Fork 0
forked from OpenNeo/impress

swf_assets/show action to embed a canvas movie in a sandboxed iframe

Not using this on the item page preview yet, but we will!

I like this approach over e.g. a web component specifically for the
sandboxing: while I don't exactly *distrust* JS that we're loading from
Neopets.com, I don't like the idea of *any* part of the site that
executes arbitrary JS unsafely at runtime, even if we theoretically
trust where it theoretically came from. I don't want any failure
upstream to have effects on us!

I copied basically all of the JS from a related project
`impress-media-server` that I had spun up at one point, to investigate
similar embed techniques. Easy peasy drop-in-squeezy!
This commit is contained in:
Emi Matchu 2024-07-03 19:50:41 -07:00
parent 5ad320fa18
commit 5b2062754d
8 changed files with 449 additions and 2 deletions

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View file

@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
const canvas = document.getElementById("asset-canvas");
const libraryScript = document.getElementById("canvas-movie-library");
const libraryUrl = libraryScript.getAttribute("src");
// Read the asset ID from the URL, as an extra hint of what asset we're
// logging for. (This is helpful when there's a lot of assets animating!)
const assetId = document.location.pathname.split("/").at(-1);
const logPrefix = `[${assetId}] `.padEnd(9);
// State for controlling the movie.
let loadingStatus = "loading";
let playingStatus = getInitialPlayingStatus();
// State for loading the movie.
let library = null;
let movieClip = null;
let stage = null;
// State for animating the movie.
let frameRequestId = null;
let lastFrameTime = null;
let lastLogTime = null;
let numFramesSinceLastLog = 0;
// State for error reporting.
let hasLoggedRenderError = false;
function loadImage(src) {
const image = new Image();
image.crossOrigin = "anonymous";
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
image.onload = () => {
image.onerror = () => {
reject(new Error(`Failed to load image: ${JSON.stringify(src)}`));
image.src = src;
return promise;
async function getLibrary() {
if (Object.keys(window.AdobeAn?.compositions || {}).length === 0) {
throw new Error(
`Movie library ${libraryUrl} did not add a composition to window.AdobeAn.compositions.`,
const [compositionId, composition] = Object.entries(
if (Object.keys(window.AdobeAn.compositions).length > 1) {
`Grabbing composition ${compositionId}, but there are >1 here: `,
delete window.AdobeAn.compositions[compositionId];
const library = composition.getLibrary();
// One more loading step as part of loading this library is loading the
// images it uses for sprites.
// TODO: I guess the manifest has these too, so we could put them in preload
// meta tags to get them here faster?
const librarySrcDir = libraryUrl.split("/").slice(0, -1).join("/");
const manifestImages = new Map(
library.properties.manifest.map(({ id, src }) => [
loadImage(librarySrcDir + "/" + src),
await Promise.all(manifestImages.values());
// Finally, once we have the images loaded, the library object expects us to
// mutate it (!) to give it the actual image and sprite sheet objects from
// the loaded images. That's how the MovieClip's internal JS objects will
// access the loaded data!
const images = composition.getImages();
for (const [id, image] of manifestImages.entries()) {
images[id] = await image;
const spriteSheets = composition.getSpriteSheet();
for (const { name, frames } of library.ssMetadata) {
const image = await manifestImages.get(name);
spriteSheets[name] = new window.createjs.SpriteSheet({
images: [image],
return library;
function buildMovieClip(library) {
let constructorName;
try {
const fileName = decodeURI(libraryUrl).split("/").pop();
const fileNameWithoutExtension = fileName.split(".")[0];
constructorName = fileNameWithoutExtension.replace(/[ -]/g, "");
if (constructorName.match(/^[0-9]/)) {
constructorName = "_" + constructorName;
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(
`Movie libraryUrl ${JSON.stringify(libraryUrl)} did not match expected ` +
`format: ${e.message}`,
const LibraryMovieClipConstructor = library[constructorName];
if (!LibraryMovieClipConstructor) {
throw new Error(
`Expected JS movie library ${libraryUrl} to contain a constructor ` +
`named ${constructorName}, but it did not: ${Object.keys(library)}`,
const movieClip = new LibraryMovieClipConstructor();
return movieClip;
function updateStage() {
try {
} catch (e) {
// If rendering the frame fails, log it and proceed. If it's an
// animation, then maybe the next frame will work? Also alert the user,
// just as an FYI. (This is pretty uncommon, so I'm not worried about
// being noisy!)
if (!hasLoggedRenderError) {
console.error(`Error rendering movie clip ${libraryUrl}`, e);
// TODO: Inform user about the failure
hasLoggedRenderError = true;
function updateCanvasDimensions() {
// Set the canvas's internal dimensions to be higher, if the device has high
