Fork 0
forked from OpenNeo/impress

import sdb as well as closet

This commit is contained in:
Emi Matchu 2011-08-02 22:42:56 -04:00
parent 374e85f9d0
commit 513711bf60
10 changed files with 236 additions and 138 deletions

View file

@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
class ClosetPagesController < ApplicationController
include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper
before_filter :authenticate_user!, :build_closet_page
rescue_from ClosetPage::ParseError, :with => :on_parse_error
def create
if params[:closet_page] && params[:closet_page][:source]
@closet_page.index = params[:closet_page][:index]
@closet_page.source = params[:closet_page][:source]
saved_counts = @closet_page.save_hangers!
any_created = saved_counts[:created] > 0
any_updated = saved_counts[:updated] > 0
if any_created || any_updated
message = "Page #{@closet_page.index} saved! We "
message << "added " + pluralize(saved_counts[:created], 'item') + " to your closet" if any_created
message << " and " if any_created && any_updated
message << "updated the count on " + pluralize(saved_counts[:updated], 'item') if any_updated
message << ". "
message = "Success! We checked that page, and we already had all this data recorded. "
unless @closet_page.unknown_item_names.empty?
message << "We also found " +
pluralize(@closet_page.unknown_item_names.size, 'item') +
" we didn't recognize: " +
@closet_page.unknown_item_names.to_sentence +
". Please put each item on your pet and type its name in on the " +
"home page so we can have a record of it. Thanks! "
if @closet_page.last?
message << "That was the last page of your Neopets closet."
destination = user_closet_hangers_path(current_user)
message << "Now the frame should contain page #{@closet_page.index + 1}. Paste that source code over, too."
destination = {:action => :new, :index => (@closet_page.index + 1)}
flash[:success] = message
redirect_to destination
redirect_to :action => :new
def new
@closet_page.index ||= 1
def build_closet_page
@closet_page = ClosetPage.new(current_user)
@closet_page.index = params[:index]
def on_parse_error
flash[:alert] = "We had trouble reading your source code. Is it a valid HTML document? Make sure you pasted the computery-looking result of clicking View Frame Source, and not the pretty page itself."
render :action => :new

View file

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
class NeopetsPagesController < ApplicationController
include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper
before_filter :authenticate_user!, :build_neopets_page
rescue_from ClosetPage::ParseError, :with => :on_parse_error
def create
if @page_params && @page_params[:source]
@neopets_page.index = @page_params[:index]
@neopets_page.source = @page_params[:source]
saved_counts = @neopets_page.save_hangers!
any_created = saved_counts[:created] > 0
any_updated = saved_counts[:updated] > 0
if any_created || any_updated
message = "Page #{@neopets_page.index} saved! We "
message << "added " + pluralize(saved_counts[:created], 'item') + " to the items you own" if any_created
message << " and " if any_created && any_updated
message << "updated the count on " + pluralize(saved_counts[:updated], 'item') if any_updated
message << ". "
elsif @neopets_page.hangers.size > 1
message = "Success! We checked that page, and we already had all this data recorded. "
message = "Success! We checked that page, and there were no wearables to add. "
unless @neopets_page.unknown_item_names.empty?
message << "We also found " +
pluralize(@neopets_page.unknown_item_names.size, 'item') +
" we didn't recognize: " +
@neopets_page.unknown_item_names.to_sentence +
". Please put each item on your pet and type its name in on the " +
"home page so we can have a record of it. Thanks! "
if @neopets_page.last?
message << "That was the last page of your Neopets #{@neopets_page.name}."
destination = user_closet_hangers_path(current_user)
message << "Now the frame should contain page #{@neopets_page.index + 1}. Paste that source code over, too."
destination = {:action => :new, :index => (@neopets_page.index + 1)}
flash[:success] = message
redirect_to destination
redirect_to :action => :new
def new
@neopets_page.index ||= 1
'closet' => ClosetPage,
'sdb' => SafetyDepositPage
def build_neopets_page
type_class = TYPES[params[:type]]
@neopets_page = type_class.new(current_user)
@neopets_page.index = params[:index]
@page_params = params[type_class.model_name.singular]
def on_parse_error(e)
Rails.logger.info "Neopets page parse error: #{e.message}"
flash[:alert] = "We had trouble reading your source code. Is it a valid " +
"HTML document? Make sure you pasted the computery-looking result of " +
"clicking View Frame Source, and not the pretty page itself. "
render :action => :new

