Also, while we're here! To restore the lost data, I:
1. Downloaded this scheduled public data backup, which was taken
thankfully the day before we updated modeling code!
2. Trimmed it just to the section about the `parents_swf_assets` table:
dropping it, then rebuilding it from scratch.
3. Ran this modified backup SQL dump on the production server.
4. Ran the code from `db/migrate/20241001052510_add_cached_fields_to_items.rb`
to bring items' cached fields back into the correct state.
I also had to fix some errors in the item data that prevented some
items from passing the latest validations:
Item.where(rarity: "").update_all(rarity: "???")
Item.where(description: "").update_all(description: "???")
Item.where(zones_restrict: "").update_all(zones_restrict: "00000