// DPI. Scale the movie clip to match, too.
const internalWidth = canvas.offsetWidth * window.devicePixelRatio;
const internalHeight = canvas.offsetHeight * window.devicePixelRatio;
canvas.width = internalWidth;
canvas.height = internalHeight;
movieClip.scaleX = internalWidth / library.properties.width;
movieClip.scaleY = internalHeight / library.properties.height;
async function startMovie() {
// Load the movie's library (from the JS file already run), and use it to
// build a movie clip.
library = await getLibrary();
movieClip = buildMovieClip(library);
if (canvas.getContext("2d") == null) {
console.warn(`Out of memory, can't use canvas for ${libraryUrl}.`);
// TODO: "Too many animations!"
stage = new window.createjs.Stage(canvas);
loadingStatus = "loaded";
canvas.setAttribute("data-status", "loaded");
function updateAnimationState() {
const shouldRunAnimations =
loadingStatus === "loaded" && playingStatus === "playing";
if (shouldRunAnimations && frameRequestId == null) {
lastFrameTime = document.timeline.currentTime;
lastLogTime = document.timeline.currentTime;
numFramesSinceLastLog = 0;
documentHiddenSinceLastFrame = document.hidden;
frameRequestId = requestAnimationFrame(onAnimationFrame);
} else if (!shouldRunAnimations && frameRequestId != null) {
lastFrameTime = null;
lastLogTime = null;
numFramesSinceLastLog = 0;
documentHiddenSinceLastFrame = false;
frameRequestId = null;
function onAnimationFrame() {
const targetFps = library.properties.fps;
const msPerFrame = 1000 / targetFps;
const msSinceLastFrame = document.timeline.currentTime - lastFrameTime;
const msSinceLastLog = document.timeline.currentTime - lastLogTime;
// If it takes too long to render a frame, cancel the movie, on the
// assumption that we're riding the CPU too hard. (Some movies do this!)
// But note that, if the page is hidden (e.g. the window is not visible),
// it's normal for the browser to pause animations. So, if we detected that
// the document became hidden between this frame and the last, no
// intervention is necesary.
if (msSinceLastFrame >= 2000 && !documentHiddenSinceLastFrame) {
console.warn(`Paused movie for taking too long: ${msSinceLastFrame}ms`);
// TODO: Display message about low FPS, and sync up to the parent.
if (msSinceLastFrame >= msPerFrame) {
lastFrameTime = document.timeline.currentTime;
// If we're a little bit late to this frame, probably because the frame
// rate isn't an even divisor of 60 FPS, backdate it to what the ideal time
// for this frame *would* have been. (For example, without this tweak, a
// 24 FPS animation like the Floating Negg Faerie actually runs at 20 FPS,
// because it wants to run every 41.66ms, but a 60 FPS browser checks in
// every 16.66ms, so the best it can do is 50ms. With this tweak, we can
// *pretend* we ran at 41.66ms, so that the next frame timing correctly
// takes the extra 9.33ms into account.)
const msFrameDelay = msSinceLastFrame - msPerFrame;
if (msFrameDelay < msPerFrame) {
lastFrameTime -= msFrameDelay;
if (msSinceLastLog >= 5000) {
const fps = numFramesSinceLastLog / (msSinceLastLog / 1000);
`${logPrefix} FPS: ${fps.toFixed(2)} (Target: ${targetFps})`,
lastLogTime = document.timeline.currentTime;
numFramesSinceLastLog = 0;
frameRequestId = requestAnimationFrame(onAnimationFrame);
documentHiddenSinceLastFrame = document.hidden;
// If `document.hidden` becomes true at any point, log it for the next
// animation frame. (The next frame will reset the state, as will starting or
// stopping the animation.)
document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", () => {
if (document.hidden) {
documentHiddenSinceLastFrame = true;
function play() {
playingStatus = "playing";
function pause() {
playingStatus = "paused";
function getInitialPlayingStatus() {
const params = new URLSearchParams(document.location.search);
if (params.has("playing")) {
return "playing";
} else {
return "paused";
window.addEventListener("resize", () => {
// Redraw the stage with the new dimensions - but with `tickOnUpdate` set
// to `false`, so that we don't advance by a frame. This keeps us
// really-paused if we're paused, and avoids skipping ahead by a frame if
// we're playing.
stage.tickOnUpdate = false;
stage.tickOnUpdate = true;
window.addEventListener("message", ({ data }) => {
// NOTE: For more sensitive messages, it's important for security to also
// check the `origin` property of the incoming event. But in this case, I'm
// okay with whatever site is embedding us being able to send play/pause!
if (data.type === "play") {
} else if (data.type === "pause") {
} else {
throw new Error(`unexpected message: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);
startMovie().catch((error) => {
console.error(logPrefix, error);
loadingStatus = "error";
canvas.setAttribute("data-status", "error");
canvas.setAttribute("data-error-message", error.message);
// If loading the movie fails, show the fallback image instead, by moving
// it out of the canvas content and into the body.
console.warn("Showing fallback image instead.");

