The silly motivation is that I wanted to remove `.prettierignore`, which just exists to omit that one folder from `npm run format`. But it also seems like this is the standard place to put them—a standard created long after we first set this up lol
36 lines
1.7 KiB
36 lines
1.7 KiB
!!! 5
%meta{charset: "utf-8"}
%meta{name: "viewport", content: "width=device-width, initial-scale=1"}
Embed for Asset ##{} | #{t "app_name"}
%link{href: image_path("favicon.png"), rel: "icon"}
-# Load the stylesheet first, because displaying things correctly is the
-# actual most essential thing.
= stylesheet_link_tag "swf_assets/show", debug: false
-# NOTE: For all these assets, the Content-Security-Policy doesn't account
-# for asset debug mode, so let's just opt out of it with `debug: false`!
- if @swf_asset.canvas_movie?
-# This is optional, but preloading the sprites can help us from having
-# to wait on all the other JS to load and set up before we start!
- @swf_asset.canvas_movie_sprite_urls.each do |sprite_url|
%link{rel: "preload", href: sprite_url, as: "image", crossorigin: "anonymous"}
-# Load the scripts: EaselJS libs first, then the asset's "library" file,
-# then our page script that starts the movie.
= javascript_include_tag "easeljs.min", defer: true, debug: false
= javascript_include_tag "tweenjs.min", defer: true, debug: false
= javascript_include_tag @swf_asset.canvas_movie_library_url, defer: true,
id: "canvas-movie-library"
= javascript_include_tag "swf_assets/show", defer: true, debug: false
- if @swf_asset.canvas_movie?
-# Show a fallback image, for users with JS disabled. Lazy-load it, so
-# the browser won't bother to load it if it's not used.
= image_tag @swf_asset.image_url, id: "fallback", alt: "", loading: "lazy"
- else
= image_tag @swf_asset.image_url, alt: "", id: "asset-image"