- javascript_chain :jquery, 'pet_query', 'pets/bulk' - unless user_signed_in? %p.warning = link_to 'You are not logged in!', login_path(:return_to => bulk_pets_path) We award points for each new contribution to our database, and we don't want you to miss out, since our users have made the Dress to Impress database what it is today. Thanks for all your hard work! %p.noscript Note that submitting pets in bulk requires Javascript. %p.script-only We like to make it as easy as possible for you to contribute, so we thought this might help! %strong Type a pet's name in the box below, and we'll start loading it the moment you press enter! If you're a power-user, you can even submit a whole list at once — just put one pet per line, and copy-paste it into the box. We do the rest! %p %strong Thanks for all your hard work! = form_tag load_pet_path, :id => 'bulk-pets-form' do = origin_tag bulk_pets_path %span.noscript %input{:name => "name", :type => "text"}/ %input{:type => "submit", :value => "Load pet"}/ %span.script-only %ul %textarea %button#bulk-pets-form-add{:type => "button"} Add %button#bulk-pets-form-clear{:type => "button"} Clear