Oops, neopets.com finally stopped accepting `http://` connections, so our AMFPHP requests stopped working! And our current dependencies make it hard to make modern HTTPS requests :( Instead, we're doing this quick-fix: we have a connection who knows the internal address for the Neopets origin server behind their CDN, which *does* still accept `http://` requests! So, when `NEOPETS_URL_ORIGIN` is specified in the secret `.env` file (not committed to the repository), we'll use it instead of `http://www.neopets.com`. However, we still have that in the code as a fallback, just to be a bit less surprising to some theoretical future dev so they can see the real error message, and to self-document a bit of what that value is semantically doing! (The documentation angle is more of why it's there, rather than an actual expectation that any actual person in the future will run the code and get the fallback.)
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require 'rocketamf/remote_gateway'
require 'open-uri'
class NeopetsUser
include ActiveModel::Conversion
extend ActiveModel::Naming
NEOPETS_URL_ORIGIN = ENV['NEOPETS_URL_ORIGIN'] || 'http://www.neopets.com'
GATEWAY_URL = NEOPETS_URL_ORIGIN + '/amfphp/gateway.php'
GET_PETS_METHOD = RocketAMF::RemoteGateway.new(GATEWAY_URL).
attr_accessor :username
attr_reader :hangers, :list_id
def initialize(app_user)
@app_user = app_user
def list_id=(list_id)
# TODO: use null lists instead
@list_id = list_id
if list_id == 'true'
@closet_list = nil
@hangers_owned = true
elsif list_id == 'false'
@closet_list = nil
@hangers_owned = false
elsif list_id.present?
@closet_list = @app_user.closet_lists.find(list_id)
@hangers_owned = @closet_list.hangers_owned?
def load!
neopets_language_code = I18n.compatible_neopets_language_code_for(I18n.locale)
envelope = GET_PETS_METHOD.request([@username]).post(
:timeout => 4,
:headers => {
'Cookie' => "lang=#{neopets_language_code}"
rescue RocketAMF::RemoteGateway::AMFError => e
raise NotFound, e.message
rescue RocketAMF::RemoteGateway::ConnectionError => e
raise NotFound, e.message, e.backtrace
pets_data = envelope.messages[0].data.body
raise NotFound if pets_data == false
pets = pets_data.map { |pet| Pet.find_or_initialize_by_name(pet['name']) }
items = pets.each(&:load!).map(&:items).flatten
item_ids = items.map(&:id)
item_quantities = {}
items.each do |i|
item_quantities[i] ||= 0
item_quantities[i] += 1
# TODO: DRY up with NeopetsPage
# We don't want to insert duplicate hangers of what a user owns if they
# already have it in another list (e.g. imports to Items You Own *after*
# curating their Up For Trade list), so we check for the hanger's presence
# in *all* items the user owns or wants (whichever is appropriate for this
# request).
hangers_scope = @app_user.closet_hangers.where(owned: @hangers_owned)
existing_hanger_item_ids = hangers_scope.select(:item_id).
where(item_id: item_ids).map(&:item_id)
@hangers = []
item_quantities.each do |item, quantity|
next if existing_hanger_item_ids.include?(item.id)
hanger = hangers_scope.build
hanger.item = item
hanger.quantity = quantity
hanger.list = @closet_list
@hangers << hanger
def save_hangers!
ClosetHanger.transaction { @hangers.each(&:save!) }
def persisted?
class NotFound < RuntimeError; end