Matchu 010f64264f Replace swf_assets#index with item_appearances#index
Preparing a better endpoint for wardrobe-2020 to use! I deleted the
now-unused swf_assets#index endpoint, and replaced it with an
"appearances" concept that isn't exactly reflected in the database
models but is a _lot_ easier for clients to work with imo.

Note that this was a big part of the motivation for the recent
`manifest_url` work—in this draft, I'm probably gonna have the client
request the manifest, rather than use impress-2020's trick of caching
it in the database! There's a bit of a perf penalty, but I think that's
a simpler starting point, and I have a hunch I'll be able to make up
the perf difference once we have the impress-media-server managing more
of these responsibilities.
2023-11-11 07:14:48 -08:00

32 lines
971 B

class Zone < ActiveRecord::Base
translates :label, :plain_label
# When selecting zones that an asset occupies, we allow the zone to set
# whether or not the zone is "sometimes" occupied. This is false by default.
attr_writer :sometimes
scope :alphabetical, -> {
zt = Zone::Translation.arel_table
scope :includes_translations, -> { includes(:translations) }
scope :matching_label, ->(label, locale = I18n.locale) {
t = Zone::Translation.arel_table
scope :for_items, -> { where(arel_table[:type_id].gt(1)) }
def as_json(options={})
super({only: [:id, :depth, :label]}.merge(options))
def uncertain_label
@sometimes ? "#{label} sometimes" : label
def self.plainify_label(label)
label.delete('\- /').parameterize