View file

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ class ClosetPage
include ActiveModel::Conversion
extend ActiveModel::Naming
@selectors = {
:items => "form[action=\"process_closet.phtml\"] tr[bgcolor!=silver][bgcolor!=\"#E4E4E4\"]",
:item_thumbnail => "img",
:item_name => "td:nth-child(2)",
@ -26,6 +26,10 @@ class ClosetPage
@index == @total_pages
def name
def persisted?
@ -58,47 +62,79 @@ class ClosetPage
def element(selector_name, parent)
parent.at_css(SELECTORS[selector_name]) ||
raise(ParseError, "Closet #{selector_name} element not found in #{parent.inspect}")
parent.at_css(self.class.selectors[selector_name]) ||
raise(ParseError, "#{selector_name} element not found")
def elements(selector_name, parent)
def find_id(row)
element(:item_remove, row)['name']
def find_index(page_selector)
element(:selected, page_selector)['value'].to_i
def find_items(doc)
elements(:items, doc)
def find_name(row)
# For normal items, the td contains essentially:
# <b>NAME<br/><span>OPTIONAL ADJECTIVE</span></b>
# For PB items, the td contains:
# NAME<br/><span>OPTIONAL ADJECTIVE</span>
# So, we want the first text node. If it's a PB item, that's the first
# child. If it's a normal item, it's the first child <b>'s child.
name_el = element(:item_name, row).children[0]
name_el = name_el.children[0] if name_el.name == 'b'
def find_page_selector(doc)
element(:page_select, doc)
def find_quantity(row)
element(:item_quantity, row).text.to_i
def find_thumbnail_url(row)
element(:item_thumbnail, row)['src']
def find_total_pages(page_selector)
def parse_source!(source)
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(source)
page_selector = element(:page_select, doc)
@total_pages = page_selector.children.size
@index = element(:selected, page_selector)['value'].to_i
page_selector = find_page_selector(doc)
@total_pages = find_total_pages(page_selector)
@index = find_index(page_selector)
items_data = {
:id => {},
:thumbnail_url => {}
# Go through the items, and find the ID/thumbnail for each and data with it
elements(:items, doc).each do |row|
# For normal items, the td contains essentially:
# <b>NAME<br/><span>OPTIONAL ADJECTIVE</span></b>
# For PB items, the td contains:
# NAME<br/><span>OPTIONAL ADJECTIVE</span>
# So, we want the first text node. If it's a PB item, that's the first
# child. If it's a normal item, it's the first child <b>'s child.
name_el = element(:item_name, row).children[0]
name_el = name_el.children[0] if name_el.name == 'b'
# Go through the items, and find the ID/thumbnail for each and data with it
find_items(doc).each do |row|
data = {
:name => name_el.text,
:quantity => element(:item_quantity, row).text.to_i
:name => find_name(row),
:quantity => find_quantity(row)
if id = element(:item_remove, row)['name']
if id = find_id(row)
id = id.to_i
items_data[:id][id] = data
else # if this is a pb item, which does not give ID, go by thumbnail
thumbnail_url = element(:item_thumbnail, row)['src']
thumbnail_url = find_thumbnail_url(row)
items_data[:thumbnail_url][thumbnail_url] = data
@ -133,6 +169,10 @@ class ClosetPage
def self.selectors
class ParseError < RuntimeError;end

