Fork 0
forked from OpenNeo/impress

Replace old stickUp dependency with position: sticky

From an era when we didn't have that! Now we do!

(My motivation is that I'm trying to add new JS to this page and errors
in stickUp are crashing the page early, womp womp!)
This commit is contained in:
Emi Matchu 2024-02-20 18:33:23 -08:00
parent c8e53165c7
commit 13b92b30d0
4 changed files with 34 additions and 40 deletions

View file

@ -481,13 +481,6 @@
// hahaha, nasty hacks to make stickUp use our old jQuery
$.fn.on = $.fn.bind;
$(function () {
function maintainCheckboxes(fn) {
var checkedIds = getCheckedIds();

View file

@ -1 +0,0 @@
jQuery(function($){$(document).ready(function(){var contentButton = [];var contentTop = [];var content = [];var lastScrollTop = 0;var scrollDir = '';var itemClass = '';var itemHover = '';var menuSize = null;var stickyHeight = 0;var stickyMarginB = 0;var currentMarginT = 0;var topMargin = 0;$(window).scroll(function(event){var st = $(this).scrollTop();if (st > lastScrollTop){scrollDir = 'down';} else {scrollDir = 'up';}lastScrollTop = st;});$.fn.stickUp = function( options ) {$(this).addClass('stuckMenu');var objn = 0;if(options != null) {for(var o in options.parts) {if (options.parts.hasOwnProperty(o)){content[objn] = options.parts[objn];objn++;}}if(objn == 0) {console.log('error:needs arguments');}itemClass = options.itemClass;itemHover = options.itemHover;if(options.topMargin != null) {if(options.topMargin == 'auto') {topMargin = parseInt($('.stuckMenu').css('margin-top'));} else {if(isNaN(options.topMargin) && options.topMargin.search("px") > 0){topMargin = parseInt(options.topMargin.replace("px",""));} else if(!isNaN(parseInt(options.topMargin))) {topMargin = parseInt(options.topMargin);} else {console.log("incorrect argument, ignored.");topMargin = 0;} }} else {topMargin = 0;}menuSize = $('.'+itemClass).size();}stickyHeight = parseInt($(this).height());stickyMarginB = parseInt($(this).css('margin-bottom'));currentMarginT = parseInt($(this).next().closest('div').css('margin-top'));vartop = parseInt($(this).offset().top);};$(document).on('scroll', function() {varscroll = parseInt($(document).scrollTop());if(menuSize != null){for(var i=0;i < menuSize;i++){contentTop[i] = $('#'+content[i]+'').offset().top;function bottomView(i) {contentView = $('#'+content[i]+'').height()*.4;testView = contentTop[i] - contentView;if(varscroll > testView){$('.'+itemClass).removeClass(itemHover);$('.'+itemClass+':eq('+i+')').addClass(itemHover);} else if(varscroll < 50){$('.'+itemClass).removeClass(itemHover);$('.'+itemClass+':eq(0)').addClass(itemHover);}}if(scrollDir == 'down' && varscroll > contentTop[i]-50 && varscroll < contentTop[i]+50) {$('.'+itemClass).removeClass(itemHover);$('.'+itemClass+':eq('+i+')').addClass(itemHover);}if(scrollDir == 'up') {bottomView(i);}}}if(vartop < varscroll + topMargin){$('.stuckMenu').addClass('isStuck');$('.stuckMenu').next().closest('div').css({'margin-top': stickyHeight + stickyMarginB + currentMarginT + 'px'}, 10);$('.stuckMenu').css("position","fixed");$('.isStuck').css({top: '0px'}, 10, function(){});};if(varscroll + topMargin < vartop){$('.stuckMenu').removeClass('isStuck');$('.stuckMenu').next().closest('div').css({'margin-top': currentMarginT + 'px'}, 10);$('.stuckMenu').css("position","relative");};});});});

View file

@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ body.closet_hangers-index
clear: both
text-align: center
border-top: 1px solid $module-border-color
@ -152,6 +153,9 @@ body.closet_hangers-index
margin-bottom: 2em
padding-bottom: 1em
border-top: 0
> header
border-bottom: 1px solid $soft-border-color
display: block
@ -376,7 +380,6 @@ body.closet_hangers-index
background: $background-color
border-top: 1px solid $module-border-color
box-sizing: border-box
display: block
font-size: 85%
@ -384,10 +387,10 @@ body.closet_hangers-index
text-align: center
width: 800px
border-bottom: 1px solid $module-border-color
border-top: 0
z-index: 11 /* beat the visibility form */
position: sticky
top: 0
border-bottom: 1px solid $module-border-color
z-index: 11 /* beat the visibility form */
.bulk-actions-intro, .bulk-actions-target-desc-singular
display: none

View file

@ -55,34 +55,33 @@
= link_to t('.import_from.gallery'), new_neopets_page_import_task_path(page_type: 'gallery', expected_index: 1)
= link_to t('.export_to.petpage'), petpage_user_closet_hangers_path(@user)
- unless public_perspective?
-# TODO: i18n
.bulk-actions{'data-target-count' => 0}
Manage items in bulk! Select an item by clicking its thumbnail, or choose
a list and Select All.
With the 1 selected item:
With the
%span.bulk-actions-target-count 0
selected items:
= form_tag user_closet_hangers_path(@user), method: :put, class: 'bulk-actions-move-all' do
= select_tag 'list_id', options_for_select(destination_options)
%button Move
= form_tag user_closet_hangers_path(@user), method: :delete, class: 'bulk-actions-remove-all' do
%button Remove all
%button.bulk-actions-deselect-all Deselect all
#closet-hangers{:class => public_perspective? ? nil : 'current-user'}
- unless public_perspective?
-# TODO: i18n
.bulk-actions{'data-target-count' => 0}
Manage items in bulk! Select an item by clicking its thumbnail, or choose
a list and Select All.
With the 1 selected item:
With the
%span.bulk-actions-target-count 0
selected items:
= form_tag user_closet_hangers_path(@user), method: :put, class: 'bulk-actions-move-all' do
= select_tag 'list_id', options_for_select(destination_options)
%button Move
= form_tag user_closet_hangers_path(@user), method: :delete, class: 'bulk-actions-remove-all' do
%button Remove all
%button.bulk-actions-deselect-all Deselect all
- [true, false].each do |owned|
.closet-hangers-group{'data-owned' => owned.to_s, :id => "closet-hangers-group-#{owned}"}
%section.closet-hangers-group{'data-owned' => owned.to_s, :id => "closet-hangers-group-#{owned}"}
%h3= closet_lists_group_name(closet_hangers_subject(@user), owned)
%span.toggle.show= t '.toggle_group.show'
@ -154,4 +153,4 @@
- content_for :javascripts do
= include_javascript_libraries :jquery, :jquery_tmpl
= javascript_include_tag 'ajax_auth', 'lib/jquery.ui', 'lib/jquery.jgrowl',
'lib/stickUp.min', 'closet_hangers/index'