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170 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
87782767f8 Filter search in wardrobe-2020 by alt styles!
Yay, we finally added it, the part where we include the appearance data
for the items based on both the species/color and the alt style! Now,
switching to Faerie Acara correctly filters the search only to items
that would fit (I think literally just only body_id=0 items right now,
but we're not banking on that!)
2024-02-27 16:11:06 -08:00
183cb40e74 Oops, don't return body_id=0 items for "-fits:blue-acara"
Right, fitting isn't just body_id = this one, it's also body_id=0!

Anyway, doing this query on its own is still deathly slow, I wonder if
the idea I had about left joins (back when I was still working in a
Rails version that didn't support it lol) could help! Might poke at
that a smidge.
2024-02-27 14:07:20 -08:00
2e5b1c7350 Remove unused Item.per_page attribute
I feel like this was part of `will_paginate` back before the Rails
community had itself figured out about what belongs in a model?

But yeah, a default per-page value for search results does not belong
here. And I don't think anything references it anymore, because we pass
`per_page` to the `paginate` call in `ItemsController` explicitly! So,
2024-02-25 16:16:43 -08:00
e5bf6d6ba1 Oops, fix remaining references to locale in item search
This is both unnecessary now, but also caused a bug in the new search
stuff where searching by zone would pass an extra `locale` argument to
a filter that doesn't need it!
2024-02-25 15:00:22 -08:00
61a4dcad02 Oops, "fits:blue-acara" search should return non-body-specific items
Idk when this regressed exactly, but probably people didn't super
notice because I don't think it's a very common thing to type directly
into the Infinite Closet search box! (It used to be crucial to the old
wardrobe app.)

But I'm using it in the wardrobe app again now, so, fixed!
2024-02-25 14:47:37 -08:00
52e81557c2 Update search filters to consider NP and PB mutually exclusive
`is:np` now means "is not NC and is not PB".

Note that it might be good to make NC and PB explicitly mutually
exclusive too? It would complicate queries though, and not matter in
most cases… the Burlap Usul Bow is the only item that we currently
return for `is:pb is:nc`, which is probably because of a rarity issue?
2024-02-25 12:57:04 -08:00
a3dcaa0f0e Add useItemSearch for wardrobe app, but don't use it yet!
Adding new functionality to the item search JSON endpoint, and adding
an adapter layer to match the GQL format!

Hopefully this will be pretty drop-in-able, we'll see!
2024-02-25 12:06:32 -08:00
cd095eefcb Oops, fix crashing bug when loading item appearances endpoint
I missed this because it's only for backgrounds and stuff! But yeah I
added a prefix to the `Body` struct, and forgot to apply it everywhere,
2024-02-24 16:14:30 -08:00
3f449310d6 Refactor item search JSON, add appearances
Preparing to finally move wardrobe-2020's item search to use the main
app's API endpoints instead!

One blocker I forgot about here: Impress 2020 has actual support for
knowing an item's true appearance, like by reading the manifest and
stuff, that we haven't really ported over. I feel like maybe I should
pause and work on the changes to manifest-archiving that I'd been
planning anyway? I'll think about it.
2024-02-23 10:44:50 -08:00
1e6ff4cefc Remove the Item::Translation model entirely
Okay, Impress 2020 is migrated off translations too, so we can start to
wrap this up!
2024-02-20 16:57:45 -08:00
3ac9e7ce69 Migrate item search away from item translations
Lightning fast for simple name queries now, gotta say!!
2024-02-20 16:04:41 -08:00
5ee3b472ec Migrate away from item translations in modeling
This one is important, I didn't notice that this is a way of setting
attributes that won't be written to both tables! `name` will only be
written to the translation table (which crashes the save), and the
other fields would only be written to the main table. Fixed! (I don't
like the super-dynamic this code was written before, anyway.)
2024-02-20 15:52:03 -08:00
0e8f457aa1 Oops, fix bug on item page now that translations aren't available
Missed this at first - now that the `name` field is just a normal field
and is always English, it's now an error to provide the locale to it as
a parameter, like we used to for the translated version of the field!
2024-02-20 15:37:07 -08:00
a1066d9c8a Add translated item fields directly to the Item model
Like with Species, Color, and Zone, we're moving the translation data
directly onto the model, and just using English. This will simplify
some of our queries a lot (way fewer joins!), and it's what Neopets
does now anyway, and I have a secret hope that removing the complexity
along the codepath for `item.name` might help speed up large item lists
if we're lucky?? 🤞

Anyway, this is the first step, performing the migration to copy the
data onto the `items` table, making sure to keep them in sync for the
2020 app for now!
2024-02-20 15:25:03 -08:00
1b22258576 Update special_color logic for Banana Chia Wings case
Tbh I'm not sure `special_color` is actually used anywhere? It used to
be how we decide what to show in the previewer on the item page, but
that's been replaced with the 2020 logic, so idk…

