This is a surprisingly huge performance gain. On my testing (with cache_classes set to true to also cache templates), this sped up closet_hangers#index rendering by a factor of 2 when there were a significant number of items. Cool beans. I think we can even hold off on the individual hanger caching now: we've made the closet hanger partial tons faster by moving forms out of them and doing this cache check earlier. I'm expecting significant performance gains both here and on items#index (though less so there). I'll deploy and see how much it helps in production; if not enough, we can look at the layered caching of hangers, lists, groups, full pages, etc. So glad we don't *have* to move to a pagination model!
4 lines
310 B
4 lines
310 B
%div{'class' => closet_hanger_partial_class(closet_hanger), 'data-item-id' => closet_hanger.item_id, 'data-quantity' => closet_hanger.quantity, 'data-id' =>}
= render_item_link(closet_hanger.item)
.quantity{:class => "quantity-#{closet_hanger.quantity}"}
%span= closet_hanger.quantity