View file

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
class SafetyDepositPage < ClosetPage
@selectors = {
:items => "#content tr[bgcolor=\"#DFEAF7\"]",
:item_thumbnail => "img",
:item_name => "td:nth-child(2)",
:item_quantity => "td:nth-child(5)",
:item_remove => "input",
:page_select => "select[name=offset]",
:selected => "option[selected]"
def name
def url
REMOVE_NAME_REGEX = /\[([0-9]+)\]/
def find_id(*args)
name = super
unless match = name.match(REMOVE_NAME_REGEX)
raise ParseError, "Remove Item input name format was unexpected: #{name}.inspect"
def find_index(*args)
(super / 30) + 1
def offset
@index ? (@index.to_i - 1) * 30 : 0

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
body.closet_pages-new, body.closet_pages-create
body.neopets_pages-new, body.neopets_pages-create
float: left

View file

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
@import closet_hangers/index
@import closet_hangers/petpage
@import closet_lists/form
@import closet_pages/new
@import neopets_pages/new
@import contributions/index
@import items
@import items/index

View file

@ -74,8 +74,9 @@
%label{:for => 'closet-hangers-share-box'} Public URL:
%input#closet-hangers-share-box{:type => 'text', :value => user_closet_hangers_url(@user), :readonly => true}
= link_to "Import from Neopets closet", new_closet_page_path
= link_to "Export to Neopets petpage", petpage_user_closet_hangers_path(@user)
= link_to "Import from closet", new_closet_page_path
= link_to "Import from SDB", new_safety_deposit_page_path
= link_to "Export to petpage", petpage_user_closet_hangers_path(@user)

View file

@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
- title "Import from closet, Page #{@closet_page.index}"
- title "Import from #{@neopets_page.name}, Page #{@neopets_page.index}"
- content_for :before_flashes do
= link_to 'Back to Your Items', user_closet_hangers_path(current_user), :id => 'back-to-items'
= form_for @closet_page, :html => {:id => 'closet-page-form'} do |f|
= form_for @neopets_page, :html => {:id => 'closet-page-form'} do |f|
= f.hidden_field :index
%strong Page #{@closet_page.index}
of your closet
%iframe#closet-page-frame{:src => @closet_page.url}
%strong Page #{@neopets_page.index}
of your #{@neopets_page.name}
%iframe#closet-page-frame{:src => @neopets_page.url}
= f.label :source, "Paste source code below"
= f.text_area :source
= f.submit 'Add items to closet'
= f.submit 'Import items'
**Welcome to the bulk closet importer!** We're going to make it as
easy as possible to import your Neopets.com closet data into your Dress to
Impress closet. Here's how it works.
**Welcome to the bulk #{@neopets_page.name} importer!** We're going to make it as
easy as possible to import your Neopets.com #{@neopets_page.name} data into your Dress to
Impress items list. Here's how it works.
1. Check the framed Neopets.com window on the left, pointing to
[page #{@closet_page.index} of your closet][cp].
[page #{@neopets_page.index} of your #{@neopets_page.name}][cp].
* **Confirm that you're logged in.** If you're logged into
Neopets, but the above frame says that you're not, try enabling
"third-party cookies" in your browser. (Most have that on by default.)
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
web programmer pro who can check that the frame does, in fact, point
to Neopets.com. To be safe,
#{link_to_neopets_login "pull up another window, check the URL, and log in safely"}.
* **Confirm that the page is, in fact, your closet.** Similarly, don't
* **Confirm that the page is, in fact, your #{@neopets_page.name}.** Similarly, don't
just trust a website when they tell you to copy-paste the source code
of another site. Instead, check that the page is what it is supposed to
be and does not contain any information you didn't mean to give out.
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
* **In Firefox,** right-click the frame, choose **This Frame**, then **View Frame Source**.
* In other browsers, right-click, and look for something similar. If you're
still having trouble, try
#{link_to "viewing the page in a new window", @closet_page.url, :target => "_blank"},
#{link_to "viewing the page in a new window", @neopets_page.url, :target => "_blank"},
right-clicking, and choosing View Source.
3. Highlight the entire source code, and copy-paste it into the box on the right.
@ -48,10 +48,10 @@
4. Submit!
* We'll analyze the code you sent us, grab exclusively the identity and
quantity of items in your closet, and add that to your Dress to Impress
closet. I promise it's all safe, but, if you're concerned, find a
quantity of items in your #{@neopets_page.name}, and add that to your Dress to Impress
items list. I promise it's all safe, but, if you're concerned, find a
programmer buddy and [check out the source code to be sure][source].
[cp]: #{@closet_page.url}
[cp]: #{@neopets_page.url}
[source]: http://github.com/matchu/openneo-impress-rails

