Emi Matchu
It's no longer true that we transfer the items to the default list; we just delete them now!
34 lines
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34 lines
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.closet-list{'data-id' => closet_list.id, 'data-hangers-count' => closet_list.hangers.size, :id => "closet-list-#{closet_list.id}"}
- if show_controls
= form_for [current_user, closet_list], :html => {:class => 'visibility-form'} do |f|
= f.select :visibility, closet_visibility_choices(:human_name)
= f.submit t('.submit')
= closet_visibility_descriptions(:list)
= link_to t('.edit'), edit_user_closet_list_path(closet_list.user_id, closet_list)
= form_tag user_closet_list_path(closet_list.user_id, closet_list), :method => 'delete' do
= submit_tag t('.delete'),
data: {turbo_confirm: t('.delete_confirmation', list_name: closet_list.name)}
= form_tag user_closet_hangers_path(@user), method: :delete, class: 'remove-all' do
= hidden_field_tag :list_id, closet_list.id
= submit_tag t('.remove_all.submit'),
data: {turbo_confirm: t('.remove_all.confirm')}
%button.select-all= t('.select_all')
%h4= closet_list.name
- if show_controls
= render partial: 'closet_lists/trading_neomail_warning', locals: {list: closet_list, user: @user}
-# Cachebuster comment: Updated downstream content at Feb 20 2024, 6:15pm
- cache closet_list do
- if closet_list.description?
= closet_list_description_format closet_list
- unless closet_list.hangers.empty?
= render_sorted_hangers(closet_list)
%span.empty-list= t('.empty')