View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#fallback {
position: absolute;
left: 0;
top: 0;
width: min(100vw, 100vh);
height: min(100vw, 100vh);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
class SwfAssetsController < ApplicationController
# We're very careful with what content is allowed to load. This is because
# asset movies run arbitrary JS, and, while we generally trust content from
# Neopets.com, let's not be *allowing* movie JS to do whatever it wants! This
# is a good default security stance, even if we don't foresee an attack.
content_security_policy do |policy|
policy.sandbox "allow-scripts"
policy.default_src "none"
policy.img_src -> {
policy.script_src_elem -> {
policy.style_src_elem -> {
def show
@swf_asset = SwfAsset.find params[:id]
render layout: nil
def src_list(*urls)
urls.filter(&:present?).map { |url| url.sub(/\?.*\z/, "") }.join(" ")

View file

@ -140,7 +140,10 @@ class SwfAsset < ApplicationRecord
# assets in the same manifest, and earlier ones are broken and later
# ones are fixed. I don't know the logic exactly, but that's what we've
# seen!
{ js: assets_by_ext[:js].last }
js: assets_by_ext[:js].last,
sprites: assets_by_ext.fetch(:png, []),
# Otherwise, return the first PNG and the first SVG. (Unlike the JS
# case, it's important to choose the *first* PNG, because sometimes
@ -185,8 +188,21 @@ class SwfAsset < ApplicationRecord
def canvas_movie?
def canvas_movie_library_url
def canvas_movie_sprite_urls
return [] unless canvas_movie?
def canvas_movie_image_url
return nil unless manifest_asset_urls[:js]
return nil unless canvas_movie?
libraryUrl: manifest_asset_urls[:js],

View file

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
!!! 5
%meta{charset: "utf-8"}
%meta{name: "viewport", content: "width=device-width, initial-scale=1"}
Embed for Asset ##{@swf_asset.id} | #{t "app_name"}
%link{href: image_path("favicon.png"), rel: "icon"}
-# NOTE: For all these assets, the Content-Security-Policy doesn't account
-# for asset debug mode, so let's just opt out of it with `debug: false`!
- if @swf_asset.canvas_movie?
-# Load the stylesheet first, because displaying things correctly is the
-# actual most essential thing.
= stylesheet_link_tag "swf_assets/show", debug: false
-# This is optional, but preloading the sprites can help us from having
-# to wait on all the other JS to load and set up before we start!
- @swf_asset.canvas_movie_sprite_urls.each do |sprite_url|
%link{rel: "preload", href: sprite_url, as: "image", crossorigin: "anonymous"}
-# Load the scripts: EaselJS libs first, then the asset's "library" file,
-# then our page script that starts the movie.
= javascript_include_tag "lib/easeljs.min", defer: true, debug: false
= javascript_include_tag "lib/tweenjs.min", defer: true, debug: false
= javascript_include_tag @swf_asset.canvas_movie_library_url, defer: true,
id: "canvas-movie-library"
= javascript_include_tag "swf_assets/show", defer: true, debug: false
- if @swf_asset.canvas_movie?
-# Show a fallback image, for users with JS disabled. Lazy-load it, so
-# the browser won't bother to load it if it's not used.
= image_tag @swf_asset.image_url, id: "fallback", alt: "", loading: "lazy"
- else
= image_tag @swf_asset.image_url, alt: ""

View file

@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ OpenneoImpressItems::Application.routes.draw do
resources :alt_styles, path: 'alt-styles', only: [:index]
resources :alt_styles, path: 'alt-styles', only: [:index]
resources :swf_assets, path: 'swf-assets', only: [:show]
# Loading and modeling pets!
post '/pets/load' => 'pets#load', :as => :load_pet