View file

@ -30,7 +30,13 @@ OpenneoImpressItems::Application.routes.draw do |map|
resources :pet_attributes, :only => [:index]
resources :swf_assets, :only => [:index, :show]
resources :closet_pages, :only => [:new, :create], :path => 'closet/pages'
scope 'import' do
resources :closet_pages, :only => [:new, :create],
:controller => 'neopets_pages', :path => 'closet/pages', :type => 'closet'
resources :safety_deposit_pages, :only => [:new, :create],
:controller => 'neopets_pages', :path => 'sdb/pages', :type => 'sdb'
match '/users/current-user/outfits' => 'outfits#index', :as => :current_user_outfits

View file

@ -1348,16 +1348,16 @@ body.closet_lists-new form ul.fields .hint, body.closet_lists-create form ul.fie
font-size: 85%;
/* line 3, ../../../app/stylesheets/closet_pages/_new.sass */
body.closet_pages-new #title, body.closet_pages-create #title {
/* line 3, ../../../app/stylesheets/neopets_pages/_new.sass */
body.neopets_pages-new #title, body.neopets_pages-create #title {
float: left;
/* line 6, ../../../app/stylesheets/closet_pages/_new.sass */
body.closet_pages-new .flash, body.closet_pages-create .flash {
/* line 6, ../../../app/stylesheets/neopets_pages/_new.sass */
body.neopets_pages-new .flash, body.neopets_pages-create .flash {
clear: both;
/* line 9, ../../../app/stylesheets/closet_pages/_new.sass */
body.closet_pages-new #back-to-items, body.closet_pages-create #back-to-items {
/* line 9, ../../../app/stylesheets/neopets_pages/_new.sass */
body.neopets_pages-new #back-to-items, body.neopets_pages-create #back-to-items {
/* http://www.zurb.com/blog_uploads/0000/0617/buttons-03.html */
-moz-border-radius: 5px;
-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
@ -1378,69 +1378,69 @@ body.closet_pages-new #back-to-items, body.closet_pages-create #back-to-items {
margin-top: 0.75em;
/* line 34, ../../../app/stylesheets/partials/clean/_mixins.sass */
body.closet_pages-new #back-to-items:hover, body.closet_pages-create #back-to-items:hover {
body.neopets_pages-new #back-to-items:hover, body.neopets_pages-create #back-to-items:hover {
background-color: #005300;
/* line 53, ../../../app/stylesheets/partials/clean/_mixins.sass */
body.closet_pages-new #back-to-items:hover, body.closet_pages-create #back-to-items:hover {
body.neopets_pages-new #back-to-items:hover, body.neopets_pages-create #back-to-items:hover {
color: white;
/* line 55, ../../../app/stylesheets/partials/clean/_mixins.sass */
body.closet_pages-new #back-to-items:active, body.closet_pages-create #back-to-items:active {
body.neopets_pages-new #back-to-items:active, body.neopets_pages-create #back-to-items:active {
top: 1px;
/* line 15, ../../../app/stylesheets/closet_pages/_new.sass */
body.closet_pages-new #closet-page-form, body.closet_pages-create #closet-page-form {
/* line 15, ../../../app/stylesheets/neopets_pages/_new.sass */
body.neopets_pages-new #closet-page-form, body.neopets_pages-create #closet-page-form {
overflow: hidden;
display: inline-block;
clear: both;
margin-bottom: 1em;
/* line 8, ../../../app/stylesheets/partials/clean/_mixins.sass */
