The intent of this glitch message was that, when UC or Invisible pets
hide an item because of a zones-restrict thing, it would still show up
in the items panel as fitting a certain zone, whereas it should have
been in the "Incompatible" section and having none of its zones applied.
But the previously implementation would like, show this message even for
items that _were_ correctly marked as Incompatible? And that the server
returned no layers for, because it doesn't fit this body type to begin
with? (e.g. put a Grarrl hat on a Grarrl, then switch to Acara, and the
Grarrl hat is marked Incompatible—but would also show this confusing
message; or similarly with switching to Alt Styles)
So, when the server just returned no layers for this item to begin with,
don't show this message!