2023-08-16 17:17:25 -07:00
# These are the SSH public keys that allow a user to log in and setup or deploy.
# It's dangerous to add a new key to this file! When you run
# `yarn deploy-setup`, it will copy these keys to the deploy server, which will
# allow the owner of these keys to log into the deploy server in the future.
# But the keys themselves aren't necessarily sensitive data, except for the name
# at the end, which might tell a reader about who is allowed to log in and what
# devices they own.
# When a computer tries to log in, it perform a cryptographic challenge that
# proves it owns this key - but that requires the *private* key, whereas this is
# the *public* key. That's why it's secure to publish these!
2024-01-14 03:07:12 -08:00
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIIu5a+mp2KKSGkOGWQPrARCrsqJS4g2vK7TmRIbj/YBh Matchu's Desktop (Leviathan 2023)
2023-08-16 17:17:25 -07:00
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIKFwWryq6slOQqkrJ7HIig7BvEQVQeH19hFwb+9VpXgz Matchu's Laptop (Ebon Hawk)