body.closet_pages-new #closet-page-form, body.closet_pages-create #closet-page-form {
body.neopets_pages-new #closet-page-form, body.neopets_pages-create #closet-page-form {
display: block;
/* line 20, ../../../app/stylesheets/closet_pages/_new.sass */
body.closet_pages-new #closet-page-frame-wrapper, body.closet_pages-create #closet-page-frame-wrapper {
/* line 20, ../../../app/stylesheets/neopets_pages/_new.sass */
body.neopets_pages-new #closet-page-frame-wrapper, body.neopets_pages-create #closet-page-frame-wrapper {
float: left;
margin-right: 2%;
width: 48%;
/* line 25, ../../../app/stylesheets/closet_pages/_new.sass */
body.closet_pages-new #closet-page-frame, body.closet_pages-create #closet-page-frame {
/* line 25, ../../../app/stylesheets/neopets_pages/_new.sass */
body.neopets_pages-new #closet-page-frame, body.neopets_pages-create #closet-page-frame {
height: 19em;
width: 100%;
/* line 29, ../../../app/stylesheets/closet_pages/_new.sass */
body.closet_pages-new #closet-page-source, body.closet_pages-create #closet-page-source {
/* line 29, ../../../app/stylesheets/neopets_pages/_new.sass */
body.neopets_pages-new #closet-page-source, body.neopets_pages-create #closet-page-source {
float: left;
width: 50%;
/* line 33, ../../../app/stylesheets/closet_pages/_new.sass */
body.closet_pages-new #closet-page-source label, body.closet_pages-create #closet-page-source label {
/* line 33, ../../../app/stylesheets/neopets_pages/_new.sass */
body.neopets_pages-new #closet-page-source label, body.neopets_pages-create #closet-page-source label {
font-weight: bold;
/* line 36, ../../../app/stylesheets/closet_pages/_new.sass */
body.closet_pages-new #closet-page-source textarea, body.closet_pages-create #closet-page-source textarea {
/* line 36, ../../../app/stylesheets/neopets_pages/_new.sass */
body.neopets_pages-new #closet-page-source textarea, body.neopets_pages-create #closet-page-source textarea {
height: 19em;
/* line 40, ../../../app/stylesheets/closet_pages/_new.sass */
body.closet_pages-new ol, body.closet_pages-create ol {
/* line 40, ../../../app/stylesheets/neopets_pages/_new.sass */
body.neopets_pages-new ol, body.neopets_pages-create ol {
padding-left: 1em;
/* line 43, ../../../app/stylesheets/closet_pages/_new.sass */
body.closet_pages-new ol > li, body.closet_pages-create ol > li {
/* line 43, ../../../app/stylesheets/neopets_pages/_new.sass */
body.neopets_pages-new ol > li, body.neopets_pages-create ol > li {
margin-bottom: 1em;
/* line 46, ../../../app/stylesheets/closet_pages/_new.sass */
body.closet_pages-new ol ul, body.closet_pages-create ol ul {
/* line 46, ../../../app/stylesheets/neopets_pages/_new.sass */
body.neopets_pages-new ol ul, body.neopets_pages-create ol ul {
font-size: 85%;
margin-bottom: 1em;
margin-top: 0;
padding-left: 1em;
/* line 53, ../../../app/stylesheets/closet_pages/_new.sass */
body.closet_pages-new ol p, body.closet_pages-create ol p {
/* line 53, ../../../app/stylesheets/neopets_pages/_new.sass */
body.neopets_pages-new ol p, body.neopets_pages-create ol p {
margin: 0;