forked from OpenNeo/impress
Remove unused Devise initializer settings
I guess the APIs changed here, but these were placeholder settings we weren't actually using anyway (cuz we use the OpenNeo ID integration), so I just commented them out and it seems fine for now!
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 4 additions and 4 deletions
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Devise.setup do |config|
Devise.setup do |config|
# ==> Mailer Configuration
# ==> Mailer Configuration
# Configure the e-mail address which will be shown in DeviseMailer.
# Configure the e-mail address which will be shown in DeviseMailer.
config.mailer_sender = ""
config.mailer_sender = ""
# Configure the class responsible to send e-mails.
# Configure the class responsible to send e-mails.
# config.mailer = "Devise::Mailer"
# config.mailer = "Devise::Mailer"
@ -37,16 +37,16 @@ Devise.setup do |config|
# ==> Configuration for :database_authenticatable
# ==> Configuration for :database_authenticatable
# For bcrypt, this is the cost for hashing the password and defaults to 10. If
# For bcrypt, this is the cost for hashing the password and defaults to 10. If
# using other encryptors, it sets how many times you want the password re-encrypted.
# using other encryptors, it sets how many times you want the password re-encrypted.
config.stretches = 10
# config.stretches = 10
# Define which will be the encryption algorithm. Devise also supports encryptors
# Define which will be the encryption algorithm. Devise also supports encryptors
# from others authentication tools as :clearance_sha1, :authlogic_sha512 (then
# from others authentication tools as :clearance_sha1, :authlogic_sha512 (then
# you should set stretches above to 20 for default behavior) and :restful_authentication_sha1
# you should set stretches above to 20 for default behavior) and :restful_authentication_sha1
# (then you should set stretches to 10, and copy REST_AUTH_SITE_KEY to pepper)
# (then you should set stretches to 10, and copy REST_AUTH_SITE_KEY to pepper)
config.encryptor = :bcrypt
# config.encryptor = :bcrypt
# Setup a pepper to generate the encrypted password.
# Setup a pepper to generate the encrypted password.
config.pepper = "f6a7bb49e6d2348d529bf4c64c09af1491284e90087d282713825f09b8ac0d78be1d3e5fb65b4f95115da90a8b6be60a9d4da68ae60a6174a6c238976b52b848"
# config.pepper = "f6a7bb49e6d2348d529bf4c64c09af1491284e90087d282713825f09b8ac0d78be1d3e5fb65b4f95115da90a8b6be60a9d4da68ae60a6174a6c238976b52b848"
# ==> Configuration for :confirmable
# ==> Configuration for :confirmable
# The time you want to give your user to confirm his account. During this time
# The time you want to give your user to confirm his account. During this time
Reference in a new issue