkAddComplete, }) { const { supportSecret } = useSupport(); const { loading, error, data } = useQuery( gql` query AllItemLayersSupportModal($itemId: ID!) { item(id: $itemId) { id ...AllAppearancesForItem } } ${allAppearancesFragment} `, { variables: { itemId: } }, ); const { loading: loading2, error: error2, data: bulkAddProposalData, } = useQuery( gql` query AllItemLayersSupportModal_BulkAddProposal( $layerRemoteIds: [ID!]! $colorId: ID! ) { layersToAdd: itemAppearanceLayersByRemoteId( remoteIds: $layerRemoteIds ) { id remoteId ...AppearanceLayerForOutfitPreview ...AppearanceLayerForSupport } color(id: $colorId) { id appliedToAllCompatibleSpecies { id species { id name } body { id } canonicalAppearance { # These are a bit redundant, but it's convenient to just reuse # what the other query is already doing. id species { id name } color { id name isStandard } pose ...PetAppearanceForOutfitPreview } } } } ${appearanceLayerFragment} ${appearanceLayerFragmentForSupport} ${petAppearanceFragment} `, { variables: { layerRemoteIds: bulkAddProposal ? Array.from({ length: 54 }, (_, i) => String( Number(bulkAddProposal.minAssetId) + i * bulkAddProposal.assetIdStepValue, ), ) : [], colorId: bulkAddProposal?.colorId, }, skip: bulkAddProposal == null, }, ); const [ sendBulkAddMutation, { loading: mutationLoading, error: mutationError }, ] = useMutation(gql` mutation AllItemLayersSupportModal_BulkAddMutation( $itemId: ID! $entries: [BulkAddLayersToItemEntry!]! $supportSecret: String! ) { bulkAddLayersToItem( itemId: $itemId entries: $entries supportSecret: $supportSecret ) { id ...AllAppearancesForItem } } ${allAppearancesFragment} `); if (loading || loading2) { return ( <Flex align="center" justify="center" minHeight="64"> <HangerSpinner /> </Flex> ); } if (error || error2) { return <ErrorMessage>{(error || error2).message}</ErrorMessage>; } let itemAppearances = data.item?.allAppearances || []; itemAppearances = mergeBulkAddProposalIntoItemAppearances( itemAppearances, bulkAddProposal, bulkAddProposalData, ); itemAppearances = [...itemAppearances].sort((a, b) => { const aKey = getSortKeyForBody(a.body); const bKey = getSortKeyForBody(b.body); return aKey.localeCompare(bKey); }); return ( <Box> {bulkAddProposalData && ( <Flex align="center" marginBottom="6"> <Heading size="md">Previewing bulk-add changes</Heading> <Box flex="1 0 auto" width="4" /> {mutationError && ( <ErrorMessage fontSize="xs" textAlign="right" marginRight="2"> {mutationError.message} </ErrorMessage> )} <Button flex="0 0 auto" size="sm" onClick={onBulkAddComplete}> Clear </Button> <Box width="2" /> <Button flex="0 0 auto" size="sm" colorScheme="green" isLoading={mutationLoading} onClick={() => { if ( !window.confirm("Are you sure? Bulk operations are dangerous!") ) { return; } // HACK: This could pick up not just new layers, but existing layers // that aren't changing. Shouldn't be a problem to save, // though? // NOTE: This API uses actual layer IDs, instead of the remote IDs // that we use for body assignment in most of this tool. const entries = itemAppearances .map((a) => => ({ layerId:, bodyId: })), ) .flat(); sendBulkAddMutation({ variables: { itemId:, entries, supportSecret }, }) .then(onBulkAddComplete) .catch((e) => { /* Handled in UI */ }); }} > Save {bulkAddProposalData.layersToAdd.length} changes </Button> </Flex> )} <Wrap justify="center" spacing="4"> { => ( <WrapItem key={}> <ItemAppearanceCard item={item} itemAppearance={itemAppearance} /> </WrapItem> ))} </Wrap> </Box> ); } function ItemAppearanceCard({ item, itemAppearance }) { const petAppearance = itemAppearance.body.canonicalAppearance; const biologyLayers = petAppearance.layers; const itemLayers = [...itemAppearance.layers].sort( (a, b) => -, ); const { brightBackground } = useCommonStyles(); return ( <Box background={brightBackground} paddingX="4" paddingY="3" boxShadow="lg" borderRadius="lg" > <Heading as="h2" size="sm" fontWeight="600"> {getBodyName(itemAppearance.body)} </Heading> <Box height="3" /> <Wrap paddingX="3" spacing="5"> {itemLayers.length === 0 && ( <Flex minWidth="150px" minHeight="150px" align="center" justify="center" > <Box fontSize="sm" fontStyle="italic"> (No data) </Box> </Flex> )} { => ( <WrapItem key={}> <ItemSupportAppearanceLayer item={item} itemLayer={itemLayer} biologyLayers={biologyLayers} outfitState={{ speciesId:, colorId:, pose: petAppearance.pose, }} /> </WrapItem> ))} </Wrap> </Box> ); } function getSortKeyForBody(body) { // "All bodies" sorts first! if (body.representsAllBodies) { return ""; } const { color, species } = body.canonicalAppearance; // Sort standard colors first, then special colors by name, then by species // within each color. return `${color.isStandard ? "A" : "Z"}-${}-${}`; } function getBodyName(body) { if (body.representsAllBodies) { return "All bodies"; } const { species, color } = body.canonicalAppearance; const speciesName = capitalize(; const colorName = color.isStandard ? "Standard" : capitalize(; return `${colorName} ${speciesName}`; } function capitalize(str) { return str[0].toUpperCase() + str.slice(1); } function mergeBulkAddProposalIntoItemAppearances( itemAppearances, bulkAddProposal, bulkAddProposalData, ) { if (!bulkAddProposalData) { return itemAppearances; } const { color, layersToAdd } = bulkAddProposalData; // Do a deep copy of the existing item appearances, so we can mutate them as // we loop through them in this function! const mergedItemAppearances = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(itemAppearances)); // To exclude Vandagyre, we take the first N species by ID - which is // different than the alphabetical sort order we use for assigning layers! const speciesColorPairsToInclude = [...color.appliedToAllCompatibleSpecies] .sort((a, b) => Number( - Number( .slice(0, bulkAddProposal.numSpecies); // Set up the incoming data in convenient formats. const sortedSpeciesColorPairs = [...speciesColorPairsToInclude].sort((a, b) =>, ); const layersToAddByRemoteId = {}; for (const layer of layersToAdd) { layersToAddByRemoteId[layer.remoteId] = layer; } for (const [index, speciesColorPair] of sortedSpeciesColorPairs.entries()) { const { body, canonicalAppearance } = speciesColorPair; // Find the existing item appearance to add to, or create a new one if it // doesn't exist yet. let itemAppearance = mergedItemAppearances.find( (a) => === && !a.body.representsAllBodies, ); if (!itemAppearance) { itemAppearance = { id: `bulk-add-proposal-new-item-appearance-for-body-${}`, layers: [], body: { id:, canonicalAppearance, }, }; mergedItemAppearances.push(itemAppearance); } const layerToAddRemoteId = String( Number(bulkAddProposal.minAssetId) + index * bulkAddProposal.assetIdStepValue, ); const layerToAdd = layersToAddByRemoteId[layerToAddRemoteId]; if (!layerToAdd) { continue; } // Delete this layer from other appearances (because we're going to // override its body ID), then add it to this new one. for (const otherItemAppearance of mergedItemAppearances) { const indexToDelete = otherItemAppearance.layers.findIndex( (l) => l.remoteId === layerToAddRemoteId, ); if (indexToDelete >= 0) { otherItemAppearance.layers.splice(indexToDelete, 1); } } itemAppearance.layers.push(layerToAdd); } return mergedItemAppearances; } export default AllItemLayersSupportModal;