Fork 0
forked from OpenNeo/impress

move species to database

This commit is contained in:
Emi Matchu 2013-01-21 16:01:41 -06:00
parent 965465ca51
commit ce4e2fd53c
8 changed files with 230 additions and 60 deletions

View file

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class OutfitsController < ApplicationController
def new
unless localized_fragment_exist?(:action_suffix => 'start_from_scratch_form_content')
@colors = Color.all_ordered_by_name
@colors = Color.alphabetical
@species = Species.alphabetical
@ -66,12 +66,12 @@ class OutfitsController < ApplicationController
def start
Globalize.with_locale(I18n.default_locale) do
# Start URLs are always in English, so let's make sure we search in
# English.
I18n.locale = I18n.default_locale
@species = Species.find_by_name params[:species_name]
@color = Color.find_by_name params[:color_name]
if @species && @color
redirect_to wardrobe_path(:species => @species.id, :color => @color.id)

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
class PetAttributesController < ApplicationController
def index
render :json => {
:color => Color.all_ordered_by_name,
:color => Color.alphabetical,
:species => Species.alphabetical

View file

@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
class Color < PetAttribute
class Color < ActiveRecord::Base
translates :name
Basic = %w(blue green red yellow).map { |name| find_by_name(name) }
BasicIds = Basic.map(&:id)
scope :alphabetical, lambda { includes(:translations).order(Color::Translation.arel_table[:name]) }
scope :basic, where(:basic => true)
scope :standard, where(:standard => true)
scope :nonstandard, where(:standard => false)
def self.basic_ids
def as_json(options={})
{:id => id, :name => human_name}
def self.nonstandard_ids
@nonstandard_ids ||= File.read(Rails.root.join('config', 'nonstandard_colors.txt')).
chomp.split("\n").map { |name| Color.find_by_name(name).id }
def human_name
name.split(' ').map { |word| word.capitalize }.join(' ')

View file

@ -20,9 +20,6 @@ class Item < ActiveRecord::Base
/This item is only wearable by Neopets painted ([a-zA-Z]+)\.|WARNING: This [a-zA-Z]+ can be worn by ([a-zA-Z]+) [a-zA-Z]+ ONLY!/
SPECIAL_PAINTBRUSH_COLORS_PATH = Rails.root.join('config', 'colors_with_unique_bodies.txt')
SPECIAL_PAINTBRUSH_COLORS = File.read(SPECIAL_PAINTBRUSH_COLORS_PATH).split("\n").map { |name| Color.find_by_name(name) }
cattr_reader :per_page
@@per_page = 30
@ -59,7 +56,7 @@ class Item < ActiveRecord::Base
I18n.usable_locales_with_neopets_language_code.each do |locale|
Globalize.with_locale(locale) do
I18n.with_locale(locale) do
indexed_attributes[:name][locale] = self.name
@ -160,9 +157,12 @@ class Item < ActiveRecord::Base
def determine_special_color
I18n.with_locale(I18n.default_locale) do
# Rather than go find the special description in all locales, let's just
# run this logic in English.
if description.include?(PAINTBRUSH_SET_DESCRIPTION)
downcased_name = name.downcase
Color.nonstandard.each do |color|
return color if downcased_name.include?(color.name)
@ -173,6 +173,7 @@ class Item < ActiveRecord::Base
return Color.find_by_name(color.downcase)
def species_support_ids

View file

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ class PetType < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :species
belongs_to :color
has_one :contribution, :as => :contributed
has_many :pet_states
has_many :pets
@ -14,17 +15,16 @@ class PetType < ActiveRecord::Base
# Returns all pet types of a single standard color. The caller shouldn't care
# which, though, in this implemention, it's always Blue. Don't depend on that.
scope :single_standard_color, where(:color_id => Color::BasicIds[0])
scope :single_standard_color, lambda { where(:color_id => Color.standard.first) }
scope :nonstandard_colors, where(:color_id => Color.nonstandard_ids)
scope :nonstandard_colors, lambda { where(:color_id => Color.nonstandard) }
def self.standard_pet_types_by_species_id
@standard_pet_types_by_species_id ||=
PetType.where(:color_id => Color::BasicIds).group_by(&:species_id)
PetType.where(:color_id => Color.basic).group_by(&:species_id)
def self.standard_body_ids
@standard_body_ids ||= [].tap do |body_ids|
[].tap do |body_ids|
standard_pet_types_by_species_id.each do |species_id, pet_types|
@ -52,27 +52,22 @@ class PetType < ActiveRecord::Base
def color_id=(new_color_id)
@color = nil
write_attribute('color_id', new_color_id)
def color=(new_color)
@color = new_color
write_attribute('color_id', @color.id)
def color
@color ||= Color.find(color_id)
def image_hash
self['image_hash'] || basic_image_hash
def basic_image_hash
I18n.with_locale(I18n.default_locale) do
# Probably should move the basic hashes into the database someday.
# Until then, access the hash using the English color/species names.
unless BasicHashes[species.name] && BasicHashes[species.name][color.name]
raise "basic image hash for #{species.name}, #{color.name} not found"
def human_name
self.color.human_name + ' ' + self.species.human_name

View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
class CreateColors < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
create_table :colors do |t|
t.boolean :basic
t.boolean :standard
Color.create_translation_table! :name => :string
def self.down
drop_table :colors

View file

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
# It's strongly recommended to check this file into your version control system.
ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 20130121193957) do
ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 20130121205607) do
create_table "auth_servers", :force => true do |t|
t.string "short_name", :limit => 10, :null => false
@ -54,9 +54,20 @@ ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 20130121193957) do
add_index "closet_lists", ["user_id"], :name => "index_closet_lists_on_user_id"
create_table "colors", :force => true do |t|
create_table "color_translations", :force => true do |t|
t.integer "color_id"
t.string "locale"
t.string "name"
t.boolean "basic", :default => false, :null => false
t.datetime "created_at"
t.datetime "updated_at"
add_index "color_translations", ["color_id"], :name => "index_color_translations_on_color_id"
add_index "color_translations", ["locale"], :name => "index_color_translations_on_locale"
create_table "colors", :force => true do |t|
t.boolean "basic"
t.boolean "standard"
create_table "contributions", :force => true do |t|

View file

@ -1,7 +1,155 @@
# This file should contain all the record creation needed to seed the database with its default values.
# The data can then be loaded with the rake db:seed (or created alongside the db with db:setup).
# Examples:
# cities = City.create([{ :name => 'Chicago' }, { :name => 'Copenhagen' }])
# Mayor.create(:name => 'Daley', :city => cities.first)
Species.create(:id => 1, :name => "acara")
Species.create(:id => 2, :name => "aisha")
Species.create(:id => 3, :name => "blumaroo")
Species.create(:id => 4, :name => "bori")
Species.create(:id => 5, :name => "bruce")
Species.create(:id => 6, :name => "buzz")
Species.create(:id => 7, :name => "chia")
Species.create(:id => 8, :name => "chomby")
Species.create(:id => 9, :name => "cybunny")
Species.create(:id => 10, :name => "draik")
Species.create(:id => 11, :name => "elephante")
Species.create(:id => 12, :name => "eyrie")
Species.create(:id => 13, :name => "flotsam")
Species.create(:id => 14, :name => "gelert")
Species.create(:id => 15, :name => "gnorbu")
Species.create(:id => 16, :name => "grarrl")
Species.create(:id => 17, :name => "grundo")
Species.create(:id => 18, :name => "hissi")
Species.create(:id => 19, :name => "ixi")
Species.create(:id => 20, :name => "jetsam")
Species.create(:id => 21, :name => "jubjub")
Species.create(:id => 22, :name => "kacheek")
Species.create(:id => 23, :name => "kau")
Species.create(:id => 24, :name => "kiko")
Species.create(:id => 25, :name => "koi")
Species.create(:id => 26, :name => "korbat")
Species.create(:id => 27, :name => "kougra")
Species.create(:id => 28, :name => "krawk")
Species.create(:id => 29, :name => "kyrii")
Species.create(:id => 30, :name => "lenny")
Species.create(:id => 31, :name => "lupe")
Species.create(:id => 32, :name => "lutari")
Species.create(:id => 33, :name => "meerca")
Species.create(:id => 34, :name => "moehog")
Species.create(:id => 35, :name => "mynci")
Species.create(:id => 36, :name => "nimmo")
Species.create(:id => 37, :name => "ogrin")
Species.create(:id => 38, :name => "peophin")
Species.create(:id => 39, :name => "poogle")
Species.create(:id => 40, :name => "pteri")
Species.create(:id => 41, :name => "quiggle")
Species.create(:id => 42, :name => "ruki")
Species.create(:id => 43, :name => "scorchio")
Species.create(:id => 44, :name => "shoyru")
Species.create(:id => 45, :name => "skeith")
Species.create(:id => 46, :name => "techo")
Species.create(:id => 47, :name => "tonu")
Species.create(:id => 48, :name => "tuskaninny")
Species.create(:id => 49, :name => "uni")
Species.create(:id => 50, :name => "usul")
Species.create(:id => 51, :name => "wocky")
Species.create(:id => 52, :name => "xweetok")
Species.create(:id => 53, :name => "yurble")
Species.create(:id => 54, :name => "zafara")
Color.create(:id => 1, :name => "alien", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 2, :name => "apple", :basic => false, :standard => false)
Color.create(:id => 3, :name => "asparagus", :basic => false, :standard => false)
Color.create(:id => 4, :name => "aubergine", :basic => false, :standard => false)
Color.create(:id => 5, :name => "avocado", :basic => false, :standard => false)
Color.create(:id => 6, :name => "baby", :basic => false, :standard => false)
Color.create(:id => 7, :name => "biscuit", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 8, :name => "blue", :basic => true, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 9, :name => "blueberry", :basic => false, :standard => false)
Color.create(:id => 10, :name => "brown", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 11, :name => "camouflage", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 12, :name => "carrot", :basic => false, :standard => false)
Color.create(:id => 13, :name => "checkered", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 14, :name => "chocolate", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 15, :name => "chokato", :basic => false, :standard => false)
Color.create(:id => 16, :name => "christmas", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 17, :name => "clay", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 18, :name => "cloud", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 19, :name => "coconut", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 20, :name => "custard", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 21, :name => "darigan", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 22, :name => "desert", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 23, :name => "disco", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 24, :name => "durian", :basic => false, :standard => false)