But in any case, I noticed that the description doesn't match the
pattern we have, so here's the fix!
2024-02-17 12:50:35 -08:00
73af9d4d77 Start migrating off globalize gem for zones
Like in 0dca538, this is preliminary work for being able to drop the
`zone_translations` table! We're copying the field over first, to be
able to migrate DTI 2020 safely before dropping anything.
2024-01-23 05:43:00 -08:00
ce64f12cc3 Remove references to species/color translations at call sites
We wisely did preloading in some places. Now, we don't need to!
Hopefully this'll even be a free speed boost on some pages!
2024-01-23 05:23:57 -08:00
b1c1bea7be Remove unused data in items#show controller
Oh right, this was for the old pet previewer. Goodbye!
2024-01-20 23:53:30 -08:00
c725a11920 Remove unused NC Mall spider code & fields
We haven't used the mall spider in this app in forever (I guess we even
deleted the code at some point?), but there was some vestigial stuff
left. Goodbye!
2023-11-11 15:45:38 -08:00
a31039c4c8 Load item page restricted zones data from Rails app, not impress-2020
Just moving more stuff over! I modernized Item's `as_json` method while
I was here. (Note that I removed the NC/own/want fields, because I
think the only other place this method is still called from is the
quick-add feature on the closet lists page, and I think it doesn't use
these fields to do anything: updating the page is basically a full-page
reload, done sneakily.)
2023-11-11 08:49:19 -08:00
c6cb61ef38 Remove no-op item.thumbnail.secure_url
There was a time when I used an old proxy server to try to fix mixed
content issues, and I eventually removed it but never took the tendrils
out from the code.

We probably _should_ figure out how to secure these URLs! But until
then, we may as well simplify the code.
2023-11-11 08:24:08 -08:00
fe6264b20a Use an actual body with ID "0", instead of the string "all"
I changed my mind again! At first I wanted to make the special case
clearer, and to be able to more strongly assert that the species is
not null. But now I'm like… eh, there's code that references `body.id`
that has no reason _not_ to work in the all-bodies case… let's just
keep the types more consistent, I think.
2023-11-11 08:13:07 -08:00
eaab0b1922 Oops, return an array in the all-bodies case
I was returning just the body itself, oops! For consistency with the
general return value, it should be a one-element array.
2023-11-11 07:58:50 -08:00
133895b213 Refactor appearances data to use a "body" object
This is more similar to what impress-2020 does, I was working on the
wardrobe-2020 code and took some inspiration!

The body has an ID and a species, or is the string "all".
2023-11-11 07:54:56 -08:00
010f64264f Replace swf_assets#index with item_appearances#index
Preparing a better endpoint for wardrobe-2020 to use! I deleted the
now-unused swf_assets#index endpoint, and replaced it with an
"appearances" concept that isn't exactly reflected in the database
models but is a _lot_ easier for clients to work with imo.

Note that this was a big part of the motivation for the recent
`manifest_url` work—in this draft, I'm probably gonna have the client
request the manifest, rather than use impress-2020's trick of caching
it in the database! There's a bit of a perf penalty, but I think that's
a simpler starting point, and I have a hunch I'll be able to make up
the perf difference once we have the impress-media-server managing more
of these responsibilities.
2023-11-11 07:14:48 -08:00
3a963c7d25 Fix old .scoped -> .all Rails upgrade bug
Ahh, I guess I missed these, I think they're maybe not actually used in
the app is why? cuz they're all default values that are overridden at
the actual call sites. But I ran into it when running `Pet.load` in the
console, and yeah let's just fix 'em up!
2023-11-09 21:35:42 -08:00
a2feee2d9b Add support for is_manually_nc
A really really simple change! It works on the item page, the item
index page, item search, the homepage, and the item lists page.

The main reason I avoided this for so long (even before modernizing the
Rails app) was that the ElasticSearch stuff felt like it made it messy?
But now it's pretty simple, and it works in search already cuz I did
that when I implemented item search, so, nice!
2023-11-03 16:27:39 -07:00
5dcb1dedb4 Add Owls values to the item page
Eyy it's time!! Long-requested, finally here lol
2023-11-03 16:20:02 -07:00
ee3ffe8afe Delete unused item proxy class
We used to do this for weird clever caching tricks that I don't think
were actually very effective. We stopped using this a few months ago,
and now I'm finally cleaning up this supporting code!
2023-10-25 12:55:30 -07:00
f8cf3fd701 Fix crash when searching for "is:nc"
Huh, Arel can *sometimes* handle just having an attribute stand in as
"X is true" in a condition, but sometimes gets upset about it. I guess
this changed in Rails since we recently wrote this?

Specifically, item search would crash on "is:nc" (but *not* "is:np"),

undefined method `fetch_attribute' for #<struct Arel::Attributes::Attribute relation=#<Arel::Table:0x0000000109a67110 @name="items", @klass=Item(…), @type_caster=#<ActiveRecord::TypeCaster::Map:0x0000000109a66e90 @klass=Item(…)>, @table_alias=nil>, name="is_manually_nc">

The traceback was a bit misleading (it happened at the part where we
merge all the scopes together), but that hinted to me that it working
with an attribute in a place where it expected a conditional. So I
converted the attribute in the `is_nc` scope to a conditional, and made
the matching change in `is_np`, and that fixed it! Ok phew!
2023-10-25 12:46:48 -07:00
468caea4ae Oops, fix typo include -> includes 2023-10-23 19:05:09 -07:00
3398439bae Fix more modeling bugs
Just find_all_by's that I never cleaned up

Oddly enough, I still got a "neopets seems down" message out of this, idk if that's an actual bug or just sluggishness rn
2023-10-23 19:05:09 -07:00
0e4cc80ac8 Remove sanitize_sql_like monkey-patch
I had added this many Rails versions ago during the recent upgrade process, because it was in latest Rails but not in the version of Rails I was using when replacing Elasticsearch with MySQL queries. We can remove it now!
2023-10-23 19:05:07 -07:00
e8131f3608 Fix bug with Arel ordering
Ok so weird little situation, usually Arel will accept an attribute as a param to `order()`, but not when it's in a very specific situation of all of the following:


For some reason, it's all like "hey I can't call `to_sql` on an attribute!", but only in the scenario where all 3 of those other things are present. Weird!

Anyway, explicitly saying `.asc` fixes this. Ok!
2023-10-23 19:05:05 -07:00
d97c32b5da Upgrade to Rails
Some important little upgrades but mostly straightforward!

Note that there's still a known issue where item searches crash, I was hoping that this was a bug in Rails 4.2 that would be fixed on upgading to 5, but nope, oh well!

Also uhh I just got a bit silly and didn't actually mean to go all the way to 5.2 in one go, I had meant to start at 5.0… but tbh the 5.1 and 5.2 changes seem small, and this seems to be working, so. Yeah ok let's roll!
2023-10-23 19:05:05 -07:00
fd263ea82f Remove mall spider cron jobs
I don't think these work anymore, and our volunteers get new items into the db fast anyway, Impress 2020 is doing better spidering these days. And then we get to remove the cron job `whenever` gem!
2023-10-23 19:05:05 -07:00
3e728a8e56 Oops, fix ambiguous zones_restrict column
When combining occupies and restricts filters, this wouldn't be sure whether to apply to the items or the swf assets.
2023-10-23 19:05:04 -07:00
e1b17e05be Add fits and not_fits back to item search
Some fun stuff here to figure out how to API this out well, but I'm pretty pleased with where it ended up!
2023-10-23 19:05:03 -07:00
62f1d883af Improve not_occupied solution
Not being a subquery is better! I realized later that a LEFT JOIN would probably do it even betterer? with like `HAVING count(x) = 0`? but the `left_outer_joins` method doesn't seem to be in Rails 4, and I don't want to do stringy joins, so this is fine for now!
2023-10-23 19:05:03 -07:00
c581b063c4 Oops, fix not_occupies logic error
Right, previously we were querying "has *at least one asset* that is not in zone X" instead of "has NO assets that are in zone X".

I don't know a fast way to query for that, this will have to do for now!
2023-10-23 19:05:03 -07:00
b244057808 Add restricts filter back to item search 2023-10-23 19:05:03 -07:00
d952685c5d Add occupies filter back to item search
Mostly adapting what was already there!
2023-10-23 19:05:03 -07:00
185b4eb2fc Use arel for item translation joins
Just a bit defensive so we aren't setting up the possibility of an ambiguous query someday!
2023-10-23 19:05:03 -07:00
a653b0c20d Add is:pb back to item search 2023-10-23 19:05:03 -07:00
3e3aa6a126 Move Item name search logic to model scope 2023-10-23 19:05:03 -07:00
72461972ca Start building new item search
Just name field right now, more to come! A lot deleted lol
2023-10-23 19:05:03 -07:00
a29e016555 Update to new scope syntax
Ohh ok, without this change all of our `scope`s were just immediately evaluating the argument and fetching _all_ such matching records immediately, instead of waiting to actually be called. This led to bugs like `pet_type.as_json` returning ALL pet states in the whole db, because the `PetState.emotion_order` scope was being treated as a single predefined query, rather than a query fragment to merge into the current context.

This also explains what happened in 724ed83: that's why things before the scope in the query were being ignored.
2023-10-23 19:05:03 -07:00
f0f9033b8f Fix select bug in Item.all_by_ids_or_children
Idk why, but when the `select` was the first thing in the query, it was getting ignored. I wonder if there's something about the `object_assets` scope that I'm not understanding that's overwriting it? Or the `joins`? But whatever, this works, I'm not worried about it for now!
2023-10-23 19:05:02 -07:00
aa3d28c641 Update syntax for set_inheritance_column 2023-10-23 19:05:02 -07:00
b35c773be3 Remove flex from the app (breaks search!)
We'll need to replace the item search query stuff with direct MySQL queries, but that's not ready yet bc the app still isn't booting, so we're committing this in a known broken state for now!
2023-10-23 19:05:02 -07:00