Color.create(:id => 25, :name => "electric", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 26, :name => "faerie", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 27, :name => "fire", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 28, :name => "garlic", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 29, :name => "ghost", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 30, :name => "glowing", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 31, :name => "gold", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 32, :name => "gooseberry", :basic => false, :standard => false)
Color.create(:id => 33, :name => "grape", :basic => false, :standard => false)
Color.create(:id => 34, :name => "green", :basic => true, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 35, :name => "grey", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 36, :name => "halloween", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 37, :name => "ice", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 38, :name => "invisible", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 39, :name => "island", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 40, :name => "jelly", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 41, :name => "lemon", :basic => false, :standard => false)
Color.create(:id => 42, :name => "lime", :basic => false, :standard => false)
Color.create(:id => 43, :name => "mallow", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 44, :name => "maraquan", :basic => false, :standard => false)
Color.create(:id => 45, :name => "msp", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 46, :name => "mutant", :basic => false, :standard => false)
Color.create(:id => 47, :name => "orange", :basic => false, :standard => false)
Color.create(:id => 48, :name => "pea", :basic => false, :standard => false)
Color.create(:id => 49, :name => "peach", :basic => false, :standard => false)
Color.create(:id => 50, :name => "pear", :basic => false, :standard => false)
Color.create(:id => 51, :name => "pepper", :basic => false, :standard => false)
Color.create(:id => 52, :name => "pineapple", :basic => false, :standard => false)
Color.create(:id => 53, :name => "pink", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 54, :name => "pirate", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 55, :name => "plum", :basic => false, :standard => false)
Color.create(:id => 56, :name => "plushie", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 57, :name => "purple", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 58, :name => "quigukiboy", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 59, :name => "quigukigirl", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 60, :name => "rainbow", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 61, :name => "red", :basic => true, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 62, :name => "robot", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 63, :name => "royalboy", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 64, :name => "royalgirl", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 65, :name => "shadow", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 66, :name => "silver", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 67, :name => "sketch", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 68, :name => "skunk", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 69, :name => "snot", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 70, :name => "snow", :basic => false, :standard => false)
Color.create(:id => 71, :name => "speckled", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 72, :name => "split", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 73, :name => "sponge", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 74, :name => "spotted", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 75, :name => "starry", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 76, :name => "strawberry", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 77, :name => "striped", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 78, :name => "thornberry", :basic => false, :standard => false)
Color.create(:id => 79, :name => "tomato", :basic => false, :standard => false)
Color.create(:id => 80, :name => "tyrannian", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 81, :name => "usukiboy", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 82, :name => "usukigirl", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 83, :name => "white", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 84, :name => "yellow", :basic => true, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 85, :name => "zombie", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 86, :name => "onion", :basic => false, :standard => false)
Color.create(:id => 87, :name => "magma", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 88, :name => "relic", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 89, :name => "woodland", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 90, :name => "transparent", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 91, :name => "maractite", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 92, :name => "8-bit", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 93, :name => "swamp gas", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 94, :name => "water", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 95, :name => "wraith", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 96, :name => "eventide", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 97, :name => "elderlyboy", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 98, :name => "elderlygirl", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 99, :name => "stealthy", :basic => false, :standard => true)
Color.create(:id => 100, :name => "dimensional", :basic => false